JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

de Mohrenschildtby Tom Bigg » Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:45 pm I was watching "Conspiracy Theory" with Jesse Ventura, when he interviewed Vincent Bugliosi about the JFK assasination. When he mentioned the name of de Mohrenschildt, Bugliosi looked intimidated and soon thereafter asked that the interview be ended.Years ago I picked up this pamphlet by Nord Davis: has this remark on de Mohrenshildt: Many witnesses testified as to the noise of a “burst of shots” or a “flurry of shots.” The Los Angeles Herald Examiner of that day, November 22, 1963 page A4, reported:“Three bursts of gunfire, apparently from automatic weapons were heard...blood was spattered all over the limousine...”The teletype from Dallas, in a report by Merlman Smith stated:“The gunfire might possibly have come from an automatic weapon. There were three loud bursts...”In my original 1968 publication, I had not identified the man in black who shot at the man in the Presidential Lincoln. For the reprint in 1971, I still could not identify him. After I moved to North Carolina in 1973, I was approached by some very highly placed intelligence contacts who were patriots, and from one of these I learned the true name of the man in black.His name, identified for the first time in print as the actual assassin, was Georges Von Mohrenskold aka, George Sergei De Morenschildt.Among his CIA code-names during this assignment were “Saul” and “Troit.”I can further state that Mr. De Morenschildt died from a shotgun wound to the head on March 29, 1977 at about 2:21 PM at Palm Beach, Florida. Naturally, it was ruled a suicide. I believe that this was so that he could not testify to the House Committee on Assassinations that began hearings in 1977 and issued yet another false official assassination report in 1979.While I do not agree with the conclusions of Nord Davis, I have never seen the whereabouts of de Mohrenschildt on that day addressed in any other book, etc.. Was de Mohenschildt the man in the cape seen on the Zapruder film?Last edited by Tom Bigg on Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks for that, Dealey Joe.Nord Davis, Jr. was an interesting fellow. He wrote a number of pamphlets that you would have to characterize as "Christian Identity" focussed on patriot-style issues. A provocative thinker, also a tax protestor. They nailed him for that though he fought hard. It is not worth fighting the IRS. He died of "cancer" though some think the Feds were using microwave radiation against him. de Mohrenschildt was supposedly out of the country when the assassination occurred if memory serves. But spooks can always find witnesses for whatever the official version is supposed to be.
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

Here is a frame by frame on the Zapruder film. The man in black is around #163: anyone have a high quality digitally enhanced version of a frame by frame like this?
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I am not sure who you are talking about?
Tom Bigg
Posts: 31
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Post by Tom Bigg »

Frame #188. Man with black cape, black hat, standing alone with something in both hands. He's visible for about thirty frames total. He's the one Davis references in this pamphlet.