Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Bob »

I can understand why Sara, Brian and others feel the way they do about Badgeman. Wim has tried to put out another view. Both have substance. But that's why this is a great forum as well. Although Wim has countered with an excellent contrast to the Badgeman story, I still believe that there may have been some help from the Corsican mafia in the assassination. Of course, in the original TMWKK, the thought is that Lucien Sarti was perhaps Badgeman, or at least in the area. Sarti was also a master at disguises, and we know now that there were many bogus Secret Service agents near or on the knoll. Steve Rivele was the investigator in the original TMWKK and it was he who believed that 3 Corsican assassins were involved in this plot. Rivele has since said that he was wrong about two of the shooters, but he still feels that Sarti was involved somehow.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by saracarter766 »

you made a good point bob and i respect your opinion and everyone else's when i strongly believe in something i stick and stand by it i'm very stubborn when it comes to that and yes this is a wonderful forum but everyone has a right to an opinion and i respect it in every sense and i know everyone respects mine i will always remain a strong believer in the badgeman theory i'm just not convinced that it's a fake i need more in order to believe it. being feisty, strongly opinionated and stubborn just don't mix lol i guess that comes with being a red head which i am hahaha i know in the past my mom always told me i was very set in my ways and she was right i really am set in my ways.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Frenchy »

Im stuck in the middle here, i can see Wims arguement the figures do look real small.However i can see bageman, whatever size the photo is, the figure still stands out, i dont believe in the soldier or workman figures, i dont see them unless they are highlighted or colourised.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by saracarter766 »

everyone makes very good and excellent points on the badgeman. badgeman stands out in that photo really good.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

"Badgeman" was invented by Mack and White, because it is linguistically close to "bad man" and creates some kind of manifestion in the memory of people by this unconscious association, especially people, who start to believe things as soon as "authorities" proclaim it. The spots on the photo are too small in size to come from a normal size human and the flash of a muzzle looks differently. Sara, please do explain, why nobody is running away from this outstanding bad man and why he is not on any film!
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Bob »

Actually Chris, the term Badgeman was coined because it appears the figure is wearing a policeman's uniform and one can see the badge perhaps in the picture. I have even heard from some theorists that the Badgeman (if he existed at all) was NOT Sarti, but rather J.D. Tippit. I don't believe that, but it is what I have heard and seen in some forums.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by saracarter766 »

that is one theory i've never heard of and i'm with bob on that one.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

ChristophMessner wrote: Sara , please do explain, why nobody is frightening shortly before the shot or running away from this to everybody clearly visible man and why he is not on any film and why he should chose such a visible position, where he would risk to shoot Jackie or some bystanders as well!
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Frenchy »

Christoph, if badgeman is real, no one was near him to run away from him, he was behind the picket fence. As for no one filming him, there was lots of film in the aftermath of the assassination behind the fence and in the parking lot, with lots of policemen in the parking lot.Im throwing this open for discussion, im not saying its right just guessing like everyone else.
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

dankbaar wrote:Bob wrote:Yes, I can clearly see your point. But in addition, it would seem that Jackie Kennedy would be in the line of fire if "Badgeman" really did exist and shot. So based on this, what is your take on Gordon Arnold and his story?Well, I would say there is absolutely no evidence for Arnold's story. It doesn't match up. Moreover, he should have long thrown himself on the ground at the time of the Moorman picture. My point with the silhouettes is that they are absoletely too small to be human figures. Moreover, Badgeman and railroad man should have been standing on an elevation to be so high above the picket fence.Wimi totally agree. i have never believed Arnolds story.