
JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

limiting space on cut and paste information from other websights is not censoring. you can make your point without writing a 50 page essay especially since I've read the same exact stuff on other websights almost verbatim. I am just saying post a link instead of trying to look like the original author and trying to impress someone with your literary skills. What I am also saying is it is easy to accuse anyone of anything. Don't just make accusations but give the facts. I have heard and read so much crap on the masons and it is mostly garbage. I am a mason and I have never seen any sign of any type of conspiracy in the years that I have belong. Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, James Earl Ray. All 3 are known by their first middle and last names and all are accused of being assassins but that doesn't mean that all people with 3 names are assassins. I have known of several children who have been treated and made well at the Shriners hospital, I have known of many instances of charity by masonic groups. It is possible that the purpose of the masons may not be for world domination. A lot of our founding fathers of the United States were masons also. Where is your proof? Can you give any proof that any sanctioned masonic meeting conspired for world domination?
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Tom Jeffers, Im sorry to hear about your "Religious Choice". Since your religion ask's you to make a "blood oath to the death" to your temple brothers, and not your God, or to mankind in general, I have no more respect for you and your ilk than I would a group of pedifile priests. So please accept my sympathy and condolences for your eternal sole.

But in the same breath I must agree, to much copy and past ruins the impact and message. More than 1 paragraph will tend to turn off the avarage reader. Consolidate the material into 1 paragraph and include a link to the original information.

To clearify my 1st paragraph I will say " Masons are good people, Trapped Behind an Evil Oath" But Dont try to hijack this thread into a commercial for Freemasonry, I wont respond.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

you are crazy! there is no such oath. I never took any such oath...again more heresay crap from people who never belonged to the masons but just read some other crap that some crappy author wrote. now since you read it you decide it must be true so you spread it around too. how can you talk of my religeous convictions, you know nothing about who i am or what i stand for. thomas jefferson was a mason and founding father and author of the constitution which gives you the right to free speech. but be responsible with your freedoms and not make false accusations until you know me do not attack me personally. this is exactly why i despise some of these sights. some of you spread any kind of crap around without doing your research. So george bush is a mason, that doesn't mean all masons are like george bush. i see thousands of children treated for free at shriners hospitals. many of those children could not get or afford the type of help that they receive free of charge because it is paid for by the shriners. they get the money from fundraisers and from a lot of masons donating their time and money to see that these kids get taken care of. this is the masons that i belong to. if their is a group of masons that are trying to get world domination, then it is not affiliated with any mason organization that i know of or are affiliated with. people like you give conspiracy theorists a bad name.
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Re: confused

Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:I think there should be a limit on the amount of space for a posting and it should directly relate to the JFK assassination. If I was interested in all this other stuff, I would find an appropriate forum that delt with those issues. I think you can make your point and include a link without doing a 10,000 word essay.Tom Jeffers

here is one of Tom's posts....
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Post by Pennyworth »

Billy Boggs wrote:Tom Jeffers, Im sorry to hear about your "Religious Choice". Since your religion ask's you to make a "blood oath to the death" to your temple brothers, and not your God, or to mankind in general, I have no more respect for you and your ilk than I would a group of pedifile priests. So please accept my sympathy and condolences for your eternal sole.But in the same breath I must agree, to much copy and past ruins the impact and message. More than 1 paragraph will tend to turn off the avarage reader. Consolidate the material into 1 paragraph and include a link to the original information.To clearify my 1st paragraph I will say " Masons are good people, Trapped Behind an Evil Oath" But Dont try to hijack this thread into a commercial for Freemasonry, I wont respond.

Here's another good ANSWER TO tOM....
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Re: re

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:If you do not want to read it then do not. It is that simple, but to suggest that censorship in any way is acceptable just because you can not take the time to do your homework is no reason to complain or even suggest regulating non obscene or non vulgar post. Some times to find the right piece of the puzzle you need to do the entire puzzle. There is no quick answers and if you think you can get an insight on something you know nothing about, just by reading a paragraph or two. You are mistaken. The long post when and only when it is a subject that I find of interest can prove very plentiful to those of us who actually care about said subject. Instead of reading Wim's book would you just read the prefix? Then come in here and say you know the entire contents of his book?Since when does posting on a forum require a writing major?I suggest the moderaters delete whiny post from people who want to censor other forum users post just because they do not find them entertaining enough.Peace

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I found...

Post by Pennyworth »

this article on shriners and freemasons ......I did not write it, I am simply relaying info...
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Post by Pennyworth »

It is possible that the purpose of the masons may not be for world domination. A lot of our founding fathers of the United States were masons also. Where is your proof? Can you give any proof that any sanctioned masonic meeting conspired for world domination?[/quote]

HELLO TOM HERE IS SOME INFO ... have not reviewed it ..I am just a your service

Conspiracy Theoriststhe concept of an over-arching world domination conspiracy (particularly one ... some secret symbols and PRESTO: you've got yourself a Masonic conspiracy. ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... it describes a Jewish and Masonic plot to achieve world domination. .... elites and institutions conspire to conceal unpalatable truths from the masses. ... - 203k - Cached - Similar pages

ANTI-MASONRY in the CONTEMPORARY WORLDTheir goal, world domination, is sought through control of currency, ..... The discussion of politics at Masonic meetings has always been prohibited. ... - 114k - Cached - Similar pages

Freemasons - CrystalinksThe square and compasses are displayed at all Masonic meetings, ..... either bent on world domination, or already secretly in control of world politics. ... - 77k - Cached - Similar pages

Brent Stewart PresentationRon tells me that I’m supposed to try to impart some bit of Masonic light to you this .... D.C., as part of an age-old secret plan for world domination? ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Sec. 1, Anti-masonry Frequently Asked QuestionsIsn't the Priory of Sion a masonic front, conspiring to restore the ..... they have proof that these groups have a secret agenda of world-domination. ... - 110k - Cached - Similar pages

The Truth Seeker - Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death WishThe key is to distinguish between Jews who advance the New World Order and those who ... Lina details how Freemasonry has conspired for world domination and ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Hunting the Illuminati: Ruling Elites: Facts, Falsehoods and MysteryTo some, Freemasonry's secrecy and weird rituals implement them in a sinister gambit for world domination. My father was a mason, with Bob Monkhouse, ... - 53k - Cached - Similar pages
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East coast????

Post by Pennyworth »

Are you on the east coast Tom?

I noticed one of your posts time was hours ahead of mine...

where are you tom????
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

For what it's worth, I find Paul Pennyworth's posts both informative and relevant to the assasination(s). I regret not following them more closely early on. The bordertown femicide connection to the DOJ, DEA, & DHS is especially interesting then the movie gets pulled from release Flipping over rocks & observing what skitters is what it's all about. Paste on, dude!