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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:24 pm
by Rob Waters
Bob wrote:More on Gary Mack. I have also debated Gary and he has done a complete 180 from the way he talked at the time of TMWKK (The Men Who Killed Kennedy). As I said, somebody got to Gary.

You're probably right Bob. He has to different stories. The one on TMWKK and Wim's email string with him. Also he supports the Gordon Arnold story. (Better Frits?)

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:49 pm
by frits arends
He has only one story after al, the script that there was more than one person behind the fence during the shoot out.

Many witneses that,s wath bothers me
I,t doesn,t fit at all with files story, who is the only one who say,s that there was only one person ( HIMSELF ) behind the fence during the shooting,all the others didn,t say so

Help me out

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:13 pm
by frits arends
Blame it on my father he,s the one who stil believes in Sarti

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:43 pm
by Nerrilyn Diefenbach
Did Oswald seduce Judyth Baker and draw her into the Cancer projects for the CIA or was it just a crazy coincidence?

I find the Judyth Baker angle really interesting. My understanding is that she was already involved in the cancer projects prior to meeting Oswald, but one has to wonder if Oswald had an ulterior motive in getting involved with her. I am looking forward to reading her book when it arrives - hopefully in the next few days.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:14 pm
by Rob Waters
frits arends wrote:I dont know if this is verry inteligent , your putting down Garry Mack as a persona non grata who only produces horse dump en alway,s did. To me he wrote that he is stil convinced that a person in uniform is firing from the knoll,were all human there are more people like Wim Dankbaar who are really experts,i am also obsesed for a very long time a good knowlege average, but non of us was there at the scene as it happened so besides the knowlege of some real facts it is also a matter of WHAT and WHO do you believe. Garry had some very interesting stuf, and did not buy or pay arnold or hofman and a few other people to say so.same goes voor Wim he did not buy or pay Jimmy Files for his story to say, there is no question in my mind about the honesty about it.Ed hofman absolutely speaks whit his hart this guy is telling his story over and over again in the same emotional way,arnold is perhaps les convinsing ????I have watched the film from files several times and lets be honest in this case tracking checking and tracing is now almost 2007 almost impossible all the sourses who could confirm anything are dead The one thing for me so that i dont throw away the entire story of filesis the simple fact that i really dont believe that Jack Ruby killed oswald because he thought that he would become a great hero.So the constant involvment of Ruby gives files story some more credibility for me, that the local mob also was involved and that is confusing in this case.and it doesn,t make things easer.I wil alway,s agree with Jim garisson that Ruby was a key figure either corsican or local mob

for the record, i wasnt putting down Gary as a person. I was just pointing out that his has 2 different stories. I guess someone got to him like Bob said. If i came across that way i apologize.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:16 pm
by Rob Waters
frits arends wrote:Blame it on my father he,s the one who stil believes in Sarti

The Sarti story could be true as well. Like i said in another post, in my opinion there is still 1 mystery shooter that was shooting from the front. I also cant rule out someone shooting from the drainage sewer.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:30 pm
by frits arends
No problem

Witch story do you believe at all ?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:52 pm
by Rob Waters
frits arends wrote:No problem Witch story do you believe at all ?

its hard not to believe them both. its entirely possible that they were both there behind the fence. Sarti doesnt have to be badgeman. im thinking if Files was where he said he was then Sarti could have been near the overpass. there is an angle in the fence where Files would not have been able to see him. Nicoletti in the Dal-Tex bldg and Maclom Wallace in the School book depository bldg. just my thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:14 pm
by frits arends
That would be quit a scenario Nicoletti,Files and Sarti all firering at Kennedy.

But to be honest not a big chance for that.
I repeat I dont discard files totaly.

But according to me the advantage stil goes to Ed Hofman this man is telling the thruth,so many people believe this honest man the way he acts and his emotions in comparising with files who looks a bit like sombody who loved to be the one who fired the headshot . and this script of a uniformed policeman badgeman ?

It is worldwide known that people like files if he has done what he claims
are gonna be wiped out as well ASAP just like a whole bunch of witeneses
That doesn,t fit at all

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:01 pm
by Rob Waters
frits arends wrote:That would be quit a scenario Nicoletti,Files and Sarti all firering at Kennedy.But to be honest not a big chance for that.I repeat I dont discard files totaly.But according to me the advantage stil goes to Ed Hofman this man is telling the thruth,so many people believe this honest man the way he acts and his emotions in comparising with files who looks a bit like sombody who loved to be the one who fired the headshot . and this script of a uniformed policeman badgeman ?It is worldwide known that people like files if he has done what he claims are gonna be wiped out as well ASAP just like a whole bunch of witenesesThat doesn,t fit at all

ive often wondered if thats why Johnson "died" so quickly after leaving office.