Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Here is more evidence of plane fakery going on.This video was widely shown. The nose of the plane momentarily appears at the other end of the building. ???
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

mike martinez wrote:From the :14 second mark of the first link you provided I drew a plan view of the two towers and showed the wind direction in red pen and the appox location of the plane impact of the south tower with a blue pen.Then I used that drawing and went to every other time line you provided, oriented my drawing and the plane hit in the exact same place every time.Seriously??Mike Martinez,You may have a point, and I really want to see the drawing you're talking about because I don't agree with you. Then again, I really want to see this drawing or diagram you're talking about.In the meantime, there is much more evidence of video fakery that I will continue to show here. One of them is this (which I probably should have started with in this topic to begin with).Here is more evidence of plane fakery going on.This video (see the link below) was widely shown. The nose of the plane that hit the second tower momentarily appears at the other end of the building. ???
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11 Fake: 10 Reasons No Planes Hit The Towers

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:,That video is FANTASTIC. You really are the link master!!!Mike Martinez,Get your red and blue pens out. You're going to be busy with this one! LMAO
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Barney »

I have no doubts that two planes struck the WTC towers within minutes of each other. However, I find these things mysterious and verypuzzling;1. Shape of planes did not configure to commercial airliners ie. no windows seen and an underbelly device attached which was probably anincendiary device and bomb combined.2. Buildings did an implosion collapse pattern into their own footprint within a short time after the planes crased into them.3. Buildings collapsed at near free fall speed, total of about 20 seconds to crash down two over 100 story bldgs. with rooftop antennason both, molten steel running like a blast furnace still burning and flowing a week following the events.4. Steel inner core beams near the elevator banks, cut with some kind of chemical burning materials, nano thermite, most likely, so thatthe two towers collapsed in an inward pattern which is typical of implosion techniques by demolition experts.5. Huge steel beam structures, weighing many tons, thrown into adjacent buildings with such force as to embed them into the buildings and on top of the bldgs.- some steel beams and parts of beams thrown over two blocks from the WTC scene. Also,human bone chards were found on top of the Deutsch Bank roof almost a year later, how did they get there?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Barney wrote:I have no doubts that two planes struck the WTC towers within minutes of each other. However, I find these things mysterious and verypuzzling;1. Shape of planes did not configure to commercial airliners ie. no windows seen and an underbelly device attached which was probably anincendiary device and bomb combined.2. Buildings did an implosion collapse pattern into their own footprint within a short time after the planes crased into them.3. Buildings collapsed at near free fall speed, total of about 20 seconds to crash down two over 100 story bldgs. with rooftop antennason both, molten steel running like a blast furnace still burning and flowing a week following the events.4. Steel inner core beams near the elevator banks, cut with some kind of chemical burning materials, nano thermite, most likely, so thatthe two towers collapsed in an inward pattern which is typical of implosion techniques by demolition experts.5. Huge steel beam structures, weighing many tons, thrown into adjacent buildings with such force as to embed them into the buildings and on top of the bldgs.- some steel beams and parts of beams thrown over two blocks from the WTC scene. Also,human bone chards were found on top of the Deutsch Bank roof almost a year later, how did they get there? Barney,I am with you except for three points. Take a look at Ken Murry's link. The wings of the planes would have been cut off on impact. They're made of aluminum. I'm only saying that something did hit each tower. Do you really think it was planes? I'm thinking missiles, like what most likely hit the pentagon and also what most likely landed in that field too. They resemble planes and are designed to explode AFTER penetrating the target.Planes, especially the wings, are made of aluminum. Aluminum versus steel will fail.Here's is Ken Murry's link again. Take a good look at it., the collapse time of each of the twins was approximately TEN seconds and not twenty seconds. WTC 7, which was 47 stories tall, collapsed in about 6.5 seconds. I know the nano thermite idea is being pushed around. I have never heard of anything like that. I've heard of thermite and thermate. I suspect that the nano thermite idea may be being put out there by people (I'm not talking about you.) who are trying to mislead. (I'm talking about some BIG names out there in the 9/11 truth movement who are putting stuff out there about nano thermite). I've also heard ideas like the supposed "nano thermite" was painted or sprayed on. I highly doubt that thermite would work if it was mixed with paint and adhesive. I suspect that various kinds of explosives were used. Those were big buildings, but they were also tall and skinny buildings. Think of it like this. Could you make a pencil collapse in on itself? I am suspecting that explosives that are not the usual explosives were used as well, but that's for another discussion. Other than those three points, I say you're on the right track.
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Barney »

Pas; accd, ti Dr. Jones, nano thermite is only the addition of other chemicals to increase the burning rateand heat level of regular thermite. A gas spectrometer was used to identify; white phosphrous, magnesium, carbon, perhaps a few othermore exotics, to enhance the burn intensity rate to cut thru heavy steel beams.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Barney wrote:Pas; accd, ti Dr. Jones, nano thermite is only the addition of other chemicals to increase the burning rateand heat level of regular thermite. A gas spectrometer was used to identify; white phosphrous, magnesium, carbon, perhaps a few othermore exotics, to enhance the burn intensity rate to cut thru heavy steel beams. Got it. I'll look at it. I just haven't really read up on it. Let me research nano thermite, and I'll put my two cents in. The good thing is that with regard to to the nano thermite issue, we're only splitting hairs and not fundamentally disagreeing here.I love it.I'm also still waiting for the diagram from Mike Martinez with the red and blue lines. Mike, don't take it badly. I really am waiting for it. Really.
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9/11 False Flag

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: 9/11 False Flag

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote: source again Link Murraydale. Mike...I'd like to see your drawings too.