JFK Assassination
Wayne Stracener
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Post by Wayne Stracener »

Now boarding air force one from Ft.worth to Dallas. ... elPageId=3
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wayne Stracener, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wayne - Brilliant. You have outdone yourself yet again. I admit that I searched for this information in the past.Any chance that you can obtain the phone records from Air Force One, AFTER LBJ was sworn in as President of the U.S.A., replacing JFK ?These would indicate his first Official Contacts, Directives, Intentions, and Orders as President of the U.S.A.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

LBJ's name is absent from that memo. Was he not aboard? Was he carefully ommited ?
Kit Carp
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Post by Kit Carp »

Air Force Two was Johnson's Plane.Nice list...I do not remember actually viewing this document before.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wayne Stracener, Bob Franklin, Kit Carp, and Fellow JFK Members:Here's my quick memory recollection, and understanding of some of my previous research, and study on this Subject Matter, without checking my old notes. Correct me if I am wrong, please.The list of Wayne's is the ARRIVAL LIST from Fort Worth to Dallas BEFORE the JFK Assassination/Coup de' tat, which I strongly thank Wayne for providing.Bob Franklin, good initial observation but if I recall correctly The President and The Vice President NEVER travel on the same plane together in the event of an accident, so that both can't be simultaneously killed. Therefore, LBJ would not/should not be on the ARRIVAL LIST from Fort Worth to Dallas.LBJ would have been on the Air Force One DEPARTURE LIST, from Dallas to Washington, D.C., AFTER the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK. This is also a list that would be worth viewing.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Wayne Stracener
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Post by Wayne Stracener »

Bruce,So far I can only find johnsons name on the Dallas to Washington DC departure list,With regards to LBJ's communications from Air force one I did read those some time back, Will put the dog on the hunt!Bruce I do remember that LBJ spent most of the time talking to someone at the White House about the laws of swearing in a new president in time of an emergency, LBJ was working his tail off to get this done b-4 they took off and wanted to make sure it would stick, Only when this was completed he made his first call to Robert Kennedy . Now way No how was he going back to Washington as V.P. and have Robert Kennedy fight and deny him to be is some of what happened on the AF1"Few others knew about it. Larry O'Brien, still crouching over the casket, looked up to see the President and Mrs. Johnson coming down the aisle from the private stateroom. He was flabbergasted. The man was President. This was Air Force One. He saw the Johnsons move silently over to the breakfast nook. Mrs. Kennedy looked up and emerged from her reverie. There can be no doubt that she was surprised to see them aboard this aircraft. It is understandable if she felt resentful, because the trip home to Washington would normally be a "wake," a private mourning."It might even seem, to her shocked gaze, that the Johnsons were "taking over" abruptly. Until a few hours ago, they would not even be invited aboard AF-1 because security dictated that the President and the Vice-President must fly on different planes. Normally, she was accustomed to seeing them perpetually at the foot of the ramp, welcoming the President and the First Lady of the land to each city. Sometimes there were three or four such welcomes in a day..." ... etwo.shtml
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Post by Bighunter43 »

Bruce, Not sure about a the list of people on the return flight from Love Field......but as far as the phone recordings from AFone on the return trip, apparently from this memo, ... rceOne.pdf, they are available at the LBJ Library in Austin. However, they are also an "EDITED" version...............imagine that! Still this was a good read (researched by Doug Horne). From a couple of other things I've read over the years.........Gen. McHugh (on board) needs some serious looking in to. (I"m sure there is probably plenty of people on here that have done that already, as David Lifton's research really focuses a great deal on him)...........One source I read said he was ALONE with JFK's body for about 20 min. while LBJ was getting sworn in...........and, he had some "URGENT" phone calls from the plane......and, how about this from,, page 81...........During the swearing in of LBJ as President, only General Godfrey McHugh remains with JFK’s casket. Godfrey McHugh was listed in Who’s Who in the CIA, a book confirmed by the Pentagon Papers as being accurate. McHugh’s home of record is Fort Worth, although he was born in Belgium and educated in Paris. Jackie had known and dated McHugh during her “Paris days.” Penn Jones, Jr. -- an assassination researcher who also retired from the military a brigadier general says: “Since the assassination was planned and executed by the military of the United States, we feel now that General McHugh was a high-ranking traitor for the military inside the Kennedy camp. We hope we are wrong, and we hope McHugh will defend himself, but the evidence so for indicates treachery.”
Wayne Stracener
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Post by Wayne Stracener »

Please return your trays to the upright position.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wayne Stracener, Bighunter 43, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wayne and Bighunter 43, Incredible Supplemental Information by both of you. I sincerely hope that the JFK Forum Members appreciate and digest the power of your contributions.Wayne, both lists provided by you, and the link need further study by myself, but a quick skim indicates that they are incredible. I have monitored and/or been a JFK Forum Member since its inception, and I don't ever recall this evidence being uncovered and provided.Bighunter 43, your have provided tremendous information, but the two (2) matters of strong personal interest to me are:1. President LBJ'S phone calls back to Washington, D.C., are "...EDITED..." Those omissions or "silence" speaks volumes to me.2. JFK'S body was alone for 20 minutes with Godfrey McHugh, a top C.I.A. operative. The C.I.A. left no stone unturned. Of course we can only speculate, but as a life long Roman Catholic I am sure he was not conducting Benediction, or Extreme Unction.Wayne and Bighunter 43 in 5 minutes you have provided evidence and insight, and raised new questions about LBJ activities after his Swearing In as President of the U.S.A., and "JFK'S body's C.I.A. controller/handler after death" on his departure from Dallas to Washington, D.C., that I have not seen covered anywhere so well, so quickly in many years. Powerful work. Kudos to you both. My Opinion.Take note that nothing was left to chance.Arrangements and contingencies were planned, and/or carried out with Planned Military Precision to the last possible second.Who chooses to believe after all of this that JFK'S body was really buried at Arlington by that phony ceremonial flame ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by ThomZajac »
