JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Another interesting point is this morning after the showed aired just last night,,,,"NOTHING" ,,no comments any were that I found.None of the major networks touched the story,,no CNN no FOX no nothing .I still have to laugh at watching that guy keep going to his basement and using that black and decker drill !!! Real scientific stuff there.It was a joke one big sham !!!!!
Dealey Joe
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Dealey Joe »

What is scary is these self proclaimed forensics experts are all over the board, This guy says the magic bullet theory is if fact correct? all shots evidently from the rear.Sherry Fiester, another forensics expert says she has proof the fatal shot was from the south end on the overpass and on top of that, the shot from the knoll missed?These experts base their science on faulty information and come up with some hair brained theory.Shit in Shit out...........Hope I never have face on of these EXPERTS in court?
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by kenmurray »

JFK: A President Betrayed. This looks like a good one. Narrated by Morgan Freeman. Will be on "Audience TV" if you have Direct TV.http://apresidentbetrayed.stta.us/about
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by kenmurray »

Oh boy! Fox News will be doing a JFK special tonight at 9pm http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/11/ ... ssination/
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Last nights programs were all about nothing.Stuff we have all seen and heard for years now. I came away convinced John Kennedy would flirt with any woman who he came in contact with. Referring to the one lady who said he mentioned how nice her ear rings were. GEES what a Casanova.LOL..... The one thing that did stick out to me was that black guy who was a witness in Dealey Paza who said he saw the rifle sticking out the window and he said he heard 3 distinct gun shots and said they sounded in this sequence ( Pop.....Pop..Pop ) which makes me believe Oswald could not have reengaged the rifle that quickly.
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Bob »

I didn't watch it all, but I did tune in and watch JFK: The Final Hours on the National Geographic channel for awhile.http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/c ... al-hours/I was mindful that Bill Paxton, a buddy of Tom Hanks, was the narrator. Paxton, like Hanks, is a member of the Lone Nut club. There were some interesting aspects to the program, one of which was that Paxton (eight years old at the time) himself was at JFK's speech in Fort Worth the morning of the assassination.Of course, you knew you were going to see Gary Mack in the special. I immediately did some cable surfing after I saw the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum (Mack).
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Well said Bob... I tried a while back to contact Gary Mack to show him some of our findings in our investigation.He never would answer me back .Anyone have a legitimate e-mail address for Mack ?? Maybe the one I tried didn't work or he thinks of himself as better than us average Joe's out here !!!!
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Bob »

Thanks, Tommy. I did debate with Gary several years ago via email. I kept getting very general responses about my points and conclusions. Nothing of substance at all with his answers. "Not enough evidence", he would say. I can't remember what email address I used, but it may be the one that Wim used to debate Gary himself. Please see this...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/mack.htmI hope that helps. By the way, on Dave Perry's page, which is on the link above, Perry still has never responded to the story I wrote a few year's ago about him.http://www.ctka.net/2010/perry.html
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Thanks for that lead on that e-mail address Bob. Cheers Tommy
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Re: JFK 50th Anniversary TV Programming Specials

Post by Slav »

Another showI switched the channel to CNN and noticed a show starting at 10 pm JFK so of course I decided to watch, the show had Vincent bulloni on it giving his point of view that oswald did it alone, after the show finished it was on again back to back, now how does a show air back to back on CNN. After the show I was convinced and switched sides and Believe OSWALD did it alone yes I was brainwashed it worked. Yes Oswald had a plan to shoot JFK and then run home and shoot tippet and then run off to the Movies for popcorn, where he called Ruby and asked ruby to kill him. So ruby did in the jail of all places. Yes Oswald did all this by himself.After the show I was convinced oswald did it himself until I seen one photo just one, a picture is worth a thousand words. It brought me back to reality and out of the herd of sheeple, im glad to be back. Here is the magic picture that saved me.Imagine a Congressman winking at LBJ on the plane a few hours after the shooting he knew what happened what was going on, what is he saying? you did it great job,take a look at ladybird what is she saying? that is what you get with trying to screw my LBJ, look at her she has no emotions, sure it was a planned event known to everyone except the sheeple. This is one of many pics including bush and the general standing on Elm st and many others. How can they ever say that Oswald did it alone, he didnt even fire a shot. I am sure he ran from the Texas book because he knew he was being set up, I am sure that he was not supposed to make it out of there alive but he did and that is why Ruby did what he did.