
JFK Assassination
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Post by M.C.Newton »

DAN SAID Since you are not a relative of JFK and probably everyone that posts here is not a relative of JFK - then we shouldn't care that he was murdered - or in your opinion we would all be misguided and possibly worse. Do I have that correct?

No Dan the fact is that something changed the day JFK was assassinated that affected all of us. The day Mary Jo Kopechne died nothing really changed for the country, as a whole, for her family sure it was devastating but for the collective country nothing changed. Which is why I said what I said.

You take an isolated incident that doesn't actually affect many people and try to turn it into this "national" issue. When the fact of the matter is that nobody cares. It does not affect anyone but her family and for some bizarre reason you.

Can you show me how this incident is indicative of any trend that actually affects anyone?
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Post by Bob »

Please ponder this for a moment...

In the Watergate tapes of March 13, 1973, between 12:42 and 2pm, John Dean made a cryptic half-comment about Ted Kennedy's involvement in the accident at Chappaquidick, saying, "If Kennedy knew the bear trap he was walking into--"

What "bear trap" was Ted walking into? What did John Dean know, and when did he know it?

Nixon was obsessed with the Kennedys. We all know he took part in the planning of JFK's assassination. That's pretty apparent. The same forces killed RFK as well, so he was in on that as well. Especially considering RFK would have been Nixon's Presidential opponent in 1968 and would have been the victor. Nixon knew that Teddy was his biggest threat in 1972. So what about the "bear trap"?
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Post by Dan »

M.C.Newton wrote:DAN SAID Since you are not a relative of JFK and probably everyone that posts here is not a relative of JFK - then we shouldn't care that he was murdered - or in your opinion we would all be misguided and possibly worse. Do I have that correct?No Dan the fact is that something changed the day JFK was assassinated that affected all of us. The day Mary Jo Kopechne died nothing really changed for the country, as a whole, for her family sure it was devastating but for the collective country nothing changed. Which is why I said what I said. You take an isolated incident that doesn't actually affect many people and try to turn it into this "national" issue. When the fact of the matter is that nobody cares. It does not affect anyone but her family and for some bizarre reason you. Can you show me how this incident is indicative of any trend that actually affects anyone?

I think a senator who was kicked out of school for cheating then murders a woman and covers-up the act through payoffs and intimidation affects everyone. How compromised is he? So compromised that he is now the main roadblock in the investigation of the JFK murder.

So you now think a criminal senator doesn't impact your life! Have you ever researched the laws proposed by this scumbag?

So nobody cares about a murderer in congress? WTF world do you live in?
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Post by Dan »


I'm reviewing the transcript now - thanks for the info! ........
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Post by Bob »

Here is an interesting theory by a political prisoner regarding what may have happened at Chappaquiddick. I'm not saying I believe it, but the CIA is capable of anything as we all know.

In the CIA files in the Don Bolles papers were the
files on the framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Marry Joe
Kopechne at Chappaquiddick by the CIA. In the CIA files that
George Bush had removed from the CIA was Ted Kennedy's file.

After the CIA had assassinated John F. Kennedy and framed
Oswald for the assassination and after the CIA had assassinated
Robert Kennedy and framed Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination
they needed a way of stopping the last Kennedy brother from ever
running for the presidency of the United States. They believed that
if they killed him it would look like the CIA had assassinated all the
brothers so the CIA decided to allow him to live and to discredit
him to stop him from being reelected by framing him at
Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne. By doing
this the CIA planned on stopping him from ever becoming president
of the United States of America. The following is how the CIA
framed Ted kennedy for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne at

Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne were getting ready to leave the party. The CIA had drugged one of the bottles that they were drinking from. I do not remember all the details but I do remember that the bottle had a drug put into it which would result in Ted Kennedy and Mary Joe Kopechne
becoming unconscious after drinking from drinks poured from the
bottle. I remember that just before they left they all drank a drink
that had been poured from the bottle. I believe it was a toast.

Ted Kennedy and the May Joe Kopechne left and started back
with Ted driving. On the road on the way back were barricades
and a detour sign that the CIA had put into place directing Ted
down the road they needed him on to conduct their planed murder
of Mary Joe. The CIA had positioned one car ahead of Ted's car
and another car was behind him. As soon as Ted entered the
detour the CIA moved the barricades to block off where he had
turned down so no else could come down the road until after they
had taken over Ted and his car. Ted was monitored the entire time
by the CIA. Mary Joe had passed out from the drug and Ted was
starting to pass out. The CIA car in front of Ted's car slowed down
so they could use their car to stop Ted's car from crashing as Ted
passed out. This worked fine and they were able to stop Ted's car.
After they got the car stopped they took Mary Joe and placed her
in the back seat and took Ted to the other car. Then two CIA
operatives replaced Ted and Mary Joe with the man in the driver
seat and a women operative replacing Mary Joe in the front seat.
Then all three cars proceeded to the bridge and as they drove they
called back by radio and the gave the orders in code to remove the

The constable for that area was one of the CIA operatives in
charge of the operation. I still see him on TV saying how Ted
got away with murder. This constable was the person that set
up the car to go off the bridge which resulted in the death of Mary
Joe. He first prepared everything to make it look like Ted and her
were having an affair and that was why they turned down that road.
They were not having an affair. When they got to the bridge they
set up the car to send it off the bridge with Mary Joe still in the car.

The drug they had used was a special drug that would not show up
in the autopsy report because she would never be tested for that
drug. They had also planned on her stomach being full of water after
the crash. After rigging the gas pedal and steering and sending the
car off the bridge the car would not sink and floated nose down in
the water and was starting to float away. They got a rope on the car
and held it in place and one of them had to swim out to the car and
open the door to get it to sink It took the CIA 20 to 30 minutes to
make the car sink where they needed it to rest on the bottom.

They then prepared Ted Kennedy for the water. They put a injury
on him but I do not remember in detail what the injury was but it
was to make it look like that he was in the crash and was driving
the car that killed Mary Joe. They then took Ted Kennedy's body
out into the water on the side of the bridge and propped him up
with one of the CIA operatives holding him from behind. Another
CIA agent then injected him in the neck with the antidote to the drug
they had used on him. Ted Kennedy then slowly showed signs of
recovering. The antidote was mixed with another drug to make
Ted Kennedy confused and disorientated. They then got out of the
water and watched to make sure Ted didn't drown before he
recovered enough to get out of the water.

Ted Kennedy stumbled out of the water and tried to figure out
what had happened. He finally figured out that the car was under
water in the pond and he had no ideal of what happened. It took
him some time to recover enough to leave to search for help and
he was still badly disorientated from the drugs they used on him.
He was not drunk and had only had one or two drinks and Mary
Joe had only one drink and if I remember correctly she did not
drink all of it.

The CIA monitored and filmed all of this. As soon as Ted Kennedy
left to try to find help the CIA moved in and cleaned up all the
evidence to make sure it looked like an accident.

The next events are all history. They asked Ted Kennedy what
happened and he replied that he did not know and that Mary
Joe must of been driving the car. He didn't know because he
was not driving and was unconscious. The press and others then
attacked him and set it up to make it look like he was lying to get
out of the death of Mary Joe. At that time Ted Kennedy was
forced to take full responsibility with him not having any memory
of the accident. The papers and others then printed stories of how
she was pregnant which she wasn't and of how Ted was drunk
which he wasn't and of how the Kennedy's were buying their way
out of what had happened which they weren't.

The investigation into the crash was not real it was only the
framing of Ted Kennedy for the death of Mary Joe Kopechne.

The CIA assumed that by framing Ted Kennedy that they had
assured that Ted Kennedy would no longer be electable and that
they could force him out of the public eye and out of their hair. To
the amazement of the CIA it did not work and Ted was repeatedly
reelected to public office.
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Bear Trap

Post by Dan »


The Dean Nixon discussion was about Kalmbach paying Sullivan to find out dirt on Chappaquiddick. The bear trap they refer to is if the watergate investigation got Kalmbach's bank records then they would see a private detective in New York was paid from Kalmbach's account. If the Watergate investigator's would eventually interview Sullivan then the dirt on Kennedy would be public and the whole investigation would turn around. In other words - if the democrats started a line of inquiry into Kalmbach's bank records it would be a trap sprung that would ensnare Kennedy.

The dumocrats aren't that dumb. Have you ever seen or heard of Sullivan's investigation? Did they ever dig deeply into the Kalmbach and Sullivan relationship? Of course not! That would have revealed the murderous, lying scumbag that is Ted Kennedy.

Don't believe everything you read on those George Soros sites (like - look for the real truth and not the anit-american eurotrash version of history.
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Post by Bob »


No matter what REALLY happened at Chappaquiddick, I still firmly believe that Nixon, Bu$h and others of that ilk were in on the JFK and RFK assassinations. Therefore, I do not discount their (the CIA) POSSIBLE involvement regarding the facts about Chappaquiddick. The bottom line is that even if it was an accident, Ted Kennedy did not purposely murder Mary Jo Kopechne. Just as Laura Bu$h did not purposely kill another driver when she ran a stop sign when she was younger.
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Post by Dan »

Bob wrote:Here is an interesting theory by a political prisoner regarding what may have happened at Chappaquiddick. I'm not saying I believe it, but the CIA is capable of anything as we all know.....

None of that theory is in line with the eyewitness statements or the physical facts.

Why is it so hard to acknowledge that Ted Kennedy killed a woman while driving (most probably drunk)?
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Post by Dan »

Ted Kennedy most certainly left Mary Jo Kopechne in that automobile.

Ted Kennedy most certainly didn't summon help when she could have been saved.

Ted Kennedy most certainly didn't inform authorties that there was an accident and that a woman was still trapped in the vehicle.

As George Killen , the State Police Detective-Lieutenant who investigated the accident, said - Senator Kennedy "killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger."
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Post by Bob »

Here is another theory from Robert Cutler, who wrote "You the Jury".

Here is what happened according to Cutler's analysis of the evidence. The Group hired several men and at least one woman to be at Chappaquiddick during the weekend of the yacht race and the planned party on the island. They ambushed Ted and Mary Jo after they left the cottage and knocked Ted out with blows to his head and body. They took the unconscious or semi-conscious Kennedy to Martha's Vineyard and deposited him in his hotel room. Another group took Mary Jo to the bridge in Ted's car, force fed her with a knock out potion of alcoholic beverage, placed her in the back seat, and caused the car to accelerate off the side of the bridge into the water. They broke the windows on one side of the car to insure the entry of water; then they watched the car until they were sure Mary Jo would not escape.

Mary Jo actually regained consciousness and pushed her way to the top of the car (which was actually the bottom of the car -- it had landed on its roof) and died from asphyxiation. The group with Teddy revived him early in the morning and let him know he had a problem. Possibly they told him that Mary Jo had been kidnapped. They told him his children would be killed if he told anyone what had happened and that he would hear from them. On Chappaquiddick, the other group made contact with Markham and Gargan, Ted's cousin and lawyer. They told both men that Mary Jo was at the bottom of the river and that Ted would have to make up a story about it, not revealing the existence of the group. One of the men resembled Ted and his voice sounded something like Ted's. Markham and Gargan were instructed to go the the Vineyard on the morning ferry, tell Ted where Mary Jo was, and come back to the island to wait for a phone call at a pay station near the ferry on the Chappaquiddick side.

The two men did as they were told and Ted found out what had happened to Mary Jo that morning. The three men returned to the pay phone and received their instructions to concoct a story about the "accident" and to report it to the police. The threat against Ted's children was repeated at that time.

Ted, Markham and Gargan went right away to police chief Arena's office on the Vineyard where Ted reported the so-called "accident." Almost at the same time scuba diver John Farror was pulling Mary Jo out of the water, since two boys who had gone fishing earlier that morning had spotted the car and reported it.

Ted called together a small coterie of friends and advisors including family lawyer Burke Marshall, Robert MacNamara, Ted Sorenson, and others. They met on Squaw Island near the Kennedy compound at Hyannisport for three days. At the end of that time they had manufactured the story which Ted told on TV, and later at the inquest. Bob Cutler calls the story, "the shroud." Even the most cursory examination of the story shows it was full of holes and an impossible explanation of what happened. Ted's claim that he made the wrong turn down the dirt road toward the bridge by mistake is an obvious lie. His claim that he swam the channel back to Martha's Vineyard is not believable. His description of how he got out of the car under water and then dove down to try to rescue Mary Jo is impossible. Markham and Gargan's claims that they kept diving after Mary Jo are also unbelievable.

The evidence for the Cutler scenario is substantial. It begins with the marks on the bridge and the position of the car in the water. The marks show that the car was standing still on the bridge and then accelerated off the edge, moving at a much higher speed than Kennedy claimed. The distance the car travelled in the air also confirms this. The damage to the car on two sides and on top plus the damage to the windshield and the rear view mirror stanchion [3] prove that some of the damage had to have been inflicted before the car left the bridge.

The blood on the back and on the sleeves of Mary Jo's blouse proves that a wound was inflicted before she left the bridge.[4] The alcohol in her bloodstream proves she was drugged, since all witnesses testified she never drank and did not drink that night. The fact that she was in the back seat when her body was recovered indicates that is where she was when the car hit the water. There was no way she could have dived downward against the inrushing water and moved from the front to the back seat underneath the upside-down seat back.

The wounds on the back of Ted Kennedy's skull, those just above his ear and the large bump on the top indicate he was knocked out. His actions at the hotel the next morning show he was not aware of Mary Jo's death until Markham and Gargan arrived. The trip to the pay phone on Chappaquiddick can only be explained by his receiving a call there, not making one. There were plenty of pay phones in or near Ted's hotel if he needed to make a private call. The tides in the channel and the direction in which Ted claimed he swam do not match. In addition it would have been a superhuman feat to have made it across the channel (as proven by several professionals who subsequently tried it).

Deputy Sheriff Christopher Look's testimony, coupled with the testimony of Ray LaRosa and two Lyons girls, proves that there were two people in Ted's car with Mary Jo at 12:45 PM. The three party members walking along the road south toward the cottage confirmed the time that Mr. Look drove by. He stopped to ask if they needed a ride. Look says that just prior to that he encountered Ted's car parked facing north at the juncture of the main road and the dirt road. It was on a short extension of the north-south section of the road junction to the north of the "T". He says he saw a man driving, a woman in the seat beside him, and what he thought was another woman lying on the back seat. He remembered a portion of the license plate which matched Ted's car, as did the description of the car. Markham, Gargan and Ted's driver's testimony show that someone they talked to in the pitch black night sounded like Ted and was about his height and build.

None of the above evidence was ever explained by Ted or by anyone else at the inquest or at the hearing on the case demanded by district attorney Edward Dinis. No autopsy was ever allowed on Mary Jo's body (her family objected), and Ted made it possible to fly her body home for burial rather quickly. Kennedy haters have seized upon Chappaquiddick to enlarge the sexual image now being promoted of both Ted and Jack Kennedy. Books like "Teddy Bare" take full advantage of the situation.

Just which operatives in the Power Control Group at the high levels or the lower levels were on Chappaquiddick Island? No definite evidence has surfaced as yet, except for an indication that there was at least one woman and at least three men, one of whom resembled Ted Kennedy and who sounded like him in the darkness. However, two pieces of testimony in the Watergate hearings provide significant clues as to which of the known JFK case conspirators may have been there.

E. Howard Hunt told of a strange trip to Hyannisport to see a local citizen there about the Chappaquiddick incident. Hunt's cover story on this trip was that he was digging up dirt on Ted Kennedy for use in the 1972 campaign. The story does not make much sense if one questions why Hunt would have to wear a disguise, including his famous red wig, and to use a voice-alteration device to make himself sound like someone else. If, on the other hand, Hunt's purpose was to return to the scene of his crime just to make sure that no one who might have seen his group at the bridge or elsewhere would talk, then the disguise and the voice box make sense.

The other important testimony came from Tony Ulasewicz who said he was ordered by the Plumbers to fly immediately to Chappaquiddick and dig up dirt on Ted. The only problem Tony has is that, according to his testimony, he arrived early on the morning of the "accident", before the whole incident had been made public. Ulasewicz is the right height and weight to resemble Kennedy and with a CIA voice-alteration device he presumably could be made to sound like him. There is a distinct possibility that Hunt and Tony were there when it happened.