Penny for your thoughts on this one

JFK Assassination
Posts: 43
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Post by Davyjones »

Kit Carp and jfkanon...On reflection I must agree with you on this point. Mr Files is worse than a liar for the reasons you both state.I withdraw my comment and will amend my post.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Penny for your thoughts on this one

Post by Dealey Joe »

I would like to enter my .02In the first place Mr. Files is not in prison for Murdering anyone.As far as I know in this country in order to be considered guilty of anything you must face a jury of your piers and be convicted of that particular crime.Merely confessing is not enough.Our nation is set up with a set of laws based on what is/was considered the laws of God.We have a Prosecutor/Defendant/Jury system.A prosecutor makes the decision if there is enough evidence to bring charges in any case except a civil matter. The accused is guaranteed a defence from any and all charges and a trial.All you have to do is to convince a prosecutor that there is enough evidence to cause action against anyone.I will wager there is not enough evidence to cause any prosecutor to bring charges against Mr. Files. So he is still considered an innocent man. He has confessed to a crime that he is sure there will be no legal repercussion from.Wither or not he is guilty is between his conscience and God.All I can do is take his word for it.Now.. as to forgiveness, without forgiveness none of us have a chance. If we consider ourselves civilized and want any sort of forgiveness for ourselves we must forgive others.Actually in Mr. Files case we must only be willing to forgive as he has not been convicted of any crime other than the the one he is paying for at this time.Forgiveness and forgetting are two different separate things.I can forgive a child molester but I will not forget it. I will not leave my grand Daughter alone with him.It is not my place to judge Mr. Files and I have to consider him innocent until he is proven guilty. But because of his confession I will take him serious. On the other hand I see a man that has been removed from society, is repentant, and having paid the price of his freedom for a long time and would be well served to be able to enjoy what remains of his life in freedom.