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Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:01 pm
by Mark68
One thing I can't understand re: the whole JFK, RFK, MLK, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, HAARP stuff is - What does the Illumenati/Freemason establishment think they're ultimately going to accomplish w/ they're monetary greed? I wonder where these idiots will be 100 yrs from now? I think the present condition of the former soviet union is where I think they'll eventually be. Although Russia at least is not being governed by men whose sole motivation is greed not cultural/politcal revolution.From Roosevelt ingonring the Australiam decryption of a Japanese communique before Pearl to experimenting w/ HAARP in Haiti which resulted/backfired in the subsequent eathquake. These self serving utter idiots will ultimately be they're own demise.

Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:18 pm
by Jsnow915
Mark.....thats what we're hoping for

John Pilger

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:38 pm
by kjell roald
This was all new to me :"JOHN PILGER: … Sirhan leapt up on a serving area, pointed a gun at him and fired. He was wrestled. Kennedy fell. He was wrestled to the ground, and then there were other shots.There’s no question that there was another gunman, because one of the people who was hit, just grazed, was standing next to me, and that happened when Sirhan Sirhan had been wrestled to the ground. So that’s the interesting thing. There was another assassin or another several assassins. And then it was bedlam. And as you know, Kennedy died about twenty-four hours later." ... cracy-now/

Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:50 am
by kenmurray
RFK Assassination Multiple Shooters:

Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:47 am
by kjell roald
kenmurray wrote:RFK Assassination Multiple Shooters: Uecker was holding Robert Kennedys wrist. ( Right arm ) And elsewhere Thane Eugene Cesar says he was holding on to Kennedys elbow ( Right arm ).So how can Sirhan Sirhan, standing in front of Robert Kennedy, possibly have fired the shots hitting Kennedys back in the area below and behind the right armpit?Either Cesar fired the shots, or he was in on it, and gave cover for the shots being fired.

Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:16 pm
by Bob
kjell roald wrote:kenmurray wrote:RFK Assassination Multiple Shooters: Uecker was holding Robert Kennedys wrist. ( Right arm ) And elsewhere Thane Eugene Cesar says he was holding on to Kennedys elbow ( Right arm ).So how can Sirhan Sirhan, standing in front of Robert Kennedy, possibly have fired the shots hitting Kennedys back in the area below and behind the right armpit?Either Cesar fired the shots, or he was in on it, and gave cover for the shots being fired.You are spot on in your analysis Kjell.

RFK Assassination Abnormalities

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:42 pm
by kenmurray
•Powder burns on Kennedy's clothing reveal that all three of his wounds were from a gun fired from 0 to 1-1/2 inches away. And yet, all witnesses claim that Sirhan, who was in front of Kennedy, never got closer than three feet away.•Sirhan's gun could hold only eight bullets. Seven bullets were removed from victims, an eighth bullet was traced through two ceilings into airspace, and two more bullets were identified as lodged in the door frame of the pantry by both LAPD and FBI personnel.•Three bullets were found in Robert Kennedy, and a fourth grazed his suit jacket. The upward angle of each trajectory was close to 80 degrees. And yet, all witnesses claim Sirhan's gun was completely horizontal for his first two shots, after which his gun hand was repeatedly slammed against the top of a steam table.•All four shots; the fatal penetration to the brain, the shot that passed through the right shoulder pad of the Senator's coat, and two additional bullets that entered Kennedy's body were all fired from the back and all produced powder residue patterns which indicated that they were all fired from a distance of only a few inches. Since RFK was walking towards Sirhan, and his body was always facing Sirhan during the shots even as he fell backwards it is impossible these shots originated from Sirhan's weapon.•The results of the 1968 test firing of Sirhan's gun were missing.•The test gun used for ballistics comparison and identification was destroyed.•Over 90% of the audio taped witness testimony was lost or destroyed. Of the 3470 interviews the LAPD conducted, only 301 were preserved. •On August 21, 1968, 2400 photographs from the original investigation were burned, in the medical-waste incinerator at LA County General Hospital

Re: Finally some degree of RFK truth

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:25 am
by Michael Calder
I read John Pilger's FBI report. He mentions a very fat man who is extremely happy about the shooting and is at the scene. I have several other people telling of a middle aged white male, overweight, 250 pounds or more) who is expressing pleasure. I'm wondering if this guy is Sirhan's programmer? You know the programmer has to be there. Also, Phil and Bob; It looks like the "unidentified Kennedy aide " is Gary Dotterman. And it was just like Phil Dragoo said. "No one knows, no one remembers. The perfect agent."

This way, Senator, said The Reaper

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:04 am
by Phil Dragoo
Through perseverence Michael has identified Gary Dotterman, a key figure in directing the target into the kill zone.I find it infinitely galling to hear the carping harpies and shrieking fairies of media refer to Sirhan as Kennedy's assassin.I don't mind that the current generation can't read but swallowing crap like this shows more brain damage than Nixon's Worst Nightmare from the actual pistolero.Bad era: America was off the gold standard and far down the road towards the lead.Turn on the house lights and stop the movie--

Gary Dotterman A Communist?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:00 pm
by kenmurray
Michael or Phil. Is this the Dotterman you are talking about?Commie creep-out"I tell people, ‘Hey, three tours of duty in Vietnam earned me the right to be a communist, so you can go fuck yourself,’" says Gary Dotterman, the hard-nosed 61-year-old director of the Center for Marxist Education, in Central Square. It’s in this second-floor walk-up, closed most of the time, that a cadre of leftists from labor and community groups talk shop — Marxist economics, Chinese history — every Thursday evening. There are monthly lectures, too, and organized trips to mainland China. Dotterman also hosts a weekly television show on CCTV (Tuesdays at 5:30 pm) where he discusses communist issues and where many mainstream local pols and candidates have been guests.Dotterman himself ran as a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) candidate for the late Brian Honan’s Boston City Council seat in 2002; he finished eighth out of 10. Unlike the Maoist RCP, which views the capitalist democratic process as an anathema, the CPUSA often fields candidates in local, state, and national elections, and it endorsed John Kerry in 2004.He’d always been left of center, a socialist even as he was waging war against the "red menace" in Southeast Asia. ("I wasn’t fighting communists," Dotterman explains now. "I wasn’t bringing democracy to the poor people in the jungle or defending against the domino theory; I was just doing a duty. I can’t blame anybody but myself — I joined the service.") But he didn’t affiliate with communism until the 1980s. Prior to that, his political connections wouldn’t allow it. He says he worked for Bobby and Ted Kennedy, and "doing that kind of work, for various government office-holders around the country, my fear of reprisal if I had joined the Communist Party always kept me from it." In the end, the decision made sense. "I came to acknowledge that if I were to be true to my own politics, it was more important than ever to join," he says.There are less than 200 members of CPUSA in the Boston area, Dotterman says, but the Center for Marxist Education has a couple thousand people on its mailing list, even if only handfuls show up for meetings. "It takes a lot of courage to walk into a room where people are identified as communists," Dotterman explains. "There’s still a fear from some people that they’re going to have their picture taken by government agencies." Is it a valid fear? Dotterman doesn’t think so. But he points out that commies creep out the Bushies more than they did their predecessor. "In the Clinton administration, when a person applied for a green card or citizenship, they were not asked if they are or have ever been a member of the Communist Party. That phrase has been reinstated on the applications," he says. After all, he argues, for all its failures and wretched perversions over the last century, communism, in its purest form, makes sense. "The progress that we attribute to the Roosevelt administration came out of struggles of the Communist Party."These days, so many of those advances are being set back. Yet, at the same time, "we have a socialist society for the rich. You see Chase Manhattan and the other corporations when they get into trouble, run straight to the corporate trough and open up their suitcases. On 9/11, 3000 workers were killed in one afternoon in one worksite, and the first thing the government does is indemnify the insurance companies from having to pay, and sets up a special fund so the most wealthy can get paid off. And whose money is that? That’s our money! The working people’s money."Dotterman is a communist because he has to be. "Too many Americans today are getting fucked. People don’t realize it, or if they do realize it, they feel frustrated that they can’t do anything about it. And then they decide to go with their hat in hand and say, ‘Oh, please, Mr. Sir, give me one more plate of shit!’"Luckily, Dotterman sees more and more young people showing up at the Center, "looking for answers and understanding that they’re not gonna take this bullshit anymore."page 1 page 2 page 3 Issue Date: July 1 - 7, 2005Back to the News & Features table of contents E-Mail This Article to a Friend Best matches for gary dotterman"I tell people, 'Hey, three tours of duty in Vietnam earned me the right to be a communist, so you can go fuck yourself,'" says Gary Dotterman,... Jump to text »