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JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Martyred by the Unspeakable

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Logan as in Logan Airport.Our friend the retired investment banker from Boston and New York shared his 1998 two-page letter to Robert Caro biographer of Johnson regarding an event in the summer of 1963.Eliot Janeway economic advisor to Johnson and Johnson's first supporter for president visited our friend's investment house in Boston to deliver a hissed rehearsed warning what a dangerous man this Kennedy was.On June 4, 1963, Kennedy had signed Executive Order 11110 threatening the Federal Reserve. June 10 he delivered his peace speech at American University in Washington.If you've not read James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters I recommend you do.It's widely regarded as the best overview.Johnson announced end of April Kennedy would attend a luncheon in Dallas that year; the Secret Service, according to Doug Horne, destroyed its records for the year beginning with that date late in April, rather than comply with the JFK Records Act.A broad conspiracy in my view though no doubt most certainly a CIA plan with the fan dance in Florida and Chicago, and the smoke and mirrors of many players from Mob to Cubans to LBJ and Hoover to Milteer and Murchison.Nice, nice, very niceso many people in the same deviceOswald the patsy,Specter the putz