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Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:13 pm
by Bob
VERY interesting perspectives. Phil, I certainly appreciate your take on the Presidents. FDR did have his faults no doubt. Also, let us not forget the failed coup attempt by Prescott Bu$h and his minions as they were aligning themselves with the Nazis. I still think what FDR did in terms of getting the U.S. out of the depression was because of some out of the box thinking. The New Deal brought much relief and great new programs. FDR established the FDIC, which allowed the people to have some confidence in the banking industry, whose behavior then mirrors what they have done recently. The Civil Conservation Corp (CCC) was a godsend to a quarter of a million unemployed workers. He also established the Federal Trade Commission, which held regulatory powers over the banks and helped people keep their homes and farms. FDR also established the Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate Wall Street. FDR also gave us the WPA, the Works Progress Administration, which allowed the hiring of over 2,000,000 people. FDR also established Social Security. The National Labor Act was also established for workers, so they would be treated fairly and also established unions. Obviously WWII also helped the U.S. economy. Some say FDR and other leaders knew that a Japanese attack was forthcoming. I'm sort of on the fence here. I think it's possible, but I also know that without U.S. involvement in the war, the world would have been completely different. Nazi Germany would have won the war in Europe and the Japanese would have continued their conquests in Asia. FDR and his military leaders did a fantastic job leading the war effort. But it was the men and women in the armed forces that were the true heroes. The same goes with the allies in Great Britain, France and other parts of Europe. FDR knew the U.S. was on the verge of victory in Europe when he died in April of 1945. FDR also knew that the war in the Pacific would last longer, perhaps with a mass invasion of Japan. FDR did all of this and more while he had polio, which caused his legs to be almost useless. He kept up a brave front however, just like the American people did in his four terms in office.

The Fascist Plot To Overthrow FDR

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:38 pm
by kenmurray

Re: The Fascist Plot To Overthrow FDR

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:23 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote: ... =relatedMr. Wizard...that was quite a "coup" in getting us those great links! Here are a couple of other interesting links about that period... ... 0723.shtml

Re: The Fascist Plot To Overthrow FDR

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:51 am
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote: ... =relatedMr. Wizard...that was quite a "coup" in getting us those great links! Here are a couple of other interesting links about that period... ... shtmlGreat Links Bob.

Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:15 pm
by barney 1961
8/25/10In my Order of Dishonor;1. Lincoln, he knew full well that attacking Fort Sumter in S.Carolina would prompt an outbreak of war, and further disunion ofsitting on the fence states, but, went forward with re-supply of all East Coast forts and military installations, thus bringing on theretaliations of the Confederate States, who felt this an invasion of their territory and rights to self determination.2. Woodrow Wilson- distant relative by marriage to Edith Bolling- Galt- (Wilson) Wilson fell under the perils of doing business with one,Sir Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty of the British Navy during this period. He was lured into permitting the loading of tons upon tons of war materials onto passenger ships bound for England and the Continent of Western Europe. This is in spite of severe warnings thruthe German Ambassadors Offices, and newspaper articles the German govt. attempted to place in New York and other departure port citynewspapers warning passengers and crews of the dangers of such practices, regardless of the flag they flew the ship under. The US govt. was intent upon getting into the war and sharing the spoils, before it was too late, and Germany surrendered first under the weight of US, Brit,French and Russian war machines working 24-7 for their ultimate defeat. The sinking of the passenger liner, "Luscitania" proved the attack bya German U-boat, that and the Zimmermann memorandum to Mexico, brought our Nation into a frightful trench war which nobody could win.3. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano- it is now obvious knowledge that the President, Secretary of War, Secretary of State, and the JointChiefs of Staff were well aware of actions they were taking would prompt an attack by Japan such as cutting of their fuel supplies, ofwhich the US supplied 85-90%. Due to breaking not only the Japanese Naval Codes, but also the Japanese Diplomatic "Purple Codes", theyfully well knew far in advance the location of the Pearl Harbor Japanese carrier attack forces under Admiral Yamamoto, down to the veryday and hours preceding this disasterous naval attack. One should note, they were willing to permit the destruction of large battlewagons,cruisers, but not one single carrier was to be found in spite of numerous Japanese search planes launched, so where were these carriers?One with any sanity, would not be apt to count the dead, wounded, disabled for a lifetime, homeless, waste of national treasure, arising from the election of thesethree Presidents, for which we should hang our heads in utter shame, if truth be told, but not very likely, since history is fables.

Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:47 pm
by barney 1961
8/25/10 Oh, I forgot about those two nitwits, Skull & Bones members, Big Daddy "Poppy" Bush, and Oh yes, "Shrub" Bush, gene pool obviously petering out since Prescott Bush's era, along with numerous other Ivy League college louts esp. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, in places of wealth and power, that seem to constantly shift from job to job and administration, to another incoming administration in DC. No small wonder JFK complainted, "are there not any new faces here I can interview and consider or tochoose from for executive offices, cabinet and military offices, they all appear to be retreads seems to me."

Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:10 pm
by Bob
Welcome to the forum Barney. I definitely agree with you about the Bu$h boys, as well as Wilson, but I don't feel the same way about Lincoln or Roosevelt. I certainly appreciate your perspective though. One thing I have found out in studying American history...Lincoln and FDR are either loved or hated. There is no in between.

Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:08 am
by barney 1961
8/25/10Bob, you are so right about these two Presidents. However, one must understand their backgrounds, to understand their points of viewand their presidential agendas. Lincoln being a lawyer of some renowned in Illinois, represented the powerful Harriman railroad empirewhich was financed by the JP Morgan Trust Company and other NY bankers, going up through Walker and thereon to Prescott Bush, who also was a banker with Brown Bros. and Harriman. Hoover shut their bank down during WWII for financing Hitler's rise to power in Germany and theresurgency of the arms race in Europe heading towards WWII. These groups of bankers were noted for supplying money and materials to allsides in a conflict, hedging their bets and not caring who won or who lost. Lincoln also represented large corporations for the times, andinsurance companies in their litigation matters and was a member of the state legislature and the US House of Representatives for a time.Like JFK, they did ok until and inspite of the Civil War or Vietnam War in Asia, until they both decided to print up free money for the people and avoid paying interest to the foreign and domestic banking cartels. Lincoln decided the war costs were becoing prohibitive so he began to have the US Treasury begin to print up so called Green Back Dollars, since they used green ink on the paper. If memory serves, the first printran off $600 million interest free greenback dollars for circulation immediatly. Upon his execution at Ford's Theater shortly after re-election, those greenback dollars were withdrawn or destroyed. i believe JFK had 60 billion in US Treasury notes printed up prior to the Dallas trip,but upon his murder, they were immediatly destroyed and never circulated. Thus, we need look no further than the elitist power brokers,the money changers who Jesus banished from the synagogue as being evil serpents, are behind most of the evils that beset our Nation.FDR was nothing more than an alcoholic cripple, who was also from a Jewish background in Holland, before immigrating to the US, where they first were in the glass business and the Delanos were important bankers during the Civil War and subsequent wars. FDR was a philandererlong before he surcumbed to polio, and was wheelchair bound most of the time with his glass of bourbon nearby, which the press and media were forbidden to publish in the news or photos of the crippled president with men on each side holding him up to speak. When the war began and we joined the Allies upon the urgent warnings and admonishions of Churchill again, FDR turned to the Prince of the AmericanJewry, Bernard Baruch, to save us all. Baruch demanded control over all the major US industrial and financial output of this Nation, to saveus all from the Nazis. Nazism was actually in a life or death struggle with Socialists and Communist anarchists trying to destroy Germany fromwithin, and from without, backed by the self-same NY banking cartels, with European Rothschild and Warburg economic forces at hand. By this time in history, the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgan cartel, Harrimans, Mellons, Carnegie, Rockefellers, Fords, and a few others ownedwell over 85-90% of the worlds assets. Legend has it, FDR was murdered in Warm Springs, Ga. by a Russian secret agent posing as an artistseductress, and it was concealed from the public. FDR's body was cremated in Ga. and his ashes were placed in a closed casket for publicdisplay. To have revealed the truth, would have aborted the Russian communist long range plans and would have most likely forced our handinto another war, this time with the Soviet Union, who had just whipped the best armies Hitler had to offer on the Eastern Front. Over 100German divisions of infantry and armor were squandered by the Hitler High Command on the Eastern Front, otherwise we would still be busyplanning for the invasion at Normandy, or just anywhere there is dry land.

Re: the best and worst presidents?

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:38 pm
by Christian Hansen
both Nixon and Carter is placed in the bottom 5 but where's Ford placed?