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Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 4:48 pm
by tom jeffers
if my memory is correct, life magazine actually ran an article on the bobby baker scandal the weekend of the assassination. I have the magazine at my office and I scanned the article.

Re: Zapruder's Film saves LBJ's head from the Choping Block

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:26 pm
by Brian White
Jim- I'd like to take the pictures,but don't have the equipment,know-how,or probablytime to do it.(I'm pretty old-school.) I looked at the magazines again and was right about my recollections.Both issues make a lot of connections between Baker and Johnson. Baker is on the cover of the Nov.8 issue,with a big banner about the scandal in Washington.Very interesting to read these in retrospect,especiallyknowing that RFK might be behind them,and LBJ KNEW he was behind them! Most good-size libraries have the old "Life" in bound volumes,if anyone is interested.Maybe some forummember could scan them?