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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:16 pm
by Tom Bigg
"Woodward and Bernstein had been handed the skeleton key that would have unlocked the entire Watergate affair. The reporters had been told – by no less a figure than Nixon's National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger – about the real motive behind Nixon's plan to burgle the Brookings Institute. It was to destroy the evidence that Nixon had conspired to prolong a war with an official enemy of the United States in order to win the presidency in 1968; after which he deliberately prolonged – even escalated – the Vietnam War. And – for reasons that might never be known – Woodward and Bernstein stayed silent."How the Washington Post Missed the Biggest Watergate Story of All is absolutely failure of journalistic integrity to pursue the largest criminality and prioritize stories by levels of seriousness. There is more than enough evidence that the Republicans wanted to prolong the war. The same thing happened with Reagan and Iran in 1980. These types of treacherous actions spawn new generations of libertarians and anti-war activists.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:39 pm
by Phil Dragoo
A CIA coup.Nixon went to China where Henry and he had tea with Mao and ChouMay--Hoover heart attacksJune--the sting which was a Helms-McCord-Woodward opJohnson heart attacks Jan 73Nixon out Aug 74Ford names Rocky to whitewash the CIA and GHWB to sanitize the witness list75: Hoffa, Giancana76: Harvey, Roselli77: Nicoletti, GdM--and Sullivan (Angleton's opposite number)--hey that FBI six-pack fell like bowling pins78: MoralesA concise account by Russ Baker: ... -of-3/Lest we forget--Newman likes Angleton for the crime of the Twentieth CenturyWho fired Angleton--right, ColbyWhat ever became of the revealer of the secrets (Helms was the keeper) MURDERED THE CIA CHIEF?William E. Colby: A Highly Suspicious DeathBy Zalin GrantDone the year Deutch--17K files in his pocket while on Russian sites--transitioned into TenetWhose slam dunk set up GWB and who appears with Freeh in a chapter of Ryan's Another NineteenWhile the old lizard still darts his tongue from a wheelchairThey have tens of thousands of acres in South AmericaThey're banking on a coup via impeachment through the Dossier that Couldn't Shoot Straightbut I wouldn't take my eyes off the work being done on the new AF1-typesTalk about some illegal surveillance--


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:37 pm
by kenmurray