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Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:28 am
by Jerry Craig
i can get one from the old red courthouse museum

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:34 am
by Dealey Joe
Jerry all those so called witnesses can't be believed.Just like old lady Roberts at the rooming house said he came there. You can tell watching and listening to her she was coached.Besides she and Mrs.Johnson the owner of the rooming house were all connected to Ruby.

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:37 am
by Jerry Craig
mrs oswald was coached and intemidated also

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:24 pm
by kenmurray
I think once the 4 of us get together in Dallas in Nov. we should retrace LHO's "supposed" route to the Texas Theater. We would start with LHO's going down 4 flights of stairs in 90 seconds or less. I'm sure Larry "the fable guy" Dunkel won't mind. Then we get get aboard a bus and Joe can have a "homicidal rage" on his face.

Re: need ideas on Oswalds exit route

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:12 pm
by barney 1961
8/25/10i'm new to this forum, so give me some leeway here but, according to books and internet reports I have read, Lee Oswald, was perplexed atwhat happened in Dallas' Dealey Plaza, on 11-22-1963, left the bldg where he worked, TSBD, and in his panic took a bus, but traffic caused him to accept a city bus transfer to the Oak Cliff subdivision where he had been rooming with a Mrs. Roberts. He recd. a bus driver issuedtransfer ticket from the driver, and took a cab to his rental house room. He changed his clothes and headed for the Texas Theate,r where he was to meet his controller and be extracted from the Dallas scene, or so he thought. Jack Ruby was seen at the theater, in fact pointing out to DPD, the figure of LHO in the darkened balcony row seat to officers McDonald and others, who attempted to arrest him, ending up in ascuffle to get the .38 revolver out of his hands. McDonald struck LHO on the forehead and eye as did the other arresting detective, whose name offhand I cannot recall. This accounts for the facial injuries that LHO was seen with at the DPD headquarters in downtown Dallas.Other persons remaining in the theater after the arrest of LHO, stated that two men left the building back fire exit about 15 minutesfollowing LHO's public arrest and exhibition, to the cops, press, and public for the media to flash all over the tube and world.Within a matter or mere hours, newspapers in far off destinations were giving out a full biography of LHO, incld. Lt.Col. Fletcher Prouty, Mr. X of JFK fame.Many conspiracy investigators feel that this is when the CIA or Military Intel extraced the "fake Oswald" and left the real LHO "danglingin the wind slowly." When the intended murder of the pasty LHO, did not go as planned, Plan B was activated, forcing Ruby to do the evildeed or lose his life and lhe lives of his immediate family, LHO could not be permitted to live, just as was the life of JFK snuffed out.