Bill Cooper?

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Bill Cooper?

Post by JDB4JFK »

Here's the thing about Bill Cooper that none of us here can prove. He's just reporting to you all what he was told and seen in writing as a Navel Intelligent officer. If it's wrong and the Navel Intelligent community was just testing Bill and other officers to see if they would take a story and run with it, then its wrong, and the driver didn't shoot JFK! But if the Zapruder film was altered as many of us suspect, then it is possible for the forgerers to color in Greer's hand as they did the back of JFK'S head. Remember all the doctors and nurses said there was an large hole(exit wound) in the back of Kennedy's right rear head! Now the question is does that fit the angle of the Knoll or the driver? Some say if it was the if it was the knoll shooter then Kennedy's exit should be at the back left not the back right. We need to analize the angles and see which one fits. Remember they killed Bill Cooper for telling what he thinks, Jimmy Files Sutton is still alive! Doesn't mean Bill is right and Jimmy's wrong but we need to analyis before we start judging. Maybe the driver was told if we don't get a head shot by a certain time you must kill JFK and when Greer raised his pistol to do so Jimmy already completed the task. I have to say it does look like Greer turn and raised something at the time of JFK'S head shot. Keep your eyes on the driver on the front page of this site, it looks possible! MY TWO CENTS!