Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Man, is the Donald doing a number on Jeb! http://www.salon.com/2015/10/19/donald_ ... traw/Trump doesn't need much help, as Jeb is also his own worst enemy just about every time he opens his mouth. In addition to all that, Bush is slipping in the polls in his own state of Florida, where he was once Governor. Jeb is currently polling fourth with just 9 percent! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/10 ... n-florida/
Bob Jonas
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob Jonas »

Bob wrote:Man, is the Donald doing a number on Jeb! http://www.salon.com/2015/10/19/donald_ ... traw/Trump doesn't need much help, as Jeb is also his own worst enemy just about every time he opens his mouth. In addition to all that, Bush is slipping in the polls in his own state of Florida, where he was once Governor. Jeb is currently polling fourth with just 9 percent! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/10 ... lorida/And yet with Jeb being a non-factor, there are a ton of people out there who seem convinced he's going to rise up from the ashes. I don't see it, but you never know what can happen. Will the others self-destruct and leave Jeb standing as the party savior? Will Jeb go on the offensive? Will Jeb start to show that he cares? He reminds me of John McCain during the '08 campaign against Barack Hussein Obama. McCain slept through the campaign and didn't really wake up until there were only about 2 weeks left til the election but by then it was too late. What will wake Jeb up?
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

I don't think Jeb is going to hang in there either, Bob. Today's news pretty much says the midnight hour (end of the campaign) may be coming soon. It's not like Jeb is giving much of a concerted effort either.http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/10/2 ... s-staff/My dark horse for the Republican nomination is Marco Rubio. I write the politicians who represent me here in FLA all the time. Rubio and I don't agree about too many things, but he has never not written me back, even if we disagreed about a certain issue.That's a rare characteristic among politicians, from both parties.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

In another thread, I mentioned that Hillary and Jeb were getting the most support from Wall Street. Both Clinton and Bush had been given over $600,000 for their respective campaigns by Wall Street. Guess who is running third? That would be Marco Rubio. He is the only other 2016 candidate to have raised more than $100,000 from the big banks. His campaign received $146,619 from executives and employees of the 10 big banks. Half of these funds came from executives and employees at Goldman Sachs. Bottom line, if Jeb sinks to oblivion and the Republicans look for another candidate, my guess is that they will stand behind Rubio due to his standing on Wall Street.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Tom Bigg »

It looks like the loathsome Hillary has an excellent chance at this point. I was wondering who Sidney Blumenthal is, did a search and turned up this review by the late Christopher Hitchens on Blumenthal's book, "The Clinton Wars":Blumenthal was a friend of Hitchens who became more of a gutter dog defender of Clinton as in this passage:http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/is ... s.htm"This micro-event was later to mutate into a brief macro-moment. In March of 1998, having not seen much of Blumenthal since he had joined the Clinton team (I had been teaching at the University of California at Berkeley), I was eager to catch up with him. With my wife, Carol, I took him for a reunion snack. I don't think I will or could ever forget the transformation. Where was my witty if sometimes cynical, clever if sometimes dogmatic, friend? In his place seemed to be someone who had gone to work for John Gotti. He talked coldly and intently of a lethal right-wing conspiracy that was slowly engulfing the capital. And he spoke, as if out of the side of a tough-guy mouth, about the women who were tools of the plot. Kathleen Willey, who had been interviewed on television the preceding weekend, was showing well in the polls, but that would soon be fixed. (The White House had already released her personal correspondence, prompting a federal judge later to find a violation of the Watergate-era Privacy Act. According to the Justice Department, the papers were released after a conversation between Hillary Clinton and Blumenthal.) As for Monica Lewinsky, he painted her as a predatory and unstable stalker. At the time this prompted no conclusion other than the sickening but unavoidable one that Sidney Blumenthal could be brought to believe that a President can be "stalked" in his own Oval Office (and in about three dozen incidents, according to the logs that record permission for Lewinsky to be shown in at odd moments). When asked by my wife how he could credit the stalker concept, he replied simply, "Because the President told me." There's much else about that lunch I need never disclose, but I remember that he twice hushed my questioning wife by saying, "Carol, I could go to jail for what I'm doing now." I didn't know then, and can't guess even now, what he meant by that."And as Hitchens rightly portrays how power works in Washington, it is all theater, with the Democrats in bed with the Republicans.I would also keep in mind Hitchens' work in exposing Hillary: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ ... erest.html
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

Will Jeb or Hillary recover ? I am very happy they are doing terrible but also surprised that they are doing so bad . Is there time up? Have all there evil deeds finally caught up with them?
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Slav wrote:Will Jeb or Hillary recover ? I am very happy they are doing terrible but also surprised that they are doing so bad . Is there time up? Have all there evil deeds finally caught up with them?I for one, am loving this. By the way, Jeb is the only republican candidate who is doing ads attacking Donald Trump. The only way Jeb can get the nomination is if the "super delegates" from each state go to his corner, due to the Trump campaign imploding. Just like every candidate, Trump has a lot of skeletons in his closet. For instance, he brags about going to military school while he was a young man, but when he had a chance to fight for his country in Vietnam, like Dick Cheney, he went the five-deferment route to avoid serving.Hillary, just like in 2008, is reverting back to using gutter tactics in her attacks on Bernie Sanders. I predict she will lose both New Hampshire and Iowa to Sanders. The hot rumor now is that Sanders is close to naming Elizabeth Warren as his VP choice. If that happens, the shit will really hit the fan for Hillary.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Bob your not the only one loving this.I also am enjoying this election year the best of all I have ever experienced .If Sander's names Elizabeth Warren as his running mate look out !!!! He just very well may win this whole thing.......
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

Look what Fox News says about trumpIt sure sounds like the Cia to me.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Tom Bigg »

Hillary is in deep trouble, no way can she survive this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-01-2 ... top-secret