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Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:54 pm
by barney 1961
Members; there was a brief misunderstanding with a member, whose identify shall remain undisclosed, however, we have worked thisdisagreement out over the phone. I am back but will attempt to contain my enthusiasm and do more research before posting anything, which is a good idea for all forum members.I would like to point out, that just last nite, I was watching a History Channel program about Vietnam and Iraqi military snipers and theirweaponry and training before and after deployment. Of interest to this forum might be to dispel the notion that a thru and thru bulletholein the JFK windshield was due to a frontal shot from the picket fence or RR overpass. In the program mentioned, it discussed a sniperincident wherein, the sniper and his spotter noticed a car coming towards their elevated position at a high rate of speed. The spotter usinghigh magnification binoculars, noticed the car had five occupants, and all were armed, thus posed a threat to them, or others on site. Ata range of about 500 yards, the sniper fired two shots at the driver thru the windshield and then dispatched the five occupants as they cameout of the vehicle into plain view, all armed to the teeth. Upon close inspection of the vehicle, it displaced the windshield sans the occupantsand the windshield did in fact have two .308 NATO round holes thru and thru. But, the front surface of the windshield had the typical largerock smashing effect before penetration thru and into the intended target. The entrance holes had the typical smashing effect to the glasswith numerous fine glass particles before penetration. Thus, I am now inclined to believe that no frontal shot thru the windshield ever tookplace but a bullet fragment flew into the back side of the windshield by some round fired as the bullet fragmented. barney

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:58 pm
by Jerry Craig
that sound reasonable!

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:16 pm
by tom jeffers
Davyjones wrote:Hi Barney. Hope you dont leave this forum. My stuff dont get much appreciation but at least I get the chance to post my thoughts. YOU have a lot to contibute to members like ME and I hope you hang on in there.davy,i read all of your posts. i am probably a poor moderator because i rarely comment and i do apologize for that. keep on keepin on!tomps say hi to mike, peter, and micky for me will you?

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:05 am
by Davyjones
Thanks Tom I will keep on keepin on! Who are they guys you mention in your post? Do I owe them money!

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:07 am
by Jerry Craig
he is talking about the monkeys cause your name is davyjones its a joke lol

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:56 am
by Davyjones
Yea I got it! Yes Iam a Believer Oswald did not do it!

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:03 am
by Jerry Craig
i diddent actualy catch it until i looked at it real good

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:10 pm
by ChristophMessner
Does the angle of the windshield play a role whether the bullet gets through and through or deflects? Depending on specific wieght times speed of the bullet?

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:51 pm
by Dealey Joe

Re: I QUIT THIS FORUM-9/18/2010

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:52 pm
by Bob
Good work Joe... that "cracks" me up. Seriously, although I have always believed a bullet or a fragment hit the windshield, I have never believed it was a through and through bullet hole. Good work again Sgt. Friday!