This board gets IT.

JFK Assassination
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Bob wrote:Jim, you make some valid points. But in the world of politics and power, black is white and white is black. It's almost like professional wrestling. They act like they hate each other in the ring, but afterwords are out having some drinks socially. Take the last Presidential election. The Democratic ticket was John Kerry and John Edwards. Kerry is in the Skull & Bones, while Edwards was being endorsed by the Bilderberg group. So even if Bu$h didn't the 2004 election, it was still okay. Let's get back to Clinton. Did you ever hear of Barry Seal? Interesting guy. He was in the LCAP with Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, James R. Bath and Charles Rogers. Quite a collection! And the guy (David Harold Byrd) who founded the LCAP owned the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. Seal was in the CIA pre-Bay of Pigs. He was active in the Bay of Pigs operation and also has been rumored to be one of the pilots that helped get the crew out of Dallas. Seal then went to Southeast Asia. Seal's biggest claim to fame is that he is probably the biggest drug smuggler in American history. He was murdered because he knew too much about Iran/Contra and the Mena, Ark. drug operation. He died with Poppy Bu$h's private phone number in his wallet. That same thing happened to George De Mohrenshildt just before he was to testify before the HCSA. That Poppy sure was a popular guy! Hmm. This is all talked about in Wim's book. Jimmy Files and Tosh Plumlee also know a lot about Mena. Files thought that the CIA tried to silence him after he was released from federal prison because of his knowledge of Mena, not Dallas. Also, don't forget Oklahoma City and the implications of Mena there. Bill Clinton not only knew about Mena, but he participated by laundering the money. Remember the connection here, MONEY & POWER .

Barry Seal? Yes I have heard of him. So if you are linking Seals to the SA drug operations then why have you missed the drug running Bay of Pigs cuban mafia that worked in Bimini west indies? The exiles were employed by the British-Canadian nexus of drug smugglers. This takes you back again to Bronfman-Bloomfield controlled Permindex.

Your information on Clinton is wrong. Laundering drug money is the job given to organized crime. Thats the reason for their existence. And Ok City was forecast or forewarned by aristocrats from Great Britain like Lord Rees Moggs through his investment news letter.
I'm surprised Americans are so forgetful. From the time WJ Clinton entered the white house he was under constant assassination threat, scandals etc. Planes landed in the white house, lone nuts took shots at the WH, you name it it happened. M16 stringer for the Hollinger corporation Ambrose Evans Pritchard used the OK City bombing to further his slanders against the President which included all the nonsense linking Clinton to Mena.

OK City was another case of irregular warfare against the United States and it was not planned by nor did it involve President Bill Clinton. Terrorist acts like 911 or Ok City are acts of irregular warfare against the nation state. Nothing more.
Jim Harwood
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Bill Clinton

Post by Jim Harwood »

Further proof of Bill Clintons American pedigree is that he has never been Knighted by the Queen. Unlike Poppy Bush.
Jim Thompson
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Clinton/Bush Connection

Post by Jim Thompson »

Jim Harwood wrote:Clinton was not involved in the Mena Arkansas drug running.


Have you seen this? ... 7063931499

Jim Harwood
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Re: Clinton/Bush Connection

Post by Jim Harwood »

Jim Thompson wrote:Jim Harwood wrote:Clinton was not involved in the Mena Arkansas drug running. Jim,Have you seen this? ... 3931499Jim

the evidence exhumed by the San Jose Mercury News. Hence, in those ghettoes, many are dead, and many African-American and Hispanic-American convicts are still doing kingpin George Bush's time in Federal and state prisons today.

On drugs alone, there is much more than what the Mercury's account covered. There were also "Bush pilots. " Some were like the parachutist Hasenfus, the military intelligence "stringer" who uncorked an international scandal. Some were marijuana traffickers, like the Barry Seal turned sting-agent and informer, and directed by agents such as the FBI's Oliver "Buck" Revell, and Lt.-Col. Ollie North, out of the Intermountain Regional Airport outside Mena, Arkansas. This was an operation run under Bush's special, Federal national-security authority, beyond the reach of any Arkansas governor to interfere. Some were part of the operation which perennial knuckle-dragger and Vice-President Bush personally shoved down General Manuel Noriega's throat, during a Bush visit to Panama, for that meeting.

But, Bush's operations, as Vice-President, under NSDD2 and NSDD 3, were not limited to the Americas. Bush used his nest in the National Security Council, and in the so-called "Focal Point" operating under the cover of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, to create a vast, intricately crafted, privately funded "secret government, " whose corrupt, continuing activities have brought the constitutional institutions of all three branches of our Federal government to the verge of destruction. Even with Bush out of elected office, he and his army of "knuckle-dragging" mercenaries are currently operating, both within and outside the U. S. A. , with utter contempt for our constitutional institutions and the rights of our citizens, and often in direct opposition to our vital strategic interests abroad. Until we exorcize the legions of Demon Bush from positions of power in our national life, no citizen is safe; not even the highest ranking offices of our government are immune from the "Starr chamber" frame-ups, and kindred atrocities, by Bush-league Robespierres.
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Re: This board gets IT.

Post by Pennyworth »

The U.S.A. invades countries at their leisure (Iraq), especially if they have a lot of oil. It just so happens that Dumbya Bu$h and Chickenhawk Cheney come from that business. They also come from a defense contractor background. What companies are smiling like pigs in shit currently? How about Halliburton and the Carlyle Group. How about companies like Exxon and Enron that abuse their base with their profits and lies? Bu$h wants to stay the course in Iraq because he knows he never has to face an election again. He will make sure that the Halliburtons and the Carlyle Groups of the world get richer every day. Dumbya doesn't care how many bodies are put in the ground as long as profits and power increases. The U.S.A. is not a free nation. We only THINK we are. More and more rights are being taken away every day, especially with the Supreme Court now tilted to the fascist right and an Attorney General (Gonzalez) that would make Adolph Hitler proud. We are led by the treasonous son (Dumbya Bu$h) of a treasonous father (Poppy Bu$h) and a treasonous grandfather (Prescott Bu$h) and a treasonous great-grandfather (Samuel Bu$h). Treason and war profiteering. Welcome to the Bu$h modus operandi. And the modus operandi of the powerful elite that reside in the secret societies that REALLY lead the political agenda of this planet.[/quote]

Hello Bob,

I have a cousin who is a geologist (we are out of touch). He was fired from his job about 10 years ago, with a big oil company overseas,I cannot recall the name, based in Thailand, near Vietnam. I was thinking maybe the Vietnam invasion had something to do with oil company procurements. I have not done any extensive searches on it, but did come up with someting about oil companies in this area. I am busy, will get back to you. You and Croxford are terrific!!!!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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" This board gets IT." Bob Fox.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.02.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.17.2006 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this precise Headline. What followed was Bob's analytical,intense, laser-like, probative presentations over several Posts. Bob's discussions, added to bysome great JFK Murder Solved Forum Members, were abrasive, cunningly accurate, and totallydispositive on the Developmental History of the U.S. Elite Cabals that have led us to wherewe are today. Where we are headed appears to be a Runaway Train to "We the people..."In a previous Post, I reviewed the 2007 Near Secret Meetings between Bush I and II, and Putin.Those meetings, and others, Paved the Way for where we are Today, both as a Nation, and as a Global Monopoly Game.For the U.S. today, "...The torch has been passed to a new generation..." They are more cunning, more devious, more deadly, more manipulative, and possessed of more authority, controls, power, and wealth than The Bushes had at their disposal. But the Bushes, and others of similar ilk, paved the way for where we are today as a Nation, and as World Economies and Monopolies of Scale.Connect the dots of the past, to where we are today. Align those dots of what happened with where we appear to be headed as a Nation, and as World Economies and Monopolies of Scale.The JFK Assassination, and everything related to it, is but a Grain of Sand on the beaches of HumanCorruption. We still don't know the truth. We will never know the truth. And we as Americans,and Global Inhabitants are deceived, manipulated, and misled beyond our own comprehension.Bob Fox - "This board gets IT." 06.17.2006. The JFK Forum is, and has remained, one of the few beacons of hope, insight, and light for those that seek to see. The JFK Forum Members over time have proved to be one of the finest groups of free thinkers, readers, researchers, and writers. Keep it that way. My Opinion.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, or writings onany aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: This board gets IT.

Post by Bob »

I appreciate the kind words, Bruce. When I first put out this thread, my opinion was slanted towards the Dumbya Bush administration and it's policies. Guess what? Barry Obama's track record isn't much better. The CIA still tortures and they are still protected. Big oil is still protected, as we saw in the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history in the Gulf of Mexico caused by BP and their associates. Big banking is also still protected, even after the $1.4 TRILLION dollar combined bailout they received from Dumbya and Barry. Plus, they keep doing the same criminal things that they did before the bailout. The NSA is still spying on all Americans. Now we have drones which can be used to kill anyone the President feels like eliminating. The U.S. has supposedly started to make a move towards a withdrawl from both Iraq and Afghanistan, but is that really likely? What about all the elaborate bases built in both locations? Better yet, what about all the oil over there? Or all the opium there (Afghanistan)? The U.S still has thousands of troops in both Germany and Japan. Last time I looked, WWII ended in 1945, or 69 years ago. But even with some troops gone, companies like Halliburton and Blackwater will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan. The cash register will never stop ringing for them. Bottom line, we have seen four Presidents in a row now with clear associations with the CIA before they entered the White House. If somehow Hillary Clinton wins in 2016, you can make it five in a row. If she is the nominee for the Democrats, I'll bet her Republican opponent will also have CIA ties. Just like Mitt Romney in 2012. That way, the CIA can't lose and their agenda will continue. The policies always remain the same. Protect big banking and big oil. And also use false flag events to move the U.S. towards another military skirmish. And like my post from almost eight years ago now, this forum still gets it and the members discuss the various issues from a very educated, passionate and respectful standpoint.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: This board gets IT.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.03.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Bob Fox - Excellent update on the Factual Patterns of yourongoing Theoretical Analysis. I totally agree.Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are my Odds On Favorites forMajor Players in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Game at this pointin time.I am already studying and watching how the Upcoming Dog andPony Show is developing, and all backdrops.I would be curious to hear/read the thoughts of others.Again, we are in Ongoing Situations where the Perceived Stakeshave never appeared to be more critical.And our "Democratic Process" rides to the rescue.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigaitons, readings,research, studies, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.