
JFK Assassination
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

From another post I strongly believe this scenario...

The "Second Gun" by Ted Charach is an incredible movie that points the blame to the real RFK assassin...Eugene Thane Cesar. Cesar was the security guard that was directly behind RFK at the time of the shooting. A witness saw Cesar draw his gun and fire. The witness was a reporter who immediately reported this to the television station he worked for. Cesar also worked at Lockheed and had right wing leanings and voted for George Wallace in 1968. He was on record about hating the Kennedys. Yet this man was assigned as a security guard to "protect" RFK. Thomas Naguchi, the L.A. coroner said that all 3 wounds to RFK, including the fatal head shot came from behind and to the right of the Senator. That was precisely where Cesar was. The fatal head wound was fired from a distance of 1-3 inches away from Kennedy's head. Sirhan never got closer than 3-6 feet away from RFK and was also always in front of Kennedy. Cesar started firing as soon as the crowd was distracted by Sirhan firing his weapon. Even with all this, the L.A. police never tested Cesar's weapon for being fired that night. Speculation is that Cesar fired a .22 caliber handgun at RFK . Cesar had a .38 caliber handgun in his holster, but also owned a .22 caliber weapon that he pulled from his pocket when Sirhan started shooting. Cesar suspiciously sold this weapon just months AFTER the assassination after lying to police and the FBI that he sold the weapon BEFORE the murder.
Posts: 2931
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

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