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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:31 pm
by john geraghty
First of all let me say that I don't subscribe to every consiracy going. While I believe that there are discrepancies in the 9/11 investigation I do believe that they were brought down by Al Qaeda.
Now, the use of profanity should be curbed when discussing things in a civil manner on a forum.

Why do you assume that everyone here is a 'liberal', which is a blanket term for those who you do not consider to be conservative. Why must so many of your countrymen resort to generalisations such as these?
The term conservative is no longer relating to ecoomic policy, but rather a description of social policy, the same goes for 'liberal', both being basdardized forms of their original meanings.

Lastly I would like to take issue with your remarks about Cynthia McKinney, if you had done any research into Cynthia McKinneys actual statements with regard to 9/11 you would realise that the Washington post and afterwards Fox and CNN cut out significant parts of her remarks on a radio talkshow and lumped them together, making it seem like she insinuated that Bush had engineered 9/11.

Why is it that complex political and historical issues have to be so polarized into either conservative or liberal viewpoints?



Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:09 pm
by R Croxford
BLAM way to go bruce! As for Cappy he is no mind of matter.I wonder if he thinks Tim McNivin is a crackpot too. And as far as right or left we have enough right wing lover here already, Right Dan hehe. If you call Dan a Cynthia Mackinny lover he will freak.


Please use some kind of brain power in this forum. Please Cappy.

People who support 9-11 theory

Alex Jones
Andreas von Bülow
Barrie Zwicker
David Ray Griffin
James Fetzer
James "Jimmy" Walter
Jeff Rense
Jim Hoffman
Kevin Barrett
Steven E. Jones
Thierry Meyssan
Webster G. Tarpley


Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:25 pm
by R Croxford
Loose change ask as many questions as it tries to answer.
some facts are wrong some are right. There are enough right answwers to make you understand what it is saying. 9-11, JFK, RFK, MLK. Nam, WW11, WW1, Lincoln, Long, TWA 800 there are a ton of un answered questions on this planet, Is it wrong to try and find out the TRUTH?

Conspiracy buffs believe that E.O 11110 Has alot to do with JFK's Murder. But because one man says it is not true everybody agrees with him because he has a P.hd. A man with a P.hd say 9-11 is bull@#$% and no one want to believe him. Never understand that.
ok Cya Peace

Happy Holidays

oh and Dan, Merry Christmas so you do not think i am liberal nut.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:06 pm
by David Octopus
Croxford> The list of influential people questioning official narative of 9/11 goes way beyond that.. Check out for instance this list (and there are many more):

In terms of Cynthia McKinney, yes se has been setup by the media and her own political party which under the leadership of Pelosi and Clinton is basically that same rotten product as the Republican cowards..

Now, Cynthia was perhapas the only brave 9/11 aware congress person and she will go down to the history as a true and exceptional hero. I've already posted the links about the video from the public congressional hearing on 9/11 she sponsored and which was televised by C-span.. (transcript also available)

Re: Response To Cappy Erikksen:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:36 am
by McGoo
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Cappy Erikksen, Clemens Lowenstein, David Octopus, Bob, Jorgen Sjolen, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,While we agree, disagree, argue, debate, read, research, and analyze,we are tackling some of the most intricate issues that government, citizens, and researchers have ever tackled in the history of the United States of America, and probably the world.I am very proud overall of the JFK Forum, and the contributing members, and am proud to be among them.Cappy, as Clemens stated, please loose the attitude.Cappy, as Bob stated, what crackpot conspiracy theories ?Jorgen Sjolen, you are correct that the funniest part is that the "truth movement" can't even decide what really happened, it goes from bombs to thermite to nuclear bombs. You are partially right, but only because Investigators were not allowed to investigate the steel wreckage of the Twin Towers. President Bush literally ordered all of the structural steel from the aftermath of 09.11.2001 to be loaded on a slow boat to China, to be melted down, so the families of the victims would not be upset.So it is really funny how obvious the cover-up was, and is, to this very day. But not funny Ha Ha. Funny as in pathetic. Funny as in tragic.However, thermite, cordite, primer cord, shape charges, and not nuclear bombs were used. Traces of thermite were found on the Twin Tower beams, along with melted beams in the basement. Thermite heats to 3,000 degrees. Jet fuel heats to about 1,200 degrees. Special steel beams as used in the Twin Towers need 3,000 degrees to melt.Let's back up just a little to when Stalin and Churchill told Roosevelt that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. Churchill and Roosevelt knew to the day that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. But Roosevelt did not want another Depression. So oops, 3,000 + dead at Pearl Harbor, not including injured. But what the hell, that got us into WW II, the really big, big war.Viet Nam, still not a war. Still not sure why we went there. Oops, 59,000 + dead, and over 500,000 physically or mentally injured permanently. But what the hell, we got us a really big war for a while, and we gave the dead guys medals. Sorry to the 93,000 homeless Viet Nam Veterans alive today, we can't give you benefits because we need money for another war.And forgive us you 250,000 Homeless American Veterans of today, what more do you want. You got out alive. You get to live in cardboard boxes in a Free America. Hell, we now call you heroes. What more do you want. We need more money to increase this really good war that we got going.Bay of Pigs, yes we'll help. No, we change our minds. Oops 3,000 + killed, tortured, or missing over a 1 -2 year period.Operation Northwoods where the CIA and DIA agree to bomb America and Cuba and blame it on the Communists so we could really invade Cuba, and possible get people really behind Viet Nam. Wow, there's a fine plan.09.11.2001 Oops, 3,000 + dead or poisoned. No big deal, we got a war in Iraq. Wow, what a deal. So sorry about the 10,000 already killed, and only God knows how many injured. But what the hell, we got us another war for the war profiteers. Such a deal.Two theories:1. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.2. If we forget the lessons of history, we are all bound to repeat them, (or be victims of them.)Cappy, you are new, and the above referenced people who have responded to you are all regular JFK Forum Contributors. Please study the things that they, and the JFK Forum discusses, then let us know your thoughts after real research, and analysis. Cappy, anyway, welcome aboard. Just keep an open mind.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

An excellent post!

For anyone who believes the official story of 911 please tell me what caused the 'collapse' of WTC 7. It wasn't hit by any plane and it had only slight damage from the debris from the twin towers and fire.

Re: Response To Cappy Erikksen:

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:36 pm
by Jorgen Sjolen
McGoo wrote:Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Cappy Erikksen, Clemens Lowenstein, David Octopus, Bob, Jorgen Sjolen, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,While we agree, disagree, argue, debate, read, research, and analyze,we are tackling some of the most intricate issues that government, citizens, and researchers have ever tackled in the history of the United States of America, and probably the world.I am very proud overall of the JFK Forum, and the contributing members, and am proud to be among them.Cappy, as Clemens stated, please loose the attitude.Cappy, as Bob stated, what crackpot conspiracy theories ?Jorgen Sjolen, you are correct that the funniest part is that the "truth movement" can't even decide what really happened, it goes from bombs to thermite to nuclear bombs. You are partially right, but only because Investigators were not allowed to investigate the steel wreckage of the Twin Towers. President Bush literally ordered all of the structural steel from the aftermath of 09.11.2001 to be loaded on a slow boat to China, to be melted down, so the families of the victims would not be upset.So it is really funny how obvious the cover-up was, and is, to this very day. But not funny Ha Ha. Funny as in pathetic. Funny as in tragic.However, thermite, cordite, primer cord, shape charges, and not nuclear bombs were used. Traces of thermite were found on the Twin Tower beams, along with melted beams in the basement. Thermite heats to 3,000 degrees. Jet fuel heats to about 1,200 degrees. Special steel beams as used in the Twin Towers need 3,000 degrees to melt.Let's back up just a little to when Stalin and Churchill told Roosevelt that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. Churchill and Roosevelt knew to the day that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked. But Roosevelt did not want another Depression. So oops, 3,000 + dead at Pearl Harbor, not including injured. But what the hell, that got us into WW II, the really big, big war.Viet Nam, still not a war. Still not sure why we went there. Oops, 59,000 + dead, and over 500,000 physically or mentally injured permanently. But what the hell, we got us a really big war for a while, and we gave the dead guys medals. Sorry to the 93,000 homeless Viet Nam Veterans alive today, we can't give you benefits because we need money for another war.And forgive us you 250,000 Homeless American Veterans of today, what more do you want. You got out alive. You get to live in cardboard boxes in a Free America. Hell, we now call you heroes. What more do you want. We need more money to increase this really good war that we got going.Bay of Pigs, yes we'll help. No, we change our minds. Oops 3,000 + killed, tortured, or missing over a 1 -2 year period.Operation Northwoods where the CIA and DIA agree to bomb America and Cuba and blame it on the Communists so we could really invade Cuba, and possible get people really behind Viet Nam. Wow, there's a fine plan.09.11.2001 Oops, 3,000 + dead or poisoned. No big deal, we got a war in Iraq. Wow, what a deal. So sorry about the 10,000 already killed, and only God knows how many injured. But what the hell, we got us another war for the war profiteers. Such a deal.Two theories:1. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.2. If we forget the lessons of history, we are all bound to repeat them, (or be victims of them.)Cappy, you are new, and the above referenced people who have responded to you are all regular JFK Forum Contributors. Please study the things that they, and the JFK Forum discusses, then let us know your thoughts after real research, and analysis. Cappy, anyway, welcome aboard. Just keep an open mind.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.An excellent post!For anyone who believes the official story of 911 please tell me what caused the 'collapse' of WTC 7. It wasn't hit by any plane and it had only slight damage from the debris from the twin towers and fire.

This is the most wieved angel of them all , why does people always refere to this wiev?
Well , perhaps since this is the wiev where you can´t see anything about WTC 7

Please look at pictures from other angels before you decied what happend.

I am trying to find a picture i have seen before , but haven´t found it yet.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:41 am
by Cappy Erikksen
Sorry, I haven't had the time to view the 9-11 conspiracy videos yet. I'm out of town for the holidays. That's my excuse right now, but I'll have to admit I'm not really inclined to look at them. I just can't imagine myself seriously considering that this dirty deed was engineered and precipitated by Americans, whether employed by the government or not.

After reading the ad-homonym replies to my original post, I was wondering how I deserved such insults. Then I went back and re-read the post, and saw that I did indeed deserve them. I must have been in an unusually derisive and smart-alecky mood that day, so I apologize. Not for what I said but for the manner in which I said it.

I, however, cannot agree with the responses I read concerning the "facts" of the WTC disaster. It has been implied that I'm guilty of blindly accepting the government's conclusions about the WTC destruction. That is not the case, considering I don't even remember hearing what the government's conclusions were. I based my own conclusions on what I saw on the news reports and videos.

I firmly believe that a person can find whatever he's looking for if he tries hard enough. If you're looking for a conspiracy, with the firm mindset that you will find one and, in the process, ignore the facts that do not point towards a conspiracy, you will conclude that there was one, whether it's there or not. And you'll argue vehemently with anyone who disagrees, totally ignoring whatever facts they submit, simply because you refuse to be wrong. That's the way I see it with this 9-11 stuff.

The twin towers were destroyed by psychotic, suicidal muslim terrorists. That's it. It was the latest in a long string of terrorist attacks against the United States, in retaliation for our foolish policy of providing unlimited and unconditional military and financial support to the Zionist Jews who have been grabbing Palestinian land for decades. I wish they would all leave this country, move to the Middle East and continue their self-serving Holy War all by themselves; however, I know it'll never happen as long as they can keep conning Americans out of billions and billions of dollars to fund their never-ending quest for world domination. Jews are for the Jews. They care about nobody else and will blissfully surf on Goyem blood to attain their selfish goals.

So, the Islamic Jihadists aren't completely stupid. They know the Jews are nothing without American money and support, so they lash out at us and attack us mercilessly. Our government and media tell us it's because they're evil people. The majority of Americans don't want to violate the current U.S. laws of political correctness by uttering the word "Jew" in a derogatory fashion, so you have the impossible quagmire we're stuck in now. Ever since WWII, the Jews have enjoyed the luxury of being viewed as innocent victims. It's an aspect they created themselves and, according to them, they have an unparalleled monopoly on human suffering that we, the privileged majority, will never be able to understand.

The amazing thing is that people actually believe that nonsense!

You say that towers can't collapse straight down and that plane fuel can't melt steel. How do you know that? How many times in history have airliners been crashed into the world's tallest superstructures? If you don't know, I'll tell you...NEVER! Prior to 9-11, there wasn't a human being alive who knew for a fact what would happen under those circumstances. The world's greatest demolition experts, metallurgists, architects, construction engineers, etc. could theorize for days on end and not be able to come to a solid factual conclusion. Now it's happened, so now we know.

And just because you can't see the plane in the Pentagon video, does that mean there was no plane? Well, I didn't see a missile, so it must mean there was no missile either. I've never seen the Red Sea either, so should I reckon it doesn't exist? I sure haven't heard anything about eye-witnesses in the area at the time swearing that the Pentagon was actually hit by a guided missile. It's all just speculation and, in my opinion, pretty ridiculous speculation.

The Jihadists blew up the Twin Towers, just like they've been blowing up everything else for decades now. They admitted it, they're proud of it, and they unabashedly proclaim their burning desire to do it over and over again. That's good enough for me.

As for George Bush, I realize he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but neither do I think he's the great deceiver which the liberal Marxist media likes to portray him as. Actually I think he's a sincere but misguided man who mistakenly thinks he's doing the right things. I really can't understand all this unbelievable hatred that's being directed at him daily. I constantly have to hear people comparing everything stupid to George Bush and, to be honest, it's getting REALLY OLD. People love to call him a liar simply because they don't like him. These are the same people who supported Bill & Hillary Clinton all the way down the line, and still do, notwithstanding all the REAL lies, thievery and fraudulent behavior those two have been engaged in for as far back as anyone can remember.

Finally, if and when I post here again it will be concerning a conspiracy theory that I DO believe in. It's a conspiracy that is supported by piles of evidence, scores of valid witnesses and undisputable video footage. I mean, of course, the J.F.K. assassination, which happens to be the subject to which this site is supposedly dedicated. I will offend you no further about any other topic; namely, the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:53 pm
by Bob
Cappy, thanks for your reply. As I said earlier, any discussion is good discussion, as long as it is kept cordial. I for one, do believe that 9/11 and the JFK assassination are related. I also firmly believe that George W. Bu$h is NOT sincere, but really just another Bu$h that is carrying on his family's modus operandi. Check out these links and get back to me Cappy. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2

Notice the similarities between Operation Northwoods and 9/11? The same dark forces that planned Operation Northwoods were in on the JFK assassination.

Bob Alert

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:45 pm
by Jim Thompson
Bob wrote:Cappy, thanks for your reply. As I said earlier, any discussion is good discussion, as long as it is kept cordial. I for one, do believe that 9/11 and the JFK assassination are related. I also firmly believe that George W. Bu$h is NOT sincere, but really just another Bu$h that is carrying on his family's modus operandi. Check out these links and get back to me Cappy. ... ath_part_1 ... ath_part_2 the similarities between Operation Northwoods and 9/11? The same dark forces that planned Operation Northwoods were in on the JFK assassination.

Bob, in regard to the Twin Towers, have you ever considered the very strange fact that post collapse there was a gross absence of rubble, or debris? Question, not asked: Where the hell did the buildings go? Uh Oh!

Better see:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:02 pm
by Bob
Cappy, here is another list of things to ponder as we address the issue of Bu$h being sincere...

Who blocked investigations into the Bin Ladens shortly after his 2000 election?

Who sent $43M to the Taliban who protected Osama & eased passport requirements for Saudis 4 months before 9/11?

Who threatened intelligence officers w/ prosecution if they testified before the 9/11 commission?

Who refused to testify under oath, and only with Dick Cheney at his side, to the 9/11 commission?

Who attempted to prevent formation of the 9/11 commission and then cut funding for its investigations?

Whose present head of the Dept of Homeland Security blocked investigations into 9/11 financing regarding Osama & got one financeer who sent Osama $5M off, scot free?

Who said something like I don't think anyone imagined an airplane crashing into a building when his own military was using those very same exercises for years?

Whose oil company was rescued from bankruptcy by the Bin Laden's?

Who said he wasn't concerned about seeking out Osama after 9/11?

Whose friend, James Baker III, defended the Saudis against law suits by U.S. citizens related to the 9/11 victims slaugthered that day by 15 terrorists from Saudi Arabia.

Who fabricated the facts to make it look like Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so the U.S. could invade Iraq and kill 655,000 people, lose 3,000 of their own and torture thousands more?

Who won fixed elections in both 2000 & 2004, according to Censored News?

Who partnered w/ Bin Ladens of Bin Laden Construction that builds all USA bases even ones that Osama blows up?

While he sends innocent Americans to die in Iraq, who do you see holding hands with the Saudi Prince, who hates Iraq?

Whose family is making millions of dollars a day on the War in Iraq &, apparently, never wants to leave?

The answer...George "Dumbya" Bu$h.