Looking at Zapruder

JFK Assassination
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Re: Looking at Zapruder

Post by kenmurray »

26 seconds: A personal history of the Zapruder Film new book available today.....https://www.amazon.com/Twenty-Six-Secon ... 1_1&sr=8-1
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Looking at Zapruder

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Once we had dug into the de Mohrenschildt's life we came up with some very strange connections .Jeanne "Legon" de Mohrenschildt who worked with Abraham Zapruder had openly spoken with Willem Oltmans of there "George & Jeanne's" many trips into Mexico supposedly work related while employed by Zapruder....From all we found its a good possibility that Jeanne had intelligence ties just like George did..In one memorable find we located a note Oltmans had recorded of an evening in the de Mohrenschildt's apartment in Dallas...Oltmans wrote that Jeanne one late evening had spoken in a very dark sullen tone asking "why was no one was stepping forward to kill Richard Nixon"
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Re: Looking at Zapruder

Post by JDB4JFK »

Interesting stuff there Tommy! Did they elaborate why they wanted Nixon rubbed out? I know Roger Stone said in his book Nixon's Secrets, that the CIA tried to assassinate Nixon in Florida! What year was that statement made about killing Nixon?
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Looking at Zapruder

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Thanks JDB4JFK.....The late evening conversation in the de Mohrenschildt apartment that Willem Oltmans mentioned in his private notes was in July of 1974.Oltmans left a wonderful paper trail in all of his findings and his notes and files .He kept close track of all dates and conversations with the de Mohrenschildts over there 10 year friendship. It was in this same conversation that Oltmans notes also told of George's reply to Jeanne's comment about killing Richard Nixon.Oltmans notes read that de Mohrenschildt had said “that's the remarkable difference between a soldier who will shoot and kill for a cause or an ideal and a murdering killer who will be hired and payed to kill. George said "the anti Castro Cubans were prepared and murdered John Kennedy in Dallas without ever asking one penny for it" .The notes also mentioned that in this conversation de Mohrenschildt had mentioned that it was a very good thing that George Wallace had been shot.Saying he was a very dangerous man and his assassination attempt was a good thing that had happened.