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Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:47 pm
by kenmurray
Bob and Chad, another good Angelina movie is "Changeling" based on a true story: ... er-collins

Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:13 am
Phil, I have a question for you. Why would Robert Oswald turn on his own brother and say he beleives he did it? Even if you thought it was true why would say it, it doesn't benefit him, plus who wants to be known for being the brother of a guy who shot the president. Thats like being proud that your brother is Charles Manson. Without no investigation on Robert's part he blurts this out that he thinks his brother did it?Here is my take on it, and it fits into the two Oswald senario. Robert knows that the Oswald that Ruby killed isn't his brother. So by either his brother telling him to say that Oswald did it or the CIA telling him if you don't want your Oswald to die you better tell the media that your brother did it. They were banking on the fact if the public herd Lee Oswald's own brother say he did it then no one would investegate the murder and the two Oswald scenario and then his real brother could live happily ever after some where else. Why else would he say his brother did it? I've seen pictures of not only two different Oswald's that look alike, but two different Oswald mothers. One was tall and thin and the other was the short pudgy woman holding the babies at Lee's funeral.Your thoughts or anyone else's thoughts please!JDB

Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:38 pm
by Shane
Who knew the Salt post would touch on a topic I am investigating at the moment. By the way, I clicked on this post because I have “Salt” recorded and was expecting a review. This was so much better.I have read about New Orleans-born Oswald being replaced with a Russian look-alike on his arrival in Russia. I have even heard that the New Orleans born Oswald was replaced by the Russian Oswald prior to his trip to Russia, while he was still in the Marines. On top of that, voice analyst experts have heard “after Russia” Oswald and stated his accent was that of a native Russian speaking in English. Finally, I have heard the Russian Oswald was dug up and the New Orleans Oswald was placed in the coffin.The one problem I have with the New Orleans Oswald and the Russian Oswald (meaning two separate people) is how could Oswald’s own mother have trouble recognizing him on television. I have heard Oswald’s mom say that when he returned from Russia he acted and even looked different. But I just have a difficult time wrapping my mind around the idea that a mom could not tell the difference between her son and a man who was identical to her son. By no means is this intended to knock anyone else’s believe or opinion, more just a question to generate more information. I honestly want to hear more about this theory. I should also state for the record, I firmly believe the CIA was moving fake Oswald’s around the board to incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald of New Orleans. JDB, the only explanation I can give to your question is the pressure put on Oswald’s brother. Just like Oswald’s wife turned on him due to threats of deportation. This is purely opinion because I have not read enough about Oswald personally to answer with any degree of certainty.

Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:17 pm
by Dealey Joe
Jack White has the perfect answer to you questions about mother."It was really not his Mother" There is no end to this I guess.White can take a picture and prove the world is flat!I think there were people doing things using the Oswald and Hidell name, like the car lot and shooting range ect.

Doubles and turncoats

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:23 am
by Phil Dragoo
JDB and ShaneRegarding Robert. I found a reference online last year regarding Robert's insistence Lee was fixated on becoming a spy. Yet the math did not add up—I suspected Robert was cooking with a special sauce.So I replied the fact was counter to Robert's claim that his younger brother Lee was “still watching reruns of I Led Three Lives when I went off to the Marines.”I posted a reply that such was impossible, as the series ran from 1953 to 1956, yet Robert had enlisted in 1952—Lee watched reruns before the series premiered?The Church Lady sent her first condescending message that I must be mistaken, perhaps Robert meant the radio program or a magazine article or a book or a newspaper article or a movie.Such a detail is yet another bridge too far in the attempts to frame Lee.John Armstrong in Harvey and Lee: How the CIA framed Oswald suggests two individuals Lee and Harvey, one last name, conflated from age thirteen (born 1939, hence, 1952) and such is the subject of his major work and subsequent research.Robert's role has not been innocent nor explicable by intimidation or extortion. How helpful he has been in conjunction with the CIA-linked Ruth Paine. Providing the backyard camera is no small matter, considering the photos are fake, the rifle, one Lee never owned per the work of Gil Jesus and George Michael Evica.On the shooting range, at the car dealer, in Mexico City, at the gun shop, too many Oswalds are proof of CIA complicity.And Robert—according to Judyth Vary Baker in Me & Lee, Robert was doing Marina. The niece of the Russian intelligence officer, who was involved with others in Angleton's false defector program, linked in intrigue and sex with another former Marine in the framing of the patsy.Marina's story told by Priscilla who had the exclusive Oswald interview, Priscilla the CIA asset.John Newman, Oswald and the CIA, demonstrating that Angleton manipulated the Oswald file. And the Lopez Report demonstrating the CIA framing Oswald in Mexico City. That WWIII virus concocted by CIA. Veciana seeing Phillips with Oswald in Dallas in the summer of 63.Robert protecting a brother who was spared at the last minute, perhaps ducking out the alley exit from the Texas Theater as the Dallas Police led the other out the front?Douglass puts the former on a plane bound for Roswell, where there was in that year, a significant base.An intentional deception involving dopplegangers, to be sure, but Robert Oswald has no redeeming qualities to separate him from Judas or Quisling.

Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:25 pm
by Shane
Great info, Phil. Thanks. I did want to follow up on the theory of an Oswald transplant. Meaning, the man born in New Orleans was not the man shot and killed in Dallas. I believe the CIA used Oswald decoys to lead a trail of incriminating evidence back to Lee Harvey Oswald. I do not subscribe to a theory that the man shot by Ruby was anyone else other than the New Orleans born Lee Harvey Oswald. This is just one man’s opinion, but I believe James Files backs this up.Below is an excerpt taken from “Interview with History” by Pamela Ray with James Files. Much of the book is Q&A with Files, or written memoirs from Files. This piece comes from his written notes.“Lee filled me in on him going to Russia and I got a good laugh out of him telling me that they were scared to death of him, as they knew he had been sent there to feed them a lot of bogus information. That they couldn’t wait for him to make up his mind to leave Russia and they even paid for his and Marina’s fare back to the U.S.A.“I’ve heard that many researchers have stated that Lee Harvey Oswald had a double and that the double was “William Houston Seymour.” All I can say about that is, that whoever believes this, should go to the trouble to look up Oswald’s and Seymour’s pictures and place them side by side and then make up their own mind to that one. That’s like saying that all slender men look alike.”As I post this information, I am aware there has been a discussion about supporting the forum’s books and Wim’s videos. I personally think everyone should view (hopefully through purchase) the James Files interviews. They are essential in the education about what happened to JFK. I also want to make sure that Wim receives all the support and encouragement necessary to continue this struggle for the truth (I proudly support the Files’ videos and the Chauncey Holt video, which is every bit as powerful).I post the information above, not to promote the sale of an author’s book, but to present information to those interested. Because I believe that is what we are all here for, to learn the truth and have it recorded as a fact of our nation’s history...hopefully one day soon. Sincerely - Shane

William Houston Seymour

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:48 pm
by kenmurray
William Seymour, alias Leon Oswald, then proceeded to impersonate Lee Oswald at a number of places in New Orleans, Florida, Austin, Alice, Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas, right down to November 22, 1963. As per his assignment through Bannister from the cabal, Seymour made incriminating statements on behalf of Oswald which were to be used as evidence against Oswald after the murder. Seymour also went to Florida posing as Oswald and carried the Fair Play for Cuba part down there in the summer of 1963. Seymour, in his masquerade, bought ammunition in Fort Worth, made pro-Castro remarks in an Irving barber shop and other shops around Dallas and fired a rifle similar to the Italian one a large number of times and at a number of rifle ranges in the Dallas area over a month's period immediately before the cabal's murder occurred. Two weeks before the assassination, Seymour, alias Lee Harvey Oswald, alias Leon Oswald, told a car salesman he would soon come into a large sum of money.As Leon Oswald, Seymour in September, 1963, discussed the planned assassination of Kennedy in New Orleans with Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and two Mexican appearing men. Seymour was introduced to Mrs. Sylvia Odio by two Mexican appearing men in Dallas on September 25th as Leon Oswald. At this time, he was said to have made remarks which would incriminate Oswald in the murder two months away. But Seymour was not the only one impersonating and incriminating Oswald with statements and acts prior to the assassination.

Re: The movie "SALT" with Angelina jolie

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:57 pm
by dankbaar
Philip Noyce also directed "Clear and Present Danger".J: George Bush, like I say, maybe he was a lousy President, whatever. I don’t know, maybe he’s Skull and Bones and everything else, but I gotta say one thing, when he was Director of the CIA he did support us. And he did back us and gave us everything we needed.P: Well, if you’re going to do that kind of work, you want to know somebody is backing you up instead of being all talk.J: Well, if it wasn’t for Frank Sturgis I would have died, I would have died in Mexico. Because they didn’t want to send nobody, but Frank Sturgis took his people and chopper and he says “I’m getting my people out! I’m going in after them!” And they didn’t want the, ah, they didn’t want any involvement because they gave us very, very bad intelligence, ok?P: Oh.J: And we went in, I took a handful of men and jumped into a thing, instead of hitting just a few, like we thought, we jumped into a whole company.P: Uh-oh!J: And I mean we were out numbered something between 50-20 to 1 and you can imagine the beatin’ we was takin’. We fought our way back, right up to the Gulf of Mexico there, and we were in the rocks and when they come with the choppers, and we had a couple gun ships we were layin’ down trying to pick up our dead and wounded and get them back to the choppers.P: Wow.J: So, … but like I say, Frank Sturgis… I owe him my life.P: Well, see? I need to know that.J: Without Frank Sturgis … did you ever see the movie “Clear and Present Danger”?P: Yeah.J: Remember how they pulled out and left the guys, abandoned them, down in Columbia?P: Um-hum.J: They made the movie, when they show that one scene, it was wrong. It was Mexico, ok?P: Yeah.J: And we went in there for…(can’t hear)P: You went in there for what?J: To take out the Russian advisors training Cubans there in Mexico.P: Uh -huh J: We were training Cubans right there in Mexico, ok?P: Uh-huhJ: They were flyin’ a Russian flag and a Cuban flag, mixing the troops, and when we went into the shrubs of it we thought there was only a small group being trained there. We didn’t think that we would endanger eight or ten advisors capacity, special groups, you know? The Russian Special Forces. Spec-match.(sp?)"Spec-match" is a misunderstood (by Ray) Russian term for Special forces. Spetsnaz