JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Here is some more information regarding John Lennon from ABC News...


Sept. 5, 2006 — John Lennon's perceived "threat" to the U.S. government is the highlight of a new film that documents his transformation from pop idol to political activist and offers a fresh look at this former Beatle's career.

"The U.S. vs. John Lennon" will be released later this month. Yoko Ono cooperated with the filmmakers, opening her archives of rarely seen footage of the couple's fight for peace.

"One thing that brought us together was the fact that both of us were rebels in so many ways," she said.

And that's something he didn't always share with his bandmates, who were reluctant to join Lennon as he spoke out against the Vietnam War, said Ono.

"He is the only one who really wanted to do something about it when he was a Beatle," Ono explained.

Star Watched by the FBI

Lennon's rebelliousness may have come at a price. In the 1970s, Lennon was convinced that government agents were watching him. As it turns out, he was right.

Almost 20 years after his death, the government released the FBI file on Lennon, which included nearly 300 pages of text. One document that went from the FBI to the CIA reports that Lennon planned to take part in a protest at the 1972 Republican National Convention.

South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond seized on that, suggesting to President Nixon's attorney general that Lennon's visa be terminated.

A few weeks later, Lennon was given 30 days to leave the country and was notified that his visa had been terminated because of an old drug arrest in England.

"I think that the world really loved the Beatles for being charming and sweet," Ono said. "But some people did resent the fact that they were no more the sweet, nice, charming boys."

Ono and Lennon did not want to leave the United States, and a legal battle ensued.

In 1976, after the end of the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, Lennon won.

The judge in the case wrote that the British singer's battle to stay in the United States was a "testimony to his faith in the American dream."

There is NO doubt in my mind that Lennon was silenced just like others in his profession that were anti-establishment. He was silenced like the politicians and leaders that also viewed things differently like JFK, RFK and MLK. The CIA is behind all of this. By the way, did you read that Anderson Cooper of CNN once trained to be in the CIA. Just remember Operation Mockingbird.
Jim Thompson
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BOB ALERT: Axing Steve

Post by Jim Thompson »

Bob wrote: Just remember Operation Mockingbird.

Hey Bob, They're trying to ax Steve Jones now! Thought you'd better hear about this:,1249,645200098,00.html

Jones found Thermate, demolition/implosion steel cutter, in the WTC rubble:

- Jim
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

You guys rock man really!
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Post by dankbaar »

I depends where the thermate was found. Building 7 was a controlled demolition. The Twin towers were not.

Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:I depends where the thermate was found. Building 7 was a controlled demolition. The Twin towers were not.Wim

Better take a look at: ... llapse.pdf

- Jim
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Post by dankbaar »

He's right about building 7, wrong on the Twin Towers.

Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:He's right about building 7, wrong on the Twin Towers.Wim

OK. I thought I saw molten steel pouring off a corner of one of the Twins, which would not occur without thermate. What about the detonations heard in the basement?

What is the argument that the Twins were not controlled demolition?
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Post by Paul »

Jim Thompson wrote:dankbaar wrote:He's right about building 7, wrong on the Twin Towers.WimOK. I thought I saw molten steel pouring off a corner of one of the Twins, which would not occur without thermate. What about the detonations heard in the basement?What is the argument that the Twins were not controlled demolition?

Controlled demolition starts at the bottom of a building and leaves the top a bit in tact the 1st seconds as seen with building 7.
The Twins started to collapse at the top and that was not caused by demolition but the weight of the rest of some levels above the fire caused by the planes, therefor the building who was hit last and on fire 13 minutes less the the Twin that was hit 1st collapsed 1st because of the hit by the plane was much LOWER then the 1st one...Therefor the weight above it was much HIGHER and just collapsed because of the melting of the steel structure and the higher weight.
It then fell level after level because it was unstoppable!

Gr. Paul.
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Post by dankbaar » ... 72b7ff6f23

Paul and I are convinced by a this Dutch documentary in which a Dutch demolition expert is asked for his opinion. The documentray convincingly debunks 2 persitent myths. The towers were not brought down by explosives (WTC 7 was) and flight 77 hit the Pentagon (no cruise missile or whatever).

Basically thes were my own conclusions already.

However it cannot debunk that high elements in the US government had advance knowledge and let the attacks happen. On the contrary.

It a very well made and fair balanced documentary. It makes a case inside knowledge , yet filters out the bullshit.

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Wim, I also watched the Dutch documentary. I must agree WTC 7 was a Demo job, no doubt about it. But, WTC 1 & 2, were also. When demolishing a building using explosives there are many ways to do it. You dont always have to blow the bottom floor out first. It all depends on where and how you want it to come down. Virtually all the witnesses state they heard explosives going off, you cant dispell this. Computers are now used to set off fireworks shows to control the show. Controlled demolitions are no diffeent. I stronly contend that 1 & 2, were in fact controlled demos, from the top down, where 7 was a bottoms up. I also suspect that it was controlled from WTC 7 by remote controlled device. That is the reason 7 had to be destroyed, to destroy all the evidence. You cant dispell the "abnormal" power downs the buildings were subjected to. Also it is known that the WTC 1 & 2 were really big money loosers. And, they had asbestose insulation that had to come out. Just imagin how difficult and expensive it would have been to remove all that insulation. The guess would have been in the billions. The cheap way out? Blow up the buildings and collect the insurance money.

Wim, please, Im asking you not to close the door on the evidence because of the Dutch video. I have nothing against the Dutch but you have to look at thier conclusion. Intelligence knew it was going to happen so they cashed in on it. Remember who we are dealing with, George Bush Sr. What position did he hold? Head of the CIA. Do you think George still stays in contact with them? Do you think George uses covert intelligence opratives? But the Documentary says nothing about this. You must ask why.

Since the Kennedy assassination traitors are a dime a dozen.