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Re: Where?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:54 pm
by kenmurray
Judyth Vary Baker talks about Hemming:

Re: Where?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:31 pm
by Shane
Hey, Joe.I have been one of the lost sheep that hasn't posted in a while. And it is not because my interest in the assassination of JFK has slipped. Not in the least. I continue to check in because I want to compare notes.What I will say is this, it seems current topics, that in my opinion link to JFK, but aren't JFK, need to be addressed and discussed. And they need to be discussed on Facebook. I just don't believe the next generation will connect to JFK unless there is a link today that connects.I am a product of the 80's who connected with JFK because my mother was passionate about his administration and did not believe his murder was a coincidence. But believe me, no one else my age gave it any thought. I'm 37. Just imagine this generation. It's like reading the Civil War and how Stonewall Jackson was accidently shot by his own troops. It doesn't connect to today.But there are important topics going on today that directly connect to JFK; including 9/11 and the picket lines on Wall Street. The best way to tap into this generation is to grab a current headline and show them how history matters.Or at least that is this man's opinion. Keep up the good fight, Joe. You don't know where your ripple will reach

Re: Where?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:15 am
by Dealey Joe
Hello Shane, good to hear from you. I havn't sen you on facebook. why dont you make a few posts on there,I think you are a member? I will look tomorrow and add you if you are not..You know Pasquale will help on the 9/11 deal.

Terminal Velocity

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:59 am
by Phil Dragoo
JDTwyman, too, spent a lot of time with Hemming. I'm plowing through Bloody Treason for the third time. Hemming liked to talk a lot. If he said anything useful he would have been killed, or was he allowed to tell a bit of the truth every seventh sentence. Instead of transcribing what he said, someone ought to have given him the Nosenko, stood him on his head with a helmet of water down his nose daily rinse-repeat until he sang like the Three Tenors. ShaneThe street is no where to find out anything.JFK in Dealey Plaza is the key.The patsy was put through his paces as a dangle stateside, sheepdipped at the U-2 base in Atsugi, no doubt doubled (per Armstrong), run through the false defector program, repatriated with a Russian shadow, dressed up as a commie and set up as the fall guy for the coup of the Republic.Now no president will cross the Agency—which is the sword and shield of the power elite.Johnson saw a ghost and bowed out in March 1968. The month before FBI/Army intelligence/CIA killed King. Followed by the Manchurian MK-ULTRA patsy distracting from Cesar the military-industrial assassin.Nixon went down because Helms put McCord, Sturgis, Hunt, Barker et al in position to sabotage the Watergate op with a piece of tape.Carter's boy tried his little Halloween 1977 massacre of 820 case officers. William Sullivan the FBI opposite number to CIA counterintel dweeb James Jesus Angleton was shot with a scoped rifle November 9, 1977, thereby unavailable for subpoena by the HSCA.But the HSCA was still Blakey running interference for CIA. Despite that we still learned via Fonzi-Veciana that Bishop aka David Atlee Phillips CIA Ahole was with Oswald in Dallas summer of 63. Followed by Reagan almost killed by GHWBush through Hinckley.Followed by GHWBush the former DCI.Followed by Clinton (see Reed, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA).Followed by son of GHWBush. 911. Why did FBI sabotage, ridicule, humiliate and kill John O'Neill.Why was Porter Goss' COS John Millis sucking a shotgun in a bathtub of the Breezeway Motel in Alexandria after calling John Deutch the worst DCI for counterintelligence.A strange canoe trip for the chatty DCI what's his name, his wine still on the table, his body missing, then found.Robert Gates former DCI former SecDef tells Leahy ranking member of Senate Intel, “Senator, all governments lie to each other.”Helms lied to Congress. CIA lies to us to this day.The answer isn't in the street. The answer is in Langley.And in the NSA facility of a million-square-feet of data sponge in Utah matching the mirror in Ft. Meade.Why are we in Afghanistan where the poppy crop thrives.Oil, arms, drugs.JFK said no to Vietnam and he was murdered in public.We began the descent into Vietnam the day after the riderless horse was stabled, with NSAM 273 supplanting his 263 withdrawing by end of 65.The clients dictate to CIA and the military.Oil, arms, drugs.The banks just launder the money. Sometimes the Dodds and the Franks or the Rockefellers and the Morgans can swim around in the money pit.Posner was defending the Karzai brother accused of being a CIA stooge and a drug lord, but the brother was assassinated (silenced, sanitized) and Petraeus is kicked upstairs to DCI.It's still the same universe. Dallas was the Big Bang.

Re: Where?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:59 am
by Davyjones
Another jam packed,interesting post......Phil keep em coming

Re: Where?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:20 pm
by Bob
Joe...part of the problem is that this forum is now on Facebook. Plus, in my case, I've had a number of other things going on. But I'll never leave this place. I feel like it's my first home in the JFK assassination research world.

Re: Where?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:25 pm
by Davyjones
The other part of the that the Files camp are not posting.... Would members like to see them back?

Re: Where?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:36 pm
by Shane
Absolutely marvelous, Phil! Sorry, Joe, I haven't posted on Facebook. I do read though. But I will become more involved. Anything to help the cause.