Project for Joe, Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by kenmurray »

Joe I would like to attend the COPA conference to least hear Ed Haslam speak. He is scheduled to be there.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Yes we should look it over good.I think Fetzer might be there too.Ed told me he needs some backers in the audience.I think we can do that.May have to whoop Jack Whites ass.Ill leave it up to you to get the schadule for what you want to do.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Jerry Craig »

joe gary smack and i are not on real good terms but they are right the window is inclosed in glass so we cant get close to it
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by kenmurray »

Jerry Craig wrote:joe gary smack and i are not on real good terms but they are right the window is inclosed in glass so we cant get close to itThe reason why the window is enclosed with glass is that Gary Mack and others don't want people to see how in no way shape or form Oswald fired from that window. Sniper Craig Roberts said he himself couldn't do it!
Jerry Craig
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Jerry Craig »

i know there are pics on the website for the 6th floor mosalium
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Gentlemen - I appreciate all of your responses, and thoughts. Thank You. I have provided some ideas and insight of my own.Pasquale - Your leadership and positive attitude which are so admirable always, and omnipresent herein, are appreciated and respected.Gentlemen - I would surmise, with no disrespect, that Pasquale assume the lead position. At 6' 00" - 6' 01", his 200 pound frame and dark appearance command initial respect. His street sense, common sense, poise, and professional task experience dictate organizational leadership and command control. With camera knowledge and photographic awareness, investigative knowledge, and surveillance experience, he can quickly organize and establish a Plan of Action in Dallas, Texas at and near the Grassy Knoll on 11.22.2010, toward a more than satisfactory completion. Your Windows Of Opportunity will be quick and small. My Opinion.Bob - I did not know that there is now a Glass Cage around the 6th floor Texas School Book Depository Window. Thank You. That knowledge helped me quantitate and qualify other approaches. Not the original, or best, but respectable I think in synergy and totality.If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. I'm sure that you have all heard of the Old Peace Corps Psychological Test. Remember that there is always more than one way to analyze and approach a subject matter.The Optimist looking at a partially filled glass of beverage states as a matter of fact that the glass is Half Filled.The Pessimist looking at a partially filled glass of beverage states as a matter of fact that the glass is Half Empty.The Beer or soda drinker looking at a partially filled glass of beverage states as a matter of fact that the bottle poured from was too small.The environmentalist looking at a partially filled glass of beverage states as a matter of fact that the glass poured into is too large.I agree that taking pictures from the 5th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository Window is a good option. Do it. While not perfect, close to it. But in addition, Pasquale take reverse angle pictures from the two (2) spots standing where JFK was while allegedly shot by Lee from the 6th floor window. Stand there, and take pictures back at the 6th floor window at various stages of enlargement, but specifically 3 X. Make tight, focused control pictures. Pasquale, you know what I mean.Also, go to the Dal-Tex building and try to obtain pictures from the best windows in your opinion from the second and third floor windows. Pasquale, tell them that you are writing an article, which you are, on the JFK Assassination and you merely need some other reference point pictures, nothing about Nicoletti shooting from there. Perhaps say that it's a nice angle since you can't photograph from the 6th floor Texas School book Depository Window because of the Glass Cage.Joe, perhaps you and Jerry can do several Dry Runs for overall reconnaissance. Walk the entire area and study the terrain and various angles. Feed information, ideas, and photos to Pasquale and Ken since you and Jerry are so close to Dealey Plaza, and there so much more often, both possessing so much accumulated experience and knowledge of this area's Subject Matter. Further, it will be best to develop intelligence before 11.22.2010 because your Project must be well thought out, and well executed. You will have a limited window of opportunity for you four (4).My analytical contribution to The Project.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by ChristophMessner »

If the 6th floor east window is not made available for decent researchers than the museum and Gary Mack can be blamed for blocking decent research from truth-finding publicly. Take into account, that in the splits of second from the first headshot hitting from behind until the second headshot hitting from the right front the skull was pushed downward considerably, making it very probable that the headshot from the right front hit pretty high above the right ear.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Project for Joe Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Pasquale - Your leadership and positive attitude which are so admirable always, and omnipresent herein, are appreciated and respected.Gentlemen - I would surmise, with no disrespect, that Pasquale assume the lead position. At 6' 00" - 6' 01", his 200 pound frame and dark appearance command initial respect. His street sense, common sense, poise, and professional task experience dictate organizational leadership and command control. With camera knowledge and photographic awareness, investigative knowledge, and surveillance experience, he can quickly organize and establish a Plan of Action in Dallas, Texas at and near the Grassy Knoll on 11.22.2010, toward a more than satisfactory completion. Your Windows Of Opportunity will be quick and small. My Opinion.Bruce,Thank you so much for your compliments and confidence in me. I am almost speechless. I will do my best to get the information we're looking for. I suggest that we try and do the task on the days BEFORE the assassination anniversary, as in Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st. There will be less people there than on the 22nd who might get in the way. Then when it's the 22nd, we can follow-up on pictures or video we might have missed, etc., hang out, and even harass certain people we are not fans of. LOL What do you think? Pasquale
Jerry Craig
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Re: Project for Joe, Jerry, Ken and Pasquale:

Post by Jerry Craig »

we need to get videos of our exerpts on that weekend and post them on here