Unknown interview with James Files

JFK Assassination
Erik van t Wout
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Post by Erik van t Wout »

Mark and Paul,

Let me try to translate a column written by our Dutch writer (and poet) Remco Campert in last wednesday's morning paper 'De Volkskrant'.

Bear with me, it seems off-topic, but I don't think it is. It's called:

The other day I had to walk for the movies. I just had to walk the streets. No special actions were expected of me during the walk. No happy sign of recognition on my face while discovering an approaching friend. Not the hurtfull expression on my face of a writer, who's pondering his work. No slippery actions caused by the skin of a banana.
Just walking, straight ahead. The task seemed easy enough, the execution of it turned out to be more complicated than I thought.
Just walking: how in fact do you do that?
Now that I knew a camera was pointed at me I started to think about it, which I would never do under normal circumstances. In that case I'd just walk around and think about other things.
Just walking suddenly became a problem.
When the filmmaker shouts: "Action!", which foot do you start with? I decided on my left foot, but out of sheer nervousness, it became the right one. Once the machinery of my body was in motion, I kept wondering whether I was walking normally enough. Was I maybe walking too much in a specific direction? I was supposed to walk like somebody who does his daily stroll, but was I capable of expressing just that?
My respect for actors grew instantly. They've learned of course during their education how to walk 'normally', while being followed by a camera. I would also like to achieve something grand like that. Like a true amateur I was taking my steps forward, while trying to put on an ordinary expression on my face. Suddenly I had no idea what the ordinary expression on my face looked like.
Maybe, while trying to look normal, I was in fact having a extraordinary expression on my face.

The rest of the distance the camera was pointed at my feet. And they had no problem with that, because they were safely hidden behind the leather of my shoes, that gratefully took the opportunity to change their supporting role into being the main character.
Remco Campert
(with apologies to Remco for this unauthorized translation)

Anyway, this is how most people (even actors sometimes) feel in front of a camera. There are exceptions. Sure.
But not many..

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Post by Paul »

Erik van t Wout wrote:Anyway, this is how most people (even actors sometimes) feel in front of a camera. There are exceptions. Sure. But not many..Erik


Gr. Paul.
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Post by dankbaar »

To me it's clear, Paul. Meaning that it is highly unlikely that Files is acting, also given the fact he has no experience as an actor.

Erik van t Wout
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Post by Erik van t Wout »

Yes. Highly unlikely.
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I never saw anything on Mr. Files before, I also only read, but it's really amazing to see the man say the words. I just don't know how you can't believe him. Seemingly the real deal from where I sit. But what the hell do I know? I can't till I can purchase the DVD. Really amazing stuff.

p.s. I have been spreading the word about this site basically anywhere I can (i.e. 9/11 related discussions to say that it is possible for government to cover up something big, and also just talking to friends and the like). Anyway I had mentioned the site to a friend who was reading through the site for a few days and then a couple/few days ago I guess he saw James Files on CNN, not discussing JFK but from what I heard just talking about the conditions at Statesville. Just an interesting note.
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Post by dankbaar »

M.C.Newton wrote: I guess he saw James Files on CNN, not discussing JFK but from what I heard just talking about the conditions at Statesville. Just an interesting note.

Yes, I have heard this too. Why the heck can't they put at least on the screen: James Files, confesssed assassin of JFK ?
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Post by Paul »

Is there a possibility for us to watch that performance of JF on CNN?

Gr. Paul
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Post by bobwc »

I concur with Paul

Erik van t Wout
Posts: 22
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Post by Erik van t Wout »

There is a HUGE difference in reading the transcript of the 1994 interview and watching the interview itself with all his expression and the pauses he makes...As I told you before: you're welcome to watch the 1994 interview at my place! Gr. Paul

Thanks for the invitation Paul.
Let's try to pick a date and time!

Erik van t Wout
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Unknown interview with James Files

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.18.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:There is much more relevant information about James Earl Sutton - Filesthan many realize. Less than 10 % is known. My opinion.Remember that J never revealed his background. It was the F.B.I.Few are completely aware of this, and the circumstances surrounding it, and manyinter-related subject matters.Newer JFK Forum Members, and those who have not studied this carefully will be amazed.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, study, thoughts,or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.