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Re: The second shell

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:07 pm
by Davyjones
Two used shells seems right to me

Warren Scam, Blakey Shell Game, other carnie cons

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:04 am
by Phil Dragoo
There is a totality of fabrication regarding the so-called “evidence” said to support the contentions of the Warren Report.Oswald is unlikely to have ordered, purchased, received, possessed, practiced with, stored, transported, fired, concealed the Mannlicher Carcano. ... 5804Oswald was not in the window alleged—not identified by credible witnesses using proper police procedures, seen in lunchroom, other figures observed in sixth-floor windows.Oswald tested negative in the Police paraffin test of the cheek, confirmed by AEC's Oak Ridge Lab, though seven test subjects who fired the MC-type weapon tested positive.Gerald D. McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why.Ballistics indicate the shot which hit Tague came not from the TSBD but the Dal-Tex.The bag alleged to have transported the weapon was not photographed in place; in fact, was shown to have been made after the assassination. one saw Oswald carry a gun into the building—but Ralph Leon Yates picked up an Oswald-lookalike Wednesday the 20th carrying a 4-foot paper-wrapped package of “curtain rods” who talked of shooting the president from a tall building and was let off by the TSBD. James Douglass, JFK & the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.The kill shot came from the right front (Grassy Knoll) or the intersection of the overpass and the fence (per Sherry Gutierrez).The coffin arrived at 6:35 and Tom Robinson observed Humes with a skull saw performing a limited craniotomy.Doug Horne, Inside the ARRB.Regarding James Sutton-Files' claim to have bit a casing and left it, some have claimed the date stamp on one found is from a manufacture after the assassination, but this is not proved.The exit wound was observed by 40 Parkland and Bethesda medical personnel but Blakey (whose colonoscopy showed an entire CIA agent hiding there) lied that such was not the case.We could go on, but the takeaway is that no one playing with a full deck who isn't a punk for Langley believes the Warren Commission.

Re: The second shell

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:34 am
by Deborah
Justin C wrote:I was wondering what everyone thought of the second shellcase found on the grassy knoll by John Rademacher in 1987. I understand that James Files stated that he left a .222 casing with indentations (teethmarks) on it and that he only took one shot, but i was wondering why there would be two .222 casings found on the knoll. Though I believe James Files has left us very big pieces to the puzzle, there are still pieces that without a doubt need to be "put together." I highly doubt that it is by chance there is just a another random .222 case in dealy plaza. Here are some things I consider but i don't personally believe to be the scenario on 11/22/631) Two shooters from the knoll. Files says he was alone, but he could be possibly covering for somebody that still may be alive'.2) If (1) is true, then maybe this explains the throat wound as another shot from the front as some believe. I personally do not believe it. I think the mercury loaded round explains the hole that was present in the throat. Fragment from the round gave the appearance as a "bullet hole." 3) Maybe, and this pure speculation, Files had an empty shellcase in his guncase and as he put the gun away, he just chucked it out. Maybe an accident, maybe to add more drama to the story if it was ever discovered he fired "a single shot" from the knoll. Maybe this topic has been covered on the forum. If so i have not read about it. I was just wondering what everyone thought. One of my friends is a "files hater" and when i beat him down with evidence (most retrieved from this website and forum) this is the one thing he always comes back to and i really don't have a rebuttal other than what he uses for most of his rebuttals...which is... " I dunno."JustinThere was only one 222 shell casing found on the grassy knoll. It was the one which John Rademacher found. This finding is the 'evidence' that Files was telling the truth about having left One shell casing on the fence with his bite mark indented on it. I believe it fell off of the fence that day and laid in the earth below until it was found by Rademacher in 1987.Regards, Deborah