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Re: Realize the significance of this?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:27 pm
by Bob
Then Gerald Ford adds to the lie... also added to the evil doings of his controllers, when he added Dick Cheney as his Chief of Staff while he was President, and also named Donald Rumsfeld as his Secretary of Defense. Oh yeah, Ford also name Poppy Bush as head of the CIA. Think those decisions had anything to do with what happened in the future?

Re: Realize the significance of this?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:25 pm
by dankbaar
Robert Harris,I like your videos. In fact I use one myself: also like your analysis of the stretcher bullet and how another bullet was retrieved by nurse Bell.Here's to add some more to the confusion:JFK assassination AMAZING medical evidence newsDid you know this clip? I did not, just discovered it. Could you emaill me at ?I would like to exchange some further thoughts on your belief that one bullet could have gone through both Kennedy and Connally. I think I can quickly convince you that you could abandon that possibility. It's interesting, because the lone shooter theory rests on this thesis. You cannot have one shooter, without the single bullet theory. So if this is disproven, a conspiracy (=  more than one  shooter) is proven. Did you know that the single bullet theory was born 6 months after the fact, when James Tague could no longer be ignored? These rare postcards are from before the single bullet theory. 3 shots , 3 hits. no miss.The funny thing is they hang in the 6th floor museum. Not on the main exhibition on the 6th floor, but in the entrance hall on the ground floor. So when they had to acknowledge one miss, they did not want to consider more shooters, no, they clung to Oswald and instructed Arlen Specter to create a "solution". And he did! Wim

Re: Realize the significance of this?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:29 pm
by Deborah
From HSCA, Please note Nolan's testimony about the bullet fragment from the LEFT THIGH of Governor Connolly which he gave to Captain Fritz instead of to the FBI."------- Another Unexplained Connally Fragment -------Bobby M. Nolan, Texas highway patrolman, Tyler district, was interviewed relative to a bullet fragment removed from the left thigh of Governor Connally, which was turned over to him at Parkland Hospital in Dallas for delivery to the FBI.Nolan stated his instructions were apparently not clear at the outset and that following contact with his superior officers while at the Dallas Police Department, he turned the bullet fragment over to Captain Will Fritz [Dallas Police Department.] at approximately 7:50 p.m. He stated he had no further information concerning the matter and that his only participation in this series of events was the acceptance of the fragment and delivery of same to Captain Fritz. (7 HSCA 156)"

So many magic bullets

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:01 am
by Phil Dragoo, Seamus posted this link to your Harris article on lancer.Tomlinson to Wright to Johnson to Rowley--and none of them could identify CE 399--apparently because what they'd all seen and some had initialled was a pointed-nose hunting style bullet.Bell gave an envelope with fragments to a plainclothes Secret Service or FBI agent.Another nurse gave an envelope with a "bullet" to Nolan.CE 399 was fired into the Pillsbury Dough Boy and was unsurprisingly remarkable intact.TomlinsonBellNolanNARA Toy Bullet (Magic 399)Four-count-em-four artifacts--are any of them authentic.Hint: the chain of custody is so compromised, none of them would be admissable--nor probative.

The Magic Bullet: Even More Magical Than We Knew?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:47 am
by kenmurray