Lois Gibson's presentation on the three tramps.

JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »

As you probably know the human face is very flexible, that is why we can make so many facial expressions.

Yes, Marijn but you can' t change your bonestructure with expressions, not the position of the nose to the ears, nor the size of your nose, nor the distances of your lower lip to the chin etcetera etcetera.

John Zeroski
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Three tramps poll

Post by John Zeroski »

[entry removed by moderator]

Regarding the current poll on the identity of the tramps, I couldn't respond accurately, as there is nothing that shows my current opinions.
It has always seemd to me that the oldest tramp was Howard Hunt. He appears a generation older than Hunt might have in 1963, given that Hunt was born in 1919. However, this tramp does not look like any of the other mentioned names to me, while the cavernous mouth seems to belong to the same man.
The tall tramp appears to be Harrelson, and not Sturgis. Again, there is not even a superficial resemblance between these two men, from my point of view.
It has always struck me as exceedingly strange that after 40 years no one can positively ID the Latin-looking man. It seems to me he is one of Hunt's Latin-American friends, whether a CIA full-time employee or a contract agent.
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Post by dankbaar »

Mr. Zeroski,

Please refrain from insulting Lois Gibson, especially with provably untrue allegations. Those will be deleted and repetition will not be tolerated.

C-J Ryner
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Three tramps photo

Post by C-J Ryner »


Does anyone knows why the photo of the three tramps with the TSBD in the background (4th image from the top in the three tramps section) has been flipped horizontally? Not that it makes that much difference, I was just curious.

I apologize if this question has been addressed somewhere else in the forum, but I couldn't find it.

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Post by dankbaar »

Yes indeed , it is flipped. I guess it was put flipped in the slide projector.

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Post by dankbaar »

Here's a website on Charles Rogers and the unsolved murder of his parents:


After that Rogers vanished from the face of the earth. No trace of him. Probably continued in the CIA's dirty tricks division under a new identity.

Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Here's a website on Charles Rogers and the unsolved murder of his parents:http://iceboxmurders.com/After that Rogers vanished from the face of the earth. No trace of him. Probably continued in the CIA's dirty tricks division under a new identity. Wim

Thanks for the link!

Quick question: Why or how was Rogers originally identified as Frenchy? Did Chauncy say this? What is the connection? Thx
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Post by dankbaar »

Someone initially made the allegation it was some French OAS assassin, I don't remember who.
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:Someone initially made the allegation it was some French OAS assassin, I don't remember who.http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/lois8.htmIn the photo of Rogers or Frenchy there is an inset photo (on the left) of a man. This looks like Rogers or Frenchy. Where does this inset come from? Is it IDed as Rogers?In the photos, the individual in front is the individual I knew as Richard Montoya (Charles Rogers). The individual behind him I knew as Charles Harrelson. I had reason to believe that who he actually was, even though I didn't know him that well. I 'm confident that's who it was. And I'm the gentleman in the back, carrying the bag with the radio in it. --Chauncey Holt

Is this the only source or origin for the connection of Rogers to Frenchy?