The Bubbletop

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The Bubbletop

Post by Barney »

Dealey Joe; In the book Reasonable Doubt, the Secret Services had installed a radio transmitter type device in a tall bldg. nearDealey Plaza, I think I recall it being a downtown Insurance company bldg., and it was a transfer point for telephone messagingas well as motorcade radio traffic. This powerful equipment could be used to transmit telephone messaging back and forth. Itsreported the secret service used this equipment to keep a minute by minute rapport with each other from Ft. Worth-Love Field, and the cleanupcrew left in Ft. Worth and elsewhere such as the Trade Mart bldg. security forces to make sure everything was in order for thearrival of the President and the First Lady. This telephone-radio equipment could be used to patch in to the White House switchboard unit for whatever purposes. Barney