I shot a fireball

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Forum Readers and Researchers:07.04. 2006 - My old friend Mr. John Geraghty Posted this Headline of his personal observations on his shooting of a Remington Fireball.Today I was forwarded some ridiculous articles about a Ms. Sherry Fiester who "scientifically" asserts that Mr. James Earl Sutton Files fired the Remington Fireball from the Grassy Knoll ... but she knows that Files missed ..."scientifically."Files was shooting from approximately 88 feet away with a 3 X scope, which made JFK's head look 4 - 6 feet away.As an owner of three (3) Remington Fireballs, all with 3 X scopes, I can assert that I never missed a moving or stationary target under 150 feet. That is my science. They are a deadly accurate Urban Assassination weapon originally designed and engineered by and for ...the C.I.A.With 11.22.2012, and then 11.22.2013 approaching, many sudden JFK Self Anointed Experts will be pushing their newest theories with their own "silver bullet" theory. Forgive my pun - just a little.Respectfully,BB.
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by dankbaar »

Ms Sherry Fiester knows because she was standing next to Files when he took the shot.
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Slav »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i78whcIknX4its hard to miss a target espesially from the knoll so close.
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Slav »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCavp7SP ... latedcheck out all the utube video of the pistol.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Slav:Excellent contributions. I have always enjoyed the comments and contributions about the Remington XP - 100 Fireball by those who knew or know nothing about it.I think that it is the Perfect Urban Assassination Weapon, that easily mounts a scope.It fits perfectly in a briefcase.Respectfully,BB.
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by dankbaar »

This statement of Chauncey supports 3 things that Files said: One, The Fireball was introduced as a prototype before 1963Two, it was originally equipped for a 222 caliber bullet. Three, The CIA supplied Cubans and other assets with the XP-100 prototypes before it was officially introduced to the public.WimFrom 2006: Yesterday I came in possession of a transcript of another completely unknown april 1992 interview with the late Chauncey Marvin Holt (died 1997) Below is a fragment I would like to give you: You think Montoya and Harrelson were shooters? Holt - No, because they got to the boxcar too soon. And there was too many other good shooters around. You know that were in Dallas at that time. We're talking about Seraphin, Orlando Bosch, Freddy Lugo, Luis Posada, .....plus you had these other types wandering around, that I don't know what they were doing. For instance, William Robertson. I know he was there. He was a long time spook. One of the legends in the business. And Tony Po, Poshepny. They were like twins. He was there too. Bosch was convicted for blowing up that airplane. He swore up and down that it was Lugo and Posada. That they were the actual bombers and set him up. That's another thing we were running. We had this school, sort of a sideline, this club in Antelope Valley National Forest, and used to run rifle training. We had weapons we produced, very exotic types. Mostly we designed silencers, but we also made a lot of special silencers. Two stage silencers. One of the most interesting weapons we ever made was for a Cuban. He came in with an XP-100, a varmint rifle that shoots a 222, with a pistol grip, bolt operated for one shot. And this guy comes in and wanted us to replace the 222 barrel with a 14" version of the 243, which is really a rifle. So we had to start out getting the barrel made by somebody in Arizona. Then we replaced the one pistol grip with two pistol grips. It looked like a submachine gun and fitted it with a 8 power scope, a 3-9 variable scope, so he paid a lot of money for that gun. But here you had a rifle that looked like a pistol and it was the ideal type gun if you were going to use it for an assassination like that. Since after all, we were within 20 yards of the shooting. We made this gun in 1961 and the guy sold it back to me in the 70s. I never fired it, but there is a guy, a shooting instructor, a weapons expert, he did a lot of stuff for the CIA, all very legal, weapons evaluation of agency weapons. He had a Federal License. He took the gun out and shot it. And he's still alive. Note from Wim: The XP-100 is the weapon that confessed grassy knoll shooter James E. Files says he fired to shoot Kennedy in the head.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think something that should be mentioned here is the fact that the XP-100 that Files used was an experimental model chambered for the large .222 round, the problem with the .222 was that the barrel was too short to burn all the powder resulting in flash and smoke, depending on the weather the smoke could be more or less.Wwhen the gun was manufactured for marketing they had designed a n entirely new cartridge in a smaller case Fireball round.I don't know about Fiester's shot from the south end of the bridge (Buick also proposes this) but I know Files could not miss with this gun at this distance.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe Hall:Joe - Many excellent and valid points, as per your usual.When I visited with Jimmy this week at our usual four (4) hour weekly Business-Legal Meeting I told him that it was suggestedthat he missed.After he stopped laughing he stated that: "Originally I was a fraud and hoax in it for the fame, fortune, and money.Now I'm a lousy shot who was there like I said, but I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, with a scope on the most deadly accurate Urban Assassination weapon ever designed and engineered. I guess that's progress. By the way, what do the JFKResearch Experts surmise as to how I got the F.B.I. to implicate me ?""And remind Joe of one of his assignments. Exactly how many JFK Type books must one read to qualify themselves as a JFK Research Expert. Just wondering."Joe and Martha - Best Regards to Joe and Martha from J and B.Respectfully,BB.
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Slav »

Bruce is this true I never heard or read anything that someone was standing next to files?is there some proof of this?Ms Sherry Fiester knows because she was standing next to Files when he took the shot.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I shot a fireball

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Slav:Slav - I have known Mr. James Earl Sutton Files since the 1960's in Chicago, Illinois. We both grew up in the vicinity of where our great friend Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin grew up. I moved two (2) miles from where Dan moved afterleaving Chicago. We have an interlocking string of acquaintances and friends that even J and B sometimes marvel at as late as this week.Jimmy has never once implied or stated that anyone was standing next to him when he fired his single shot.Slav, additionally I have have spent thousands of hours personally with Jimmy developing our own projects. Nowherein the thousands of hours of discussions and interviews, and tens of thousands of notes, and pages of documentation has thisever been stated. Rather, it has been specifically denied repeatedly over thirty (30) years or more when the question firstbegan to consistently surface.Never, ever once has this been implied or stated. Ever. PERIOD.Mr. Ernest Hemingway wrote a book about The Old Man In The Sea who caught the greatest fish ever, which was so bigthat he had to tie it to the outside of the ship as he headed to shore to show it, "the truth."By the time the fisherman reached shore the great fish had been picked apart bite by bite, piece by piece, until there was thesmallest set of fish bones remaining.J has drawn a Line in the Sand many, many years ago.Hence, we have our own projects, owe nothing to anybody, with intentions of offending nobody.Respectfully,BB.