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Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:30 pm
by dankbaar
They were all part of the group, with foreknowledge, and thus responsible and guilty. It's actually pretty weird. You might think such a large group of people cannot hold a conspiracy closed, but if think about it, it glues them together in silence and power, that they got from this very act. It creates a very strong bondage.

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:45 pm
by Dealey Joe
I imagine they learn very early on to keep your mouth shut or else.After a while it just comes natural.Cover one anothers ass.

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:52 am
by kenmurray

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:57 am
by dankbaar
*The evidence that executives of the Pepsi-Cola company, the CIA, and Richard Nixon were involved in the JFK assassination becomes even more credible when one considers that these three parties collaborated in a plot against another president: Salvador Allende, the socialist leader of Chile. As the British newspaper The Guardian reports, "...the October 1970 plot against Chile's President-elect Salvador Allende, using CIA 'sub-machine guns and ammo', was the direct result of a plea for action a month earlier by Donald Kendall, chairman of PepsiCo, in two telephone calls to the company's former lawyer, President Richard Nixon. Kendall arranged for the owner of the company's Chilean bottling operation to meet National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger on September 15. Hours later, Nixon called in his CIA chief, Richard Helms, and, according to Helms's handwritten notes, ordered the CIA to prevent Allende's inauguration." Gregory Palast, "A Marxist threat to cola sales? Pepsi demands a US coup. Goodbye Allende. Hello Pinochet," The Guardian, 8 November 1998 who organized the coup in Chile? Good old David Atlee Phillips.

Kendall, Khrushchev, Nixon 1959

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:01 am
by Phil Dragoo
Here is a photo from of Donald Kendall, Nikita Khrushchev, Richard Nixon in Moscow 1959:

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:54 pm
by dankbaar
Some people ask me for proof. I have proof that Phil Twombly was very cognizant of the plans to kill JFK. And had a very active role in those plans. I have proof that Twomly was very close to Kendall. I have proof that they both stayed in Dallas together "with friends" on the night of 11/21/1963. So you just have to ask yourself: If Twombly had foreknowlegde of the JFK assassination, how could Kendall have none?Kendall was close to Nixon, one of JFK's arch enemies, architect of the failed Bay of Pigs, loser of the 1960 election against Kennedy, who was also there that night. Kendall is known to have played , with Nixon, an active leading role in other coups, like Allende's Chile. Kendall was close the George Bush, who was also in Dallas that night. Kendall is a trustee of the George Bush foundation:

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:05 pm
by Davyjones
It seems folk want a signed confession,photographs,audio tape and a video of the meeting before they will agree Kendall had knowledge of the events concerning JFKs murder. Its all a question of what is reasonable,logical and makes sense at this point in time.Otherwise we will never agree anything!

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:17 pm
by Bob
dankbaar wrote:They were all part of the group, with foreknowledge, and thus responsible and guilty. It's actually pretty weird. You might think such a large group of people cannot hold a conspiracy closed, but if think about it, it glues them together in silence and power, that they got from this very act. It creates a very strong bondage.Wim was answering this question from Dealey Joe...How involved do you see LBJ, Nixon and Bush? I can't decide if they were direcly responsible or just recipients of the proceeds? has the Presidency kept a lid on what happened on 11/22/1963? It's simple really. Kill or sully the reputation of anyone that may be a threat to that dark secret. See RFK and Edward Kennedy. Attempt to kill people that might push the envelope or might keep others from getting the power. See Ronald Reagan and George Wallace. But more than that, the power elite has gotten THEIR man in office. Just think about it. After JFK, we had LBJ and then Nixon. Then Nixon has Watergate destroy his Presidency and Gerald Ford succeeds him after he resigns. The same Ford that was a key player on the Warren Commission and doctored evidence about JFK's backwound to help out the magic bullshit theory. Plus, Ford pardons Nixon, which stops the investigation about why Watergate really happened. Which would have led to 11/22/1963.Ford also brings on Poppy Bush to head the CIA, right when the HSCA is investigating the assassinations of the 1960's. Poppy stops any and all cooperation with the HSCA from the CIA. Ford also brings on Donald Rumsfeld as his Secretary of Defense and Dick Cheney as his Chief of Staff. Those two would come full circle in the Dumbya Bush administration a quarter of a century later.After Ford, Jimmy Carter became President. Carter was a member of the CFR. In addition to that, it was his administration that gave us Zbigniew Brzeziński. It was Brzeziński and people like Robert Gates (who was Poppy's CIA Director and Dumbya Bush's and Barack Obama's Secretary of Defense) that created Al-Qaeda for the CIA in the fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was on their payroll and was a CIA operative.After Carter, the next President was Reagan. Reagan was almost killed just two months into his Presidency. After that, Poppy Bush pretty much ran the White House the next 8 years. We had the CIA drug running in Mena, Arkansas going on, in which Governor Bill Clintion was a participant. We had Iran/Contra. We had the U.S. giving arms and money to a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam. The list goes on and on.I've said it before, but every President since Poppy Bush has had CLEAR CIA connections. Wayne Madsen has said that President Obama was a CIA operative at Columbia University. Dumbya was like his dad Poppy, in terms of being tied in with failed businesses that were fronts for the CIA. Slick Willie and Poppy were tied at the hip in Mena, when the CIA was doing the massive drug running there. Also look at all the guys that have been CIA directors under these Presidents. Currently you have Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide, who will soon be replaced by General David Petraeus, another Miltary Industrial Complex neocon. Panetta will be replacing Bob Gates as Secretary of Defense. Gates is yet ANOTHER former Iran/Contra player and one of the creators of Al-Qaeda. Under Dumbya, you had Slick Willie's CIA director George Tenet, who allowed 9/11 to take place. Dumbya also had Porter Goss as CIA director, who was a former Iran/Contra player and a former Operation 40 guy. Michael Hayden was someone from the Military Industrial Complex who was allowed to run the CIA with two wars waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. The CIA helped to assassinate JFK and now they basically run the White House, along with some other foxes (see Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Insurance/Pharma, AIPAC/Israel ) that also run that hen house. Obama went out of his way to clear the CIA of using torture tactics. He has escalated the war in Afghanistan, while nothing has changed in Iraq. There are more private contractors (Blackwater, Halliburton, etc.) on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq than troops now. He has also protected and given hundreds of billions of dollars to Wall Street, a well known bed partner of the CIA. Now Obama has given us the fable about killing Osama bin Laden, a guy who died almost 10 years earlier. A guy that was certainly in the CIA.When Obama makes a decision think about who really pulls the strings at the White House. It's the power elite. The CIA is a BIG part of that group. This process started when they killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 11/22/1963. A future CIA director and a future President was part of that conspiracy. Right Poppy?

Re: Where was Donald Kendall?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:14 pm
by Bob
This thread is directly related to the new thread about the Murchinson party.