Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Dealey Joe »

Do we expect to be told the truth???
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by kenmurray »

Alex Hidell
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Alex Hidell »

I believe it was him for one simple reason-He was shot hiding behind his wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who also was killed.Guys like this are always cowards, when it comes down to it.Just like Saddam Heuiseein, hiding in a hole.These guys are real tough when they are surrounded but their henchmen but general, everyday cowards when it's time to face their enemy.They're the first ones to ask their followers to show bravery in the face of death but when it comes their time, they're just a bunch of cowardly dogs, nothing more.Good riddance to the puke. May he rot in H*ll.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Dealey Joe »

You mean like Georgie W.
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo
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Toppling Dopplegangistan

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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Slav »

Mike Ellwood
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Another skeptic here: Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Mike Ellwood »

Hello, new member here, so I'll put a brief self-intro at the bottom.I was a young teenager when the first major coup d'état in the USA in my lifetime was staged, although I didn't recognise it as such until a long time afterwards.I was well into middle-age at the time of the 2nd one, and much more skeptical, and somewhat suspicious from the first, although even I could not at first believe that something so horrendous could have been an "inside job". However, the more I looked into it, the truth, unbelievable though it at first seemed, seemed inescapable. Was OBL the "patsy" of 9/11? He was certainly a convenient scapegoat. Even if it was he who organised it and "Al Qaeda" (not that it really existed in the sense that the general public has been encouraged to think) operatives who carried it out, who was actually pulling the strings (and organising the cover-ups)?Well, we know (or we think we know) that although the mob actually carried out the hit in November 1963, it wasn't they who masterminded it. History repeated itself, with a different sort of "mob".Well some of us watched history play out in 1963, and most of us here did in 2001. Now again, another chapter of history has been playing out in the last couple of days. Of course, "history is written by the victors", and what we are reading is page after page of misinformation. Not all of the MSM is totally evil (although a lot of it is). A lot of it is simply lazy and if they are fed a "good story", then of course they are going to run with it. Even newspapers who should know better (like the UK "Guardian") so far don't seem to have questioned a single thing about this story.I'm intrigued that Alex Jones (in one of the YouTube clips that was posted earlier) said that it has been admitted that a picture published earlier was a fake from several years before. I'm not sure if the UK media has picked up on this, and it will be interesting to see if they do. (My bet is that they won't).Quick Self-intro: I'm British (English) and certainly remember where I was when I first heard of the news of JFK's murder: in my parents' house watching TV. In my adult years I slowly became more and more skeptical of the official story. I think the clincher was a British documentary on TV some time in the late 80s or early 90s (I wonder if it's the same one that Wim watched). I remember seeing photos or newsreel of the rounding up of the "tramps" who were then quietly spirited away, for example. As far as 11th September 2001 is concerned, it similarly took me while to become totally convinced that it was an inside job. The deciding factor was probably one Michael C Ruppert. He seems to have moved on from the 9/11 issue nowadays, but there is (or was) a lot of good material on YouTube/Google video featuring him on that subject, and a book "Crossing the Rubicon". Like some people did over the JFK issue, Ruppert probably sacrificed the best years of his life, as well as his career, to speak the truth as he saw it. Are the murder of JFK and the events of 9/11 connected? Well, at least indirectly. As Joan Mellen says (I'm paraphrasing crudely), because "they" got away with killing JFK, "they" (even if it's a slightly different "they") thought they could get away with 9/11, and with a lot more since.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Tom Bigg »

Mike Ellwood
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Re: Breaking News: Bin Laden Is Dead

Post by Mike Ellwood »

A point I made in a letter to the UK Guardian yesterday (of course, unpublished) was that [even if the official story of the death of OBL is true in all details including timing], in what way was this not an act of international terrorism?If the response to terrorism is simply more terrorism, then there is no hope for the civilised world.