JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Dealey Joe »

what video?
Posts: 40
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Barney »

Members; Mr. Stanley Marcus, the guiding light for Neiman Marcus dept. store in Dallas was interviewed by newsman Hugh Aynesworthshortly after the murder of Pres. Kennedy, Oswald, and the trial of Jack Ruby. Mr.Marcus stated, " the United States was forced by theJFK murder, to think the unthinkable was possible. The assassination was the beginning of a process that shattered the myths aboutthe sancity of the United States as something God had put on earth that was completely different from any other country. South Americansassassinate their presidents, but in the United States that never happened."Of course it did and fairly frequently, Americans just have very short memories. Lincoln in 1865, Garfield in 1881, McKinley in 1901.All were cut down by lone assassins according to the history books. Targets of attempted assassinations include, Andrew Jackson, TeddyRoosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. In each instance, the assassin acted alone, except for theTruman attack in 1950, in which two would-be killers took part and were thwarted by the White House guards. Assassin firearms were always the weapons of choice.Stanley Marcus made this point emphatically, " the US won every war, until we got to Vietnam." Students never rioted here, until the mid-1960's. We've gone through these things ever since, and suddenly Americans have come to realize that the good Lord, has not singled themout as a favorite people. Americans have taken a terrible ego beating, which is well deserved. It is a good thing, because we as a peoplehad expanded our egos well beyond all sense of objective reality. We now know we are but mere human beings, with problems. All of the abovehas given us a certain degree of humility. Marcus died at age 96 only 4 moths after 9-11.