Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

JFK Assassination
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Re: Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

Post by Bob »

Slav wrote:You have to read this ... amp=1Sorry Hillary. No mulligan for you.
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Re: Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

Post by Slav »

Lol that’s funny Bob.... I would also believe no mulligans but she seems to have a lot of saved mulligans up her sleave and the ways things have been going anything is possible, but can you imagine if it does, OMG.
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Re: Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob, what all you're saying maybe true in Trump having dealings with Russia, but that's not illegal? If it is than why wasn't Hillary prosecuted, and why did the FBI not investigate her or Obama in their dealings with Russia??? Trump's lawyers would have a field day with those situations. it's called selected enforcement of the law. Answer: Because Hillary and Obama wasn't a threat to the establishment!! So don't you like Trump for that? We are against the establishment aren't we???Trump is obviously ruffling the establishment's feathers.
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Re: Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK wrote:Bob, what all you're saying maybe true in Trump having dealings with Russia, but that's not illegal? If it is than why wasn't Hillary prosecuted, and why did the FBI not investigate her or Obama in their dealings with Russia??? Trump's lawyers would have a field day with those situations. it's called selected enforcement of the law. Answer: Because Hillary and Obama wasn't a threat to the establishment!! So don't you like Trump for that? We are against the establishment aren't we???Trump is obviously ruffling the establishment's feathers.Trump is actually ruffling the feathers of most of the country and the world. Why? Again, it's pretty obvious by his delusional statements (see lies) that he keeps making everyday, either to the media or via twitter. Draining the swamp? How about contaminating it even more. Just look at Trump's corrupt cabinet. One (Tom Price) is already gone and there will be more to follow.Again, I'm not a supporter of Hillary. Never was and never will be. Unfortunately the United States was given the choice of the two worst Presidential candidates in history in 2016. There was no way, "we the people", were going to win with either Humpty Trumpty or Hillary. Hillary would have been bad, that's for sure, and she did her fair share of lying as well, but no one, and I mean no one, has ever reached the stratosphere of Five Deferment Donald with his barrage of daily deranged lies.
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Re: Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Mother Russia

Post by Slav »

We the people will never win, the elected officials are having a big payday every time they get elected, the Clintons have millions 240 million and they started with almost nothing . ... te/amp/The bush have 400 million ... amp=1Every single president who gets into office all of a sudden gets rich, Trump is no difference, the only difference with trump is he doesn’t hide and pull the silent treatment like Clinton bush Obama , Trump sticks his foot in his mouth all the time, The problem with Trump and why they are all so upset is trump is trying to take all the gravy and cutting off everyone else’s gravy.I can’t immagine the deficit in 10-15 years and the level of corruption that will continue.I thought Trump was different and I was wrong, the CIA is the presidents ceo they make the decisions they make the rules and the president is only window dressing so the shadow government can make there shadow deals for millions and drugs and arms and gas and of course banking. The more time passes by the more money they will all make putting the economy in the hole. When you become president it’s a win fall since the bush and clintons set the stage for the norm and all future presidents will become rich in office and we the people will suffer.