Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Post by kenmurray »

Oswald takes MAT's Flight To Defect?
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Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Post by ChristophMessner »

I guess his handler David Atlee Philipps told him short before the assassination: "Stay in the 2nd floor of the TSBD!", to avoid that LHO could help prevent any assassination!
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Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Post by kenmurray »

Researcher Joan Mellon has made a plausible argument that LHO was involved in the plot to murder Castro and originally it was to blame Castro on the assassination of JFK. Look at LHO's activities in New Orleans playing a cat and mouse game on the streets of New Orleans handling out Pro Castro leaflets and hanging around Guy Bannister's office who was a rabid anti-communist. The plotters had their patsy after all that.
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Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Post by JDB4JFK »

I agree with Bruce above as Oswald was at times dumb as dirt and other times knowingly involved and doing what he was told. I believe he was a double agent for both Russia and USA just like the man who knew to much, Richard Case Nagell. The Russians told Nagell to warn Oswald of the assassination and for him to get out or Nagell was to kill Oswald. He tried to talk Oswald out of participating, but to no prevail. So Nagell in September goes into a bank in Texas and fires two shots in the air and gets arrested on purpose. He tells the arresting officers' its better to be arrested now than to be in Dallas in November. So everybody involved knew in September that Kennedy was to be assassinated in November, in Dallas, and nobody knew how to stop it? Also Oswald had a plane waiting for him at a Dallas airport to get away and instead he went to the theater? How dumb was he? According to Larry King the Plane show up and waited on the run way for two hours and Oswald never showed. The plane was suppose to take Oswald to Mexico and out of the country, which matches Judith Vary Bakers story. So why didn't he go?? ... 6Lhg3EkSPY