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Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:15 pm
by myra
Nerrilyn Diefenbach wrote:Thank you for your replies. I respect your opinions and I certainly hear your passion.JFKs 'lack of substance' was referring to his moral character. Something I, personally, have great difficulty with. I believe there was an underlying insensitivity, immorality and irresponsibility about JFK that was down right dangerous. And you're right Myra 'politically expedient', is somewhat of an understatement when talking about LBJ. I'm not an LBJ fan, but rather was just using him to try to make a point.I think one thing we do agree on is that on 22/11/06 something really precious was lost and it was more than JFK the man and whatever he may have achieved. And it wasn't just America that lost it.As far as George Bush is concerned you'll get no arguments from me Bob. Nor from a young Australian called David Hicks who has been held in Guantanamo bay since December 2001. After two and a half years in custody he was finally charged with conspiracy, attempted murder and aiding the enemy. No allegations have been made that Hicks killed or specifically harmed anyone. It appears that Hicks has been guilty of 'thought crimes' against America. Whatever happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'? Whatever happened to a fair trial? This legal limbo where he is unable to invoke the writ of habeas corpus to test the legality of his imprisonment, makes an absolute mockery of the very democratic values that US (and Australian) intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq was meant to uphold.Shame! Shame! Shame!

Thank you Nerrilyn. As you've observed, the subject of JFK is very emotional for me. The american fascists stole his life and stole our right to pick our leaders. I don't want them to also succeed in stealing the good reputation he deserves.

And he does deserve that good reputation. That does not mean that he didn't commit adultry. But I have to remind myself that the media over here is owned by the right wing, Kennedy's enemies. They are on a mission to assassinate JFK's reputation and image. That is always the second piece to an assassination after killing the person. They then have to assassinate their reputation. They have to make sure that they don't become a martyr, so they assault us with constant propaganda about what a bad guy Kennedy was. It's very hard to know what the truth is in such an environment. In all likelyhood the truth is somewhere in the middle of the extremes: Kennedy had affairs but not to the extent we're led to believe. (Obvious speculation on my part.)

BUT...the propaganda "media," while assassinating JFK's image, will *not* report on affairs of right wing presidents. For example it's well known the Bush 1 had a longtime secretary that "served under him in a variety of positions." Ahem. Bush 2 is pretty clearly gay, and even seems to like little boys. We won't read that in the mainstream media. See what I mean? There's a double standard, and JFK's foibles will be magnified while the fascist's foibles will be masked.

So let's keep it in context. The US is just as aggressive with propaganda wars as they are with military wars. And the insiders and media hate Kennedy just as much today as the day they killed him.

>I think one thing we do agree on is that on 22/11/06 something really
>precious was lost and it was more than JFK the man and whatever he
>may have achieved. And it wasn't just America that lost it.

Good point. Very true. The US war machine is a cancer on the planet.

Shame shame shame for sure on the US. Sadly it's only the people, who have been under a regime they haven't voted for for forty years, who feel the shame. The regime itself is shameless.

I hope you don't think that US citizens actually elected Bush either time. He has stolen his two elections. Very publically and very...shamelessly.

Was JFK really a Great President ?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:05 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
03.16.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.19.2006 - Nerrilyn Diefenbach Posted this Probative Headline.It had the perception, strength, and wisdom to raise the discussionsof Pro and Con about JFK. My Opinion.Also Nerrilyn's Focused Comments on The Cover-Up speaks volumes to me.It generated an Excellent Discussion that is certainly worth reviewing,and analyzing today, almost 9 years later.We have analyzed, argued, debated, read, researched, studied, and written about much since then.JFK was killed 51 + years ago.MLK and RFK were killed 47 + years ago.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:58 pm
by Bob
Just think about the world today. First of all, do you like the world we live in now? I would say that most people would say they do not. Why? The world seems to have endless wars now, especially in the Middle East. And the United States is right in the thick of all of that. The CIA and the Military Industrial Complex have never been more powerful. War profiting is spiraling out of control. Wall Street and big banking have never been so profitable. Oil companies like BP and Exxon have never seen such lucrative earnings. And who pays the price for all that unbridled power and obscene profiting? We the People! The 99%.JFK was against ALL of those entities. His policies were all put together to control or stop the forces I mentioned above. That is one reason why he was a great President. And that is also why he was assassinated.

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:32 pm
He was a "GREAT" President! He was the most intelligent president we've had since Thomas Jefferson. He tried to give the country back to the American people, where it belongs, and was killed for it. He also tried to get along with foreign countries by trying to communicate with them to find common ground without trying to threaten them with war! He told Evelyn Lincoln before he went to Dallas, that he just wanted to clean up the corruption in government and make It an honorable job like it was in the beginning of this great country. When he was elected "The Torch" was passed to a new generation, and when he was killed the torch was passed back to the old "Corrupt Crony Capitalism" way. Don't get me wrong I'm for capitalism, but not the crony capitalism we have had with JOHNSON THRU OBAMA! The real test that proves he was a great president is they were scared of him, scared to debate him or try to defeat him in a philosophical way because they knew he was right according to the constitution. The interesting thing about the assassination is why they killed him the way they did? Broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses who could foil their plan and cost them millions in covering it up!Thoughts Bruce!

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:48 pm
by Bob
Also, I just saw the movie Thirteen Days again the other night. Those 13 days of leadership in October of 1962 was the No. 1 reason JFK was a great President. ALL of the Joint Chiefs wanted him to invade Cuba. The same Joint Chiefs (except that Max Taylor replaced Lyman Lemnitzer as Chairman) who all endorsed Operation Northwoods in March of 1962. Had JFK listened to the military, and the CIA, which also endorsed invasion, WW III would have started and there would have been a nuclear exchange between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. That would have made the Cold War a VERY Hot War. JFK knew that Lemnitzer and Allen Dulles of the CIA had screwed him over with their intelligence briefings in the Bay of Pigs debacle. He wasn't going to go down that road again. He and Bobby came up with a different plan and the world was spared another world war and multiple mushroom clouds. Bottom line, JFK's leadership in those 13 days is a big reason why a lot of us are still here. It really rankles my ass when I hear that General Curtis LeMay was not only at JFK's autopsy, but that he was smoking a cigar and grinning like he won the lottery. Bastard!


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:13 am
by steve manning
-30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated I thought it was 15,000 advisor's, all of who were supposed to be out in 15 months, at a 1000 per month?Steve

Re: Re:

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:33 am
by Bob
steve manning wrote:-30,000 "advisors" in Vietnam when JFK was assassinated I thought it was 15,000 advisor's, all of who were supposed to be out in 15 months, at a 1000 per month?SteveYou are correct, Steve. It was actually 16,200. I should have corrected that (and I will now). Please see this interview JFK had with Walter Cronkite in the fall of 1963.

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:50 am
by steve manning
I seemed to recall they had already brought a 1000 back, I think???

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:16 am
by Bob
With NSAM 263, JFK was going to withdraw 1,000 troops/advisors by the end of 1963. All of the remaining troops would be out by 1965. ... p5IAA.aspx

Re: Was JFK really a great president?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:55 am
by Dealey Joe
The great thing about JFK is to me that he was exactly what the country needed at the time.We had come through the war years and people were tired of it. We needed Hope and he offered that,a fresh new idea and a fairy tale lifestyle.I believe he got his ability to being human and caring from his mother Rose. and his business sense from his Father.It is easy to find fault with his lifestyle but remember he was from the rich and famous side of life.People went to the Movies and watched this sort of thing and dreamed of it, He was their dream.Don't know if any of you remember 1957, I was a junior in High school.On Friday October 4th Russia took the lead in Space by launching Sputnik, When I returned to school the following Monday everyone was in shock, How can we be behind in anything, after all we were the greatest nation on earth, we thought the rest of the world were paupers and ignorant?People did not trust this good looking fellow because he was Catholic and I think he would not have gotten elected without people being tired of war, and according to what we think is that Joe got the mob to ensure him the election, and my memory says he did not win the popular vote.Didn't take the American public long fall in love with the beautiful family of Camelot.Regardless of his being a good president? No mattter what his accomplishments, I say Yes he was a great man.There is nothing greater than hope. JFK gave us hope.