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Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:47 am
by kenmurray
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Ken Murray, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Ken - Thank You, for all of your really great work. I'd love to meet you some day and compare and contrast our research and study techniques.If anybody can find it, I know you will.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Thanks Bruce. I would like that as well.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:52 am
by Bob
Check this out if you haven't read this...

Area 51

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:52 am
by kenmurray

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:43 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Bob Fox, Ken Murray, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Bob - Excellent Post and link. Remote Viewing, The Whole Alien Issue, and Perception Management are some topics that have been of great interest to Jimmy and myself for a long time. Those who think that Jimmy has any remaining interest in JFK, MLK, RFK, and The Mafia are so far off base, it is incredible. Why would the man who the F.B.I. admits shot JFK read books about the Subject Matter ? The whole JFK, MLK, and RFK issues are the basement level of a skyscraper of U.S. Government Secrecy and Tyranny in 2010. Brain Dead America Please Wake Up !Now you see a small portion of why Jimmy wanted to meet Jim Marrs for the Files On JFK Interview. Remember, the F.B.I. leaked Jimmy's involvement, not Jimmy. Many forget that. Since Jimmy's first interview, Confessions Of An Assassin was already out ten years earlier and Brain Dead America was asleep at the switch, Jimmy bartered to meet and confer with Jim Marrs. You have exposed here a tip of that ice-berg. Thank You.Ken - Fascinating Post and link. Powerful, believable, and informative on many levels about the Current Ultimate Power of the U.S. Secret Government that did not develop overnight. This is another reason why Jimmy drew a line in the sand about the whole JFK Research Community years ago. He got fed up with them, and the Subject Matter. He has moved onto far more revealing and powerful issues that are current and futuristic, yet founded in the corruptions of the past which Jimmy is all too familiar with.Of the hundreds of points raised in this video, two really caught my attention.1. "The C.I.A. commissioned the spy plane replacing the U - 2." And I know that they originally commissioned the U - 2, prior. No surprise there.2. JFK admitted that his hands were tied, and he could not discuss The Whole Alien Issue. Who tied JFK'S hands ? Who was able to order him, and he listened voluntarily, and stopped, yet JFK openly sought to stop the Viet Nam War, the Federal Reserve, and the Oil Depletion Allowance ? Why was The Whole Alien Issue under tighter controls for JFK than everything else ? Why was this power brought to bear on JFK on this issue ?Ken - You said it best: "What are they really hiding ?"Ken, what understanding of the purpose and scope of the C.I.A. do you think allows this ? They are marketed to Brain Dead America as an information and intelligence gathering agency, only, correct ? But we have recently discovered that they have their own Military Division in addition to the Independent Contractor's, Mercenaries, Blackwater/Xe, and foreign agencies and agents that they secretly employ, i.e, Mossad, MI - 6, etc. Now we discover that they commission mutli-billion dollar military and space exploration equipment. Again, this is only the tip of this ice-berg.Bob and Ken, Thank You both for raising this information on your own. Jimmy and I have been researching and studying these Subject Matters for years, but I never raise or reveal them until brought to the surface by others. I think that your independent research adds tremendous credibility.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:51 pm
by Dealey Joe
I realize there is a difference between UFO and ALIENI am not sure I believe Alien but I do believe UFO.In 1961 I watched Barney and Betty Hill on TV discussing their abduction by someone.Betty was telling the truth as she knew it. It may have been around this time that JFK made the statement that Bruce is looking for.I know my friend in Roswell knew things he would not talk about in any detail, this was odd given the talker that he was.I do not believe there are Aliens, I believe what has gone on is experimental, maybe even the development of some sort of clone or type of creature.But our minds will only let us range so far out.But I have witnessed a Bigfoot, Sasquatch or whatever you want to call them. So i can believe that as true all though most people do not.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:29 pm
by ChristophMessner
I wonder why the aliens land at exactly the place the CIA wants them to land: at area 51, haha! It's clear the aliens need hiding, while the best hiding is the openness nobody notices, haha! For sure we need a diversion from the necessity to tell the people that the grassy knoll shooter is still alive, haha! USA the land of the limitless impossibilities, haha! By the way look out for "Victor Schauberger ufo" on youtube and compare with how a tornado gets it's energy!

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:46 pm
by tom jeffers
here is a website of clark mcclelland, a nasa scientist who came out about the alien agenda and lost his pension: is a website operated by linda howe. it is subscription based to read the articles but she has interviewed a lot of reliable witnesses over the years. is a website that has interviewed a number of ex government whistleblowers, some great free stuff here: ceo of lockheed leaves deathbed confession: ... unk.htmlmy first love has always been ufo research. from what i have found out, the us government has a facility on mars underground. here is a well respected attorney coming out about time travel and his involvement: us military is 50 to 100 years ahead of anything you can think of. if you want to read a good book read the one by colonel phillip corso titled the day after roswell. he was in charge of the army reverse engineering department and they had all this wreckage available to them. they contracted with certain companies to reverse engineer (find out how it works and to make it ourselves) this is where night vision, kevlar, the transister, the computer chip and other goodies came from. do you all remember the old b movies from the 50's and 60's that portrayed what our lives would be like in the 21st century. it is not really that much different than today except in communications and manufacturing. in transportation we have really not advanced and that is because it also applies to our military advantage. the military industrial complex is sitting on a shitload of discoveries so they can have this big military advantage. meanwhile we keep on using fossil fuels and work for a living. there are enough technology that they are sitting on that would feed and shelter the whole world plus fly us to new planets. its hard to believe but its true.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:58 am
by barney 1961
Due to the secrecy level, and concern for public reactions should such alien-ufo information become public knowledge, the secrets of Roswell, NM and many other sightings and spacecraft crash sites have been kept under very close wraps for decades, beginning towards the end of WWII. US Army Air Corp pilots and squadrons in flight formations, or individually encountered dish shaped fly objects over Western Europe andSoviet Union pilots encountered the same thing over their territory. In some cases, the objects shaped much like a frisby were in groups of upto ten, and at other times there were only one or two, and some of them were huge in size, and were capable of flying and performing aerialmaneuvers and at speeds, totally outside the abilites of pilots and aircraft of that era. The highest performing aircraft at the end of the warwere the ME262 and the ME Comet hydrogen peroxide fueled aircraft that could break the sound barrier of around 725mph, but had only afew short minutes of flight time potential. These were used basically to combat B-17 and B-24 bomber flights bombing Germany into theground.I watched a UFO series of interviews on Roswell and other locations some years ago. There is little doubt that the alien craft crashed, thatseveral aliens were killed but that at least two were injured but alive. These aliens were transported along with pieces of the spacecraftby B-29 to Wright-Patterson AFB, which at the time had the largest aircraft hangers in the world. These airmen were accompanied on theseflights with secretive govt. agents who guarded the cargo contents, communicated only with each other, and warned the crews to neverspeak of what they saw, did, or anything regarding alien spacecraft activity, as a cover story had been created to mask the true nature ofthese super secret operations. Shortly after the crash in 1947, President Truman, created the Majestic 13 group, who had the highest possiblelevel of clearance regarding these experimental spacecraft, aliens, and locations of testing and work with the surviving aliens that were takeninto custody then and at later crash sites which occurred far more times than anyone realizes. My understanding is that these ratings rangefrom Majestic 1-13, to the ultimate levels of Cosmic 1-20. Again, all Presidents have been denied access to these ultra-secret programs.It is my understanding that no president has ever been admitted to the highest levels of Majestic 13 security clearances, nor has any Presidentbeen permitted to visit the Area 51 ultra-secret facilities in the Nevada desert. I saw one program that all employees enter and exit Area 51by MATS flights from Las Vegas, Nevada when there time off or employee turnover at this site. My understanding of the operations is thedevelopment of Nicolai Tesla type gravitation field aircraft that use the magnetic energy flow between the Earth and the Sun, to power thesecrafts but also could provide free energy for the world at no costs to the public, had this scientific studies by Testla, a Russian physicist andinventor, been implemented, but then there would be no need for coal, oil, or other sources of conventional power for our businesses, homes,vehicles, as the energy source of electro-magnetism is constant and ever re-charging the Earths magnetic field from the Sun.At the death of Testla, his home or apartment was raided, his steel safes were opened and the contents were stolen. I also read that theseultra secret documents, drawings, studies, were found hidden in the home of none other than J. Edgar Hoover, by the Secret Service and CIAaccording to Hoover's housekeeper, who arrived to work, and the house was full of agents with dollies hauling the contents into vans and shehad to remain outside. After they were finished, she entered and Mr. Hoover was lying on his bed deceased. Some conspiracy theorists allegethat Hoover, the keeper of many deep dark secrets, was killed by injecting a very toxic substance into his toothpaste tube, leaving no traces.

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:47 am
by kenmurray

Re: ufo's real

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:08 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Barney 1961, Ken Murray, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Barney - While I really enjoyed your entire Post, your specific information on Majestic 1 -13, and Cosmic 1 - 20 are of particular interest and value to me.A source who I trust told me years ago that there were 20 - 30 levels of Classified or Top Secret above the President. Your input strongly confirms what I have also proved to myself by Circumstantial Evidence, and The Process Of Elimination.I greatly appreciate your input. For a relatively New JFK Forum Member you have proven to be a Treasure Trove of research and study about Subject Matters that are of particular interest to me. Thank You.Barney and Ken - What do you think: If the process of Classified and Top Secret is this well thought out for The Alien Subject Matter, and undoubtedly other Subject Matters that we are not conversant with, does that not beg the question that more simple matters like:1. Character Assassination of an American President to remove him from Office, i.e., Nixon, and2. Actual Assassinations of an American President, i.e., JFK, and other individuals, i.e., MLK and RFK, would be mundane for this "Power Structure" by comparison ?Ken - I am really jammed up for time, but I will watch every single one of your links as always. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.