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Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:28 pm
by Bob
Please look at part of this note I received from Public Citizen, a group opposed to corporations running the U.S. government...Washington politicians must think we’re stupid.They take money from powerful corporate interests like Big Oil and Wall Street. They introduce, debate and pass legislation that boosts the bottom lines of these companies. And they expect us to believe that the campaign cash has nothing to do with how they vote.Seriously.Out in the real world, no one believes that Exxon and Bank of America give millions of dollars to members of Congress out of sheer corporate kindness. Giant corporations spend money on politics because they get something in return.And we’re not talking about small amounts of money here, either.ITEM: Earlier this year, the Senate voted on whether to extend billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil. The 48 senators who supported subsidies each got an average of over $370,000 in campaign contributions from the industry. The 52 senators who opposed subsides each got only about $72,000.*Coincidence?I don’t think so. It’s just business as usual in our nation’s capital—another corporate handout by politicians in exchange for campaign contributions.This institutionalized corruption is degrading our democracy, and the American people are losing faith in our government. They understand that real change requires limiting corporate money, and they overwhelmingly support public funding of federal elections and overturning the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United v. FEC ruling.Pretty revealing huh? Not to most of the sheeple though.

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:28 pm
by Bob
Please look at part of a note I received from Public Citizen, a group opposed to corporations running the U.S. government...Washington politicians must think we’re stupid.They take money from powerful corporate interests like Big Oil and Wall Street. They introduce, debate and pass legislation that boosts the bottom lines of these companies. And they expect us to believe that the campaign cash has nothing to do with how they vote.Seriously.Out in the real world, no one believes that Exxon and Bank of America give millions of dollars to members of Congress out of sheer corporate kindness. Giant corporations spend money on politics because they get something in return.And we’re not talking about small amounts of money here, either.ITEM: Earlier this year, the Senate voted on whether to extend billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil. The 48 senators who supported subsidies each got an average of over $370,000 in campaign contributions from the industry. The 52 senators who opposed subsides each got only about $72,000.*Coincidence?I don’t think so. It’s just business as usual in our nation’s capital—another corporate handout by politicians in exchange for campaign contributions.This institutionalized corruption is degrading our democracy, and the American people are losing faith in our government. They understand that real change requires limiting corporate money, and they overwhelmingly support public funding of federal elections and overturning the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United v. FEC ruling.Pretty revealing huh? Not to most of the sheeple though.

Obama Fraudulent SS Number

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:35 pm
by kenmurray


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:53 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, 1994.The Karzai brother accused of being a CIA tool and a drug lord was defended by Gerald Posner, then assassinated.Petraeus is taken from the battlefield to Langley to occupy the position vacated by Gates.Gates who told Leahy, "Senator, all governments lie to each other; it's how business gets done."And to their citizens, Mr. Gates, and to their citizens.Gibson presents the downstream of the Rockefeller-Morgan Borg becoming the Oil-Bank borg, organically melding with Council on Foreign Relations.And the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper by Robert Gates and Zbgniew Brzezinski "Iran: Time for a New Approach" calls for negotiations with the regime Brzezinski set up.Brzezinski recently said it is not time to destabilize Iran.Oil, arms, drugs equal power. In 1984 O'Brien tells Winston Smith we are beyond the Communists and Nazis: we do not waste time with ideology--it's about power.Hugo Chavez toasted by Bill Ayers in 2006: "Viva la revolucion bolivariana! Hasta la victoria siempre!"Ayers in SDS in Chicago Days of Rage. SDS head Oglesby's Yankee and Cowboy War posits a false dichotomy: in fact, there is no East-West split in U.S. intel or in global tectonic clash.It's about the power.JFK November 1963; Nikita S. Khrushchev October 1964: hawks replace doves.War, chaos, revolucion. Oil, arms, drugs.Now Bloomberg says riots in the streets.In the wake of the October 8-11, 1969 SDS Days of Rage the 24-Hour-Board-Up-Service trucks' generators roared, saws whined, bang bang bang business in chaos.The BATF, FBI, DEA, DOJ are working 24/7 on behalf of the Sinaloan Cartel--is it CIA bolstering Calderon.JFK was not an anomaly but a Rosetta Stone, not the aberration but how business gets done.

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:23 am
by Dealey Joe

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:07 am
by Davyjones
As a UK citizen when you read these posts it makes my back stiffen and my hair straighten up.Phil Dragoo saidJFK was not an anomaly but a Rosetta Stone, not the aberration but how business gets done.I agree with that 100%

Borg Matrix, your SkyNet will be terminated

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:43 am
by Phil Dragoo ... oirsSecret Tiananmen Square memoirs of Chinese party leader to be publishedFormer Communist chief denounces 1989 massacre and praises western-style democracyOn June 4, 1989, the PLA roared into Tiananmen Square and massacred two thousand democracy advocates, students petitioning the leadership for the openness attained in other parts of the Communist world.Zhao Ziyang was placed under house arrest for his sympathies with these victims.Boris Yeltsin resisted a coup attempt yet who can look at the Putin KGB-mafia hybrid as any great stride toward democratic government—the half-life of a critical journalist is a week, of an opposition party, a month. An opposition candidate—ask General Lebed whose helicopter went down in 2003.Obama has taken trillions from the people and given them to the shadowy bankers—no one knows where it went.While the war for the poppy fields continues.In Iran the young people were shot in the streets, beaten by thugs on motorbikes, while the so-called Arab Spring replaces totalitarian secular regimes with totalitarian Islamist ones.The Council on Foreign Relations has dictated that Iran will be stabilized.The CIA has determined that Calderon will be stabilized—at the cost of a fake war on drugs (which is a war on opponents of the Sinaloan Cartel).When the cultural and religious dogma is backed out of the equation the young will always seek that which unites and inspires.JFK saw that and with Khrushchev he sought a detente while a Peace Corp and Alliance for Progress and joint space program would unite and inspire.The Western Security State united with the Soviet Security State (Oceania with Eurasia) to remove Kennedy and Khrushchev from the strategic table.The result was the Vietnam War which was profitable for the arms dealers and drug lords but terrible, bloody, and demoralizing for all people.Oil is plentiful and can be used cleanly. The same with coal. Even atomic power can be used with no down side. Yet the Malthus-Conservationist aspect of the Rockefeller-Morgan Oil-Bank Borg deems it best to scare all people so their energy costs are dear and their existence marginal.We ought to throw off the chains of the globalists while keeping our guns and our wits.We would be in effect destroying the Matrix, the SkyNet of Terminator lore, the Unspeakable of Douglass.It would be a good place to start, providing context of the widest sort, transcending one point in time, that day in Dallas when the mask was pulled aside and the Enemy of Man sneered at us all.To the future which is our right.

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:35 pm
by Bob
The power elite are doing this all over the globe. Nice take once again Phil. Joe...EXCELLENT link. The only two on MSNBC that talk about this are Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz. But even they don't come close to telling the REAL truth. MSNBC is owned by GE. GE made billions in profits last year, but didn't pay a cent in taxes. They are part of the problem. The MSM is a whore to the power elite. ... d=13224558

Mockingbird Sing

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:40 am
by Phil Dragoo
BobThe occupation formerly known as journalism has been retrained as so many David Atlee Phillipses and C.D. Jacksons, that is, propagandists and psychological operations specialists.The task of asking probing questions and pointing out inconvenient contradictions falls to the citizen forums such as this one.GE was represented by Ronald Reagan at a time when one could truly believe that "Progress Was Their Most Important Product."Now it's profit, and this CFL boondoggle creates toxic waste problems, makes unlawful a device peculiarly American, being the incandescent bulb.Donald Gibson speaks of Malthus ca. 1800-1830 being conjoined with elitist conservationism (see also, Al Gore's Mansion Built on Hoax and Cronyism), and the corporate engineered scarcity (oil, energy, transportation, food).Rachel Carson was wrong: DDT was not the problem; malaria can now kill another million children annually on top of the Chinese murder of millions of girl babies.Kennedy dared to say the future would provide a better life for all mankind with technology and science as our servant, not our dark menace.The context of the murder of the 35th president was the death of optimism.A death greatly exaggerated in Mark Twain's phrase. The power elite and its shrieking fairies and carping harpies to the contrary notwithstanding, we can prosper without the approval of Washington, Moscow, Beijing. ... re=related

Re: The Corporations & Wall Street vs. the People

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:39 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:JDThomas wrote:The Fed trys to stop the Bloomberg FOI case Wall Street analyst Max Keiser recently reported on Russia Today that every working adult in Britain ends up paying 69 pence (just over 1$) per year to pay for the upkeep of their queen, Elizabeth II. On the otherhand, from what Boolberg has weasled out from the fed is that every working adult in the USA is paying over $4,000 for the upkeep of their own Wall Street 'Royalty', via backdoor deals.This can't be what the Patriots of 1776 intended!Indeed JD! "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." Thomas Jefferson This is so true. They are.