Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Gentlemen:You're all Great JFK'S Researchers, Advanced Students, Teachers, and Black Belts in this field, and I am but a lowly, humble student, and a White Belt Beginner. Let's all agree to disagree with mutual respect, here and throughout the JFK Forum. I understand that there is some strong circumstantial evidence on both sides, and we all should respect that. Let's make the Best Use of that situation.Nothing is conclusive.For simplicity sake, let's state our position, and our Bullet Points (no pun intended). And then develop our positions on both sides.I think that Gil Jesus has done some good work. Some agree with him, some disagree with him. O.K. You can appreciate and agree with a persons work most of the time, and disagree sometime. Also, you can disagree with a persons work most of the time, and agree sometime.We all have Circumstantial Evidence Opinions, unless we have all original, unmoved, untouched evidence because EVERYTHING CAN BE TAMPERED WITH.My Opinion strongly is that there was No Bullet Hole Through The Windshield, and No Bullet Hole To JFK'S Throat.Here are a few of My Points, and the rest I have scattered throughout the JFK Forum. When I have time I will more formally organize my thoughts yet again.Let's debate academically our points and authorities. Let's see how good we can become on Both Sides, like True Sparring Partners. (I read that in a book.)Perhaps after we all state our points we can make Organized Teams, both Pro and Con, like Law School Moot Court, or Debate Teams. Civilized. And we can also help each other's side improve. Like N.F.L. Football Teams in Pre-Season. (Bob, Help me here.)I have seen Jim Garrison's Film, and several other films and pictures under magnification, taken while at Parkland of JFK'S limo windshield. No Through And Through as I, and others see it.Think BB Gun: Have you ever shot or hit a window with BB Gun, or small stone ? You create a chip and generally a crack. And sometimes a small hole is "chipped" out, yet the BB or the rock never penetrates. The point of impact, the angle of the incidence equals the angle of the reflection.Hypothetical:We don't know for sure whether the windshield was actually hit from the inside, or the outside.A fragment could have hit the window from the inside coming out of JFK'S throat.A fragment could have come out of JFK'S throat, and something else could have hit the window from the inside.A fragment could have come out of JFK'S throat, and something else, even a bullet could have ricocheted from the front, ( yes, still a possibility of a bullet from the front that NEVER penetrated the windshield Through And Through, JUST LIKE A BB.) This small BB like hole COULD appear to the less experienced as a through and through.I have fired many, many rifles and weapons at regular automobile windshields in auto graveyards, but never a limo whose windshield is the strongest, and most flexible and resilient. Also, we don't know if JFK'S windshield was Bullet Resistant, Bullet Proof, or any other High Density Grade beyond normal. I tend to think that the windshield was stronger than assembly line issue for the President of the United States. As a Professional Sniper I would not shoot at an advancing target 200 - 300 yards out through a front windshield of a limo for a probable one shot only chance at a kill shot. I would assume that the President of the United States' limo would have Reinforced Glass of some sort.Also: Big surprise: What is the strongest, most flexible, most resilient portion of a limo windshield ? The Center area. The corners are the weakest. Fact.Think Trampoline: What is the most buoyant, most flexible portion of a trampoline ? The center.It is very difficult, if not impossible to shoot through a window, assuming that JFK'S head was the target, penetrate an angular heavy duty windshield with minimal deflection dropping the shot only 4 - 6 inches, yet with a needle like penetration hit JFK in the throat. Impossible at least to the extent that the bullet would not be damaged, and still make a small apparent entry hole. If so, it would have definitely penetrated through to the the rear of JFK'S neck, if not all the way through. Where's the exit wound ? Catching the bullet in JFK'S throat like some circus trick, like in the movie The Prestige, is fictional, if not crazy.Wim has presented well documented evidence that the wound track traces from JFK'S head, out the throat. Believe it is a portion of Jimmy's exploding hollow point, don't believe it. I do, but I don't care, or disrespect other opinions. Yet shrapnel wounds tract through JFK'S face and throat from somewhere.JFK'S was wearing 2 heavy duty canvas, elastic back braces, under an under shirt, dress shirt, and suit coat. The shirt and jacket in The National Archives show a bullet hole, regardless of your position on the doctor's opinions: Yes, shallow bullet; No, not reported clearly, etc.The gross synergistic effect while less than a Kevlar Bullet Proof Vest, of all of JFK'S clothing and prosthetics is quite substantial. JFK was shot in the back. His clothes verify this. The degree of penetration is the issue.Could JFK be grasping in a spasmodic reaction to a back wound. I think so.Those are some of My Bullet Points, and My Opinions.I welcome all opinions both Pro and Con.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by Dealey Joe »

JFK II The Bush Connection has a good look at the Limo windshield.To me there is no option of a shot thru the windshield from the front.I have stood at every location of possible shots fired and nothing but the fence on the knolland some point from the rear. Best shot being the Daltex and possibly TSBD.But I do think the only shot from the rear that connected with JFK was the back wound.To me this is something simple made complicated with conjecture.
steve manning
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by steve manning »

for what it might be worth, I've always suspected that at least part of the reason behind expanding the size a shape of the wound served the purpose of retrieving the bullet. I really appreciate the specificity...great job. I have not looked at the link someone posted above yet to see if its one of the ones I was referring to...but if it is I gonna watch it a few more times and pay attention to every detail because I believe he addresses most if not every single one Bruce has mentioned...I would love to see a specific debate on every detail of evidence he presents?Steve
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by JDB4JFK »

I'm not saying JFK got shot in the throat through the wind shield, I'm saying JFK got shot in the throat from the front period! When 12 people including doctors and nurses say it's and entrance wound, and they have no reason to lie, and they have no skin in the game ,then I go with I them. You guys beleive every word Jimmy says like if he is some honest citizen! Jimmy even said he doesn't know if there was other shooters he just knows about him and Nicoletti! He said it wasn't his business to know if there was other shooters because that way you don't get into trouble for knowing to much! Do you really think that the CIA relied on only Jimmy and Nicoletti two mob men? This was like a CIA convention according to Jimmy so do you think they were there just to see if Nicoletti and Jimmy could complete the task? Come on people think, use common sense, this was planned for months with shooters in their design place with no possible way for JFK to escape! Jimmy wasn't put there in the last minute with a last hope ditch effort that he would complete the task, because if he failed they would lose the war of there objective! Remember when Jimmy said. "I either pull the trigger now or put it into the case". What if he never shot and Jfk was to survive the throat and back wound and live?Until Jimmy tells us the WHOLE story its worthless because its all a guessing game from here on out and then we can only go with the evidence attain through research, and that is that the medical experts first professional opinion is that the throat wound was an entrance wound!MY TWO CENTS!
steve manning
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by steve manning »

Yes it is just one of several videos he did that I think are very thorough! Right down to the nick in the neck-tie...and the names of all six people who've state publicly they saw a hole in the windshield.Steve
steve manning
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by steve manning »

Great job by the way Ken in finding that video!! Now can you find the one that is completly devoted to tracking down the limo after the assassanation, and its windshield, etc.? That was really good too. Thanks again,Steve
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by kenmurray »

Thanks Steve. Here is what else you were looking for:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01oaxb00 ... re=related
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Thanks Steve. Here is what else you were looking for:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01oaxb00 ... dKen...you truly are the Wizard of Link...Abraken Linkin...Art Linkgetter...Link Murraydale.
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Re: Was Dallas their Last Opportunity?

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:Thanks Steve. Here is what else you were looking for:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01oaxb00 ... dKen...you truly are the Wizard of Link...Abraken Linkin...Art Linkgetter...Link Murraydale. Thanks once again Bob. A very underrated band many years ago wrote a song about me.. The Wizard... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq8nQOhZ3u8
Phil Dragoo
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Windshields, Wizards, Whittakers

Post by Phil Dragoo »

George Whittaker, Sr., manager at Ford Plant, Rouge, Michigan--and he was adamant that his note not be made public until he was dead.Some say Pitzer's death was a suicide. Stringer told Horne that those who speak out don't last too long.Uriah Heep is a character in Dickens' David Copperfield who uses humility to camouflage his ugly pursuit of self-interest. Much as Lyndon Johnson was just a poor schoolteacher.Self-deprecation to the contrary notwithstanding, nothing can stop the Duke of Ken.