Any Deeper Skull & Bones Connections....

JFK Assassination
Mark Johansson
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Re: Any Deeper Skull & Bones Connections....

Post by Mark Johansson »

M.C.Newton wrote:First off I must say that this site is unbelievably comprehensive. Definitely one of the most comprehensive sites I've ever seen on any subject. Very well done.Now on to my question:I was just wondering, after spending a considerable amount of time here looking through nearly every page and investigating deeper important players of this world changing day, I thought back to the Zapruder film researched it a little and came to find that the rights to the film were purchased by LIFE magazine. Then looking into LIFE I came to find that the founder/owner of LIFE was a man named HENRY LUCE (graduated Yale 1920). Then looking into Mr. Luce, I came to find out that he was a member of the notorious Skull & Bones. Then I began reading into George H W Bush (Father Prescott graduated Yale 1917, also a Bonesman), who's involvement I certainly knew nothing about prior to this site, whom "everybody" knows is a member of the Order. So anyway it just seemed odd to me that LIFE magazine would purchase this film soon after it was processed and pay an extraordinary amount of money for it (close to a million dollars in todays "money") and then just sit on it (aside from the 3 frames which were blown up into still photo's). Then the theory that maybe this has implications of another angle of the cover up. I mean surely they realized that this film if made public and played publicly ad nauseum would draw the publics scrutiny and the public at large would maybe not swallow the Warren Commission's findings (perhaps a similar effect to the 9/11 truth movement that is out now).So basically I was hoping that someone with more insight into the events of that day, might be able to give anymore info. Any help would be very much appreciated.Thanks and again Great Job on the site.

My advice to you is to check the superb documentary â€
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Post by Dan »

Please read "Pictures of the Pain" to learn the details of Life magazine's purchase of the Zapruder film. Did you ever think that they were in business to sell magazines?

JFK II may be the worst documentary I have ever wasted 2 hours of my life watching. Disinformation and remote fringe links trying to build a case (a very weak case)- typical George Soros aniti-US garbage.

One liners? Does the public want to even be aware?
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Post by Bob »

Fringe connections? J. Edgar Hoover names Poppy Bu$h in a memo regarding the JFK assassination a week after the murder. He calls him George Bu$h of the CIA. The same Poppy Bush that was a major player in the Bay of Pigs according to several witnesses. The Bay of Pigs was planned by Allen Dulles (Prescott Bu$h's GOOD friend) and Richard Nixon (Nixon was a Prescott Bu$h protege). The Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination were a FRINGE connection? What about Operation 40? Did you ever hear of that Dan? How about Bu$h calling the FBI the day of the assassination (after it took place) trying to give himself an alibi and blaming a threat on a guy who would later work on his Presidential campaign. What about Lee Harvey Oswald's best friend in Dallas...George De Mohrenshildt? He committed "suicide" just before he was to testify before the HSCA. In his pocket book was the name Poppy Bu$h. What about Bu$h's connection to Rodriguez and Carriles? People he used again in Iran/Contra. I could go on and on. But these are just fringe connections to a guy whose father (Prescott) supported Hitler (and made millions) and was charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. A guy whose grandfather (Samuel) sold arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was in the conflict. Do you note the family modus operandi Dan? Or are those fringe connections?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I'll definitely look into the documentary, as well as the book. For some reason I can't play the video from the link though, probably because I'm on a Mac. I'll find it elsewhere though. thanks for the replies.
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Post by Dan »


Sounds like you're describing the Kennedy family. Still all speculation - no meat.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Hey Dan

I was just wondering what your position is on the JFK assassination. I mean I think it's clear but then again I'm not sure. Could you spell it out for me?
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Post by Dan »

Your question is vague, but this could be entertaining.

Do I believe JFK was assassinated? Yes!

Do I believe James Files fired the head shot from the front? Yes!

Do I believe Holt and Plumlee? Yes!

What is your position MC? I mean I think it's clear but then again I'm not sure. Could you spell it out for the forum?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Well for me I pretty much agree with the findings of this website, but then again I am pretty new to the JFK assassination investigation, so my opinion has maybe not quite solidified. From what I have learnt though, I feel that there was a definite cover up (that's pretty obvious isn't it?) I am, while sticking with the thread's topic, very interested to learn more about the Skull & Bones connection because I think that there is definitely something to that. That's pretty much my position.

I only asked because you seem to be a regular poster, and you seem to have a feeling of abrasiveness in many of your posts. So I think that it's important to find out, when someone seems to be a constant refuter, where they are coming from.
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Post by Dan »

I have seen the - george soros funded propaganda in play elsewhere- somehow it has worked its way into this legitimate account of a confessed assassin. I guess money can buy anything. There is much good research performed by some talented people here - there are many good posts, but there are some anti-bush kooks that live in a one dimensional world. I also see a strong anti-US sentiment - driven by the Euros here and some US liberals, but that is the democrat's platform isn't it?

Please watch JFK II - if you can't see the propaganda in that poorly done documentary then you need to keep learning.

Read about Hale Boggs on this site. There is a factual error in that account that is only found on the george soros websites - the same verbatim error carried from site to site to site. How does that happen?

As with anything, you have to discriminate - decide for yourself!

Good luck and welcome to the forum!
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I don't know if I would fall into the "anti-bush kooks" category, I don't feel that I should be considered a "kook" anyway. Possibly others would label me that, others taking shortcuts in thought process. But I certainly didn't just one day wake up and start to dislike the man for no reason.

My take on Bush is that all of the questions that surround him, his administration, his policies, and his wars, all beg a lot deeper scrutiny than he is actually getting. I mean for G*d's sake the man was installed by the Supreme Court in 2000, reason being "irreperable harm" to "George Bush's reputation as the legitimate winner". George Bush's reputation? F*ck George Bush's reputation. Count the f*cking votes! Tell me who won and be done with it.

The following year we get attacked by a group of Islamic Fundamentalist CIA assets, with ties to the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence). The ISI being the CIA equivalent in Pakistan. So then the Chief of the ISI Mahmoud Ahmad (who also has suspicious ties regarding wire transfers to Mohammed Atta in the amount of $100,000) is actually in Washington on 9/11 having a discussion about terrorism, more specifically terrorism originating in Afghanistan, with Rep. Porter Goss (soon to be Chief of the CIA, and another Yale man), and Sen. Bob Graham (All of this documented fact). I don't really intend on writing a book here in this post, but one could be written. So then we go into Afghanistan to take out the Taliban whom we had in the previous year given roughly $245 Million in aid. But even I could have supported only a war on Afghanistan, maybe I wouldn't today but back then maybe.

Then we move into Iraq, I remember very clearly the rush to war. For me it seemed really fast, there was no stopping it. But coincidentally we had faulty intelligence on WMD. But then it wasn't WMD it was Al Qaeda ties. Then spreading Democracy. Smells like shit to me. Just on Iraq the list could go on and on. Then there is the painting of any non war supporter as un-patriotic, and not supporting our soldiers. But who is not supporting the soldiers? Those who do not want to send them into harms way or those fabricating evidence to send many of them to awful deaths, then others who weren't so lucky as to die. But have their legs blown off or their arms torn out, or just to come home psychologically deranged. Then there is the use of Depleted Uranium munitions which are bad for the environment they are used in, bad for civilians who will encounter the dust left by them, and bad for the soldiers who have to serve in the environment which they have been released in. The doling out of contracts to former companies of high ranking administration officials (read Dick Cheney). The use of a weapon called "White Phosphorous" which is a chemical weapon which reacts to air, water, and skin. This glorious weapon which is dispersed high above the ground in a cloud which rains down upon the ground, and doesn't burn clothes but will burn your flesh right to the bone, and if you inhale it it will blister your throat and lungs and suffocate you in a rather terrible way. This weapon, along with the possibility of Napalm, was used in Fallujah a city which was sealed off before the complete population of 350,000 was allowed to evacuate. You see it's released in the air and there is no telling where it will come down or who it will kill in an unimaginably horrific way. I can go on and on and on.

-Disregard for the Geneva Conventions, which as I'm sure you know as an attorney that according to the Constitution any international treaty signed onto by this country shall become the supreme law of the land.
-Development of Tactical Nuclear Weapons, or Mini-Nukes, or the propaganda this is a good weapon name "Bunker Busters". Which by the way carry a pay load which is 1/3 up to 6 times the strength of the bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
-The Patriot Act passed under suspicious circumstances and usurping many many civil liberties
-Tax cuts for the richest over and over and over again
-Attempts to write discrimination into the Constitution with his Gay Marriage Ban
-Now we have the NSA gathering all sorts of information on everyone's phone records, and everyones internet records, with their stated objective being to have a record of every call ever made.
-Where exactly is Bin Laden? Why did we pull off him?
-AQ Khan is found to have sold nuclear technology to Iran, Libya, and North Korea and he gets a pardon from Pervez Musharraf and that's OK, while our ties to Pakistan get stronger. Does that make any sense to you?

So the fact is that maybe I am anti-Bush but if you think for one g*ddamn second that those who are in opposition to this son of a bitch live in a "one dimensional world" you just might want to look outside and see if everything's flat, because I'm looking and I see a whole lotta shit and not a single thing is flat. If you are aware of all the things listed above and still support this administration and what it has "accomplished' then maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself Why?

And as far as anti-US sentiment, I think there is a clear difference between not supporting what the government does and not loving this country. The government and the country are not one and the same.

To preceed the next passage let's also remember what George said, about the constitution which GUARANTEES our rights as citizens of this country, when being debated in the Oval Office by GOP leaders over provisions in the Patriot Act. When told that certain provisions may infringe on the Constitution, what did George say "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

It's just a goddamned piece of paper, that's what it is to this G*d fearing Christian. Well there's another "goddamned piece of paper" which is quite important to our history, The Declaration of Independence which states in it's Preamble:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed.That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is in the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

So maybe just maybe those whom disagree or even hate what Bush has done to this country may not be as "kooky" as they are painted. Avoid generalizations, they don't reflect well on those who use them.