JFK Assassination
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

“I told the FBI what I had heard [two shots from behind the grassy knoll fence], but they said it couldn't have happened that way and that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way they wanted me to. I just didn't want to stir up any more pain and trouble for the family.”– Kennedy aide Kenneth O'Donnell, quoted by House Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O'Neill Jr. in “Man of the House,” p. 178. O'Donnell was riding in the Secret Service follow-up car with Dave Powers, who was present and told O'Neill he had the same recollection. http://jfkfacts.org/ken-odonnell-on-grassy-knoll-shots/ By the way, O'Donnell had his own video from behind the Presidential vehicle, released years after, conveniently it "ran out of film" before they entered Dealey plaza.All the big wigs in the political establishment wanted the assassination behind them so they could get on with politics and "progress".Some good information in this slideshow: https://www.slideshare.net/1st_TSG_Airb ... mbushAbout 10 years ago I rented a place here in CT from Katya Ford an ardent Tsarist who knew the Russian community in Dallas well; who plays a prominent role in the Posner book: https://books.google.com/books?id=vV29A ... f=falseShe characterized both Oswald and deM as basically crazy though functional.
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Post by Bob »

I posted this in another thread about Kenny O'Donnell.Some of you have seen the movie, Thirteen Days, which I consider to be a classic. The movie goes through the whole episode of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the movie, the part of Kenny O'Donnell, who was basically JFK's Chief of Staff, was played by Kevin Costner.Anyway, on 11/22/1963, O'Donnell was in the motorcade, along with Dave Powers, in the car directly behind JFK's limo. Listen to what really happened, according to O'Donnell, as written by David Talbot, who read an excerpt from his book, Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO78JBnAB0wI think what Ken O'Donnell says gives even more credence to what those of us who believe Jimmy Files was the grassy knoll shooter. O'Donnell said the final shot "took the side of his head off", talking about JFK. Files said his shot hit JFK in the temple, although he was aiming for JFK's right eye. However, the shot from Chuck Nicoletti (Dal-Tex Building) hit JFK's head just as Files pulled the trigger and that is what caused the shot from Files to slightly be off target. The two simultaneous shots also caused the horrific head wound that all in the area would see.Now, O'Donnell does mention that there were two shots from the grassy knoll area. We know that Files only fired one. So why the discrepancy? Well, it could be the echo from the Fireball, which was very loud. Or, as Jimmy has said, he only knew of Chuck Nicoletti and himself as being shooters that day, but he also saw other hitmen or CIA operatives in Dealey Plaza that day, including Frank Sturgis and Richard Cain. Jimmy said he didn't know if there were other shooting teams involved in the plot. He only knew HIS orders.I also find it interesting that O'Donnell was pressured by the FBI (perhaps even J. Edgar Hoover) to tell the Warren Commission that the shots came from the TSBD area.
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Post by Bob »

The second shot that Kenny O'Donnell heard may have been the one fired further down Elm Street near the overpass. I believe that shooter was most likely Jack Lawrence.Please see this video by Doug Horne which talks about the three head shots that JFK received:https://www.fff.org/freedom-in-motion/v ... art-3/This entire presentation by Horne is fantastic and has five segments.Horne believes that JFK was shot in the head three times. One shot from behind via the Dal-Tex Building (Chuck Nicoletti), one from the picket fence area on the grassy knoll (Jimmy Files), which was the shot which hit the right temple area and one from further up near the overpass (Jack Lawrence) which went above JFK's right eye near the hairline.Horne believes that the shot above JFK's right eye exited in the left portion in the back of JFK's skull. He believes that the shot in the right temple was the one which caused the massive exit wound in the right-back of JFK's skull.
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

That makes perfect sense as they were going for a head shot; so you had more than one shooter, time was running out, they could not synchronize their shots in the short time available. Had Kennedy not been wearing the back/groin brace he might have gotten down quickly after the neck shot. The conspirators could not leave anything to chance. Had Kennedy survived injured, he probably would have had to be conciliatory with all his enemies in government. His allies were in the Roman Catholic establishment, academia, the media and Hollywood. His enemies were thick in the Bible belt, government intelligence, the military, Cuban Americans, etc.. He would have had to reach out for peace to move forward.
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Post by Slav »

https://www.google.ca/amp/www.news18.co ... 6855.htmlA trademark of Gayboy Hoover, that’s all he did is blackmail everyone with Sex stories but never put his Sex stories out front more corruption from the FBI the head of the FBI.