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Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:40 am
by Tommy Wilkens
Thank you Douglas for that reply. Of course you have the right to your opinion. I don't know how much time you have spent in The Netherlands or for that matter that part of Europe including Belgium.We have found that the people in general and the media in those two countries are much more open to listening and at least not condemning them even before given a fair look at what has been found. Of course here in the USA the whole thing would be discredited as it has been with almost everything that goes against the standard given story .We wouldn't even consider for a moment to have an American publisher for that reason alone.We are presently working with a Publishing House in The Netherlands that has shown great interest. And one in Great Britain that has shown interest also.

What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:13 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.28.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Tommy Wilkens - There was a poor, almost destitute woman from Englandwho had a dream. To write books designed for parents to read to their childrenas had been done in the past - when family structure and childhood held morestrengths and values.This woman's books were rejected by publishers far and near.She could not gain any support, or traction anywhere. Her husband betrayedher at this time.Then one day a publisher who didn't run with, and was not controlled by the herd,said that he would try. He and his company saw something that others did not.Her name was Ms. J. K. Rowling.Her books were called Harry Potter.She is now the only billionaire writer in the history of the world. One of her booksis sold somewhere in the world almost every thirty (30) seconds. My girlfriends daughters made me watch the movies. I enjoyed them. They are great. She isgreat. There is a movie about her life that was terrific.She had a dream. Imagine the publishers that told her she would fail, she was a nobody, and they had no interest in publishing Harry Potter. Much like the producers who told Sylvester Stallone they would pay him $ 200,000.00 for the Rocky franchise,without him because he wasn't marketable. Much like the producers who told ArnoldSchwarzegger to go home and open a gymnasium.Tommy -* If it was easy, everybody would do it.* It's not how hard you fall, it's how high you bounce.* Never, never, never give up ! Ever.Good Luck, and Best Regards.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:54 am
by Douglas 606
Tommy Wilkens wrote:Thank you Douglas for that reply. Of course you have the right to your opinion. I don't know how much time you have spent in The Netherlands or for that matter that part of Europe including Belgium.We have found that the people in general and the media in those two countries are much more open to listening and at least not condemning them even before given a fair look at what has been found. Of course here in the USA the whole thing would be discredited as it has been with almost everything that goes against the standard given story .We wouldn't even consider for a moment to have an American publisher for that reason alone.We are presently working with a Publishing House in The Netherlands that has shown great interest. And one in Great Britain that has shown interest also.Thanks for your reply, Tommy. I make the distinction between the media and publishers of books. To me, they are two very different cats.The book Files on JFK was printed in the USA and distributed by Independent Publishers Group of Chicago. IL. I assume they thought there is a market for the book. I do not know the details of the process of this publisher. The USA vanity publishers will, for a fee, print any book.The idea that you have found a book publisher in the Netherlands is excellent. I also hope that you can get TV,radio and magazine coverage for your research/book. Here in the USA, if you do not get talk-radio, TV and magazine coverage of a will have very small sales....microscopic. I can't stand Oprah but if one gets their book on her TV show...its guaranteed to sell in the many millions of copies. Americans are easily controlled by media hype. I'm not suggesting you would want to be on her TV show.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:10 am
by JDThomas
It may seem paranoid, but a number of respected authors have had trouble publishing books on the case that disagree with the official version of events.Start with Harold Weisberg - the former Special Invesigator for the US Senate. He had a number of close friends and associates in senior positions in the publishing industry; having read his draft of 'Whitewash' he was told that it was great stuff and would be a sure sell, but later the same executives came back and said that they couldn't touch it - he ends-up self publishing this book and subsequent follow-ups. David Lifton wrote a bestseller on the case, Robert Groden has also co-authored a bestseller. You would think that for commercial reasons alone, publishing houses would be 'chomping at the bit' for these guys to produce new books for them, but it appears that the direct opposite is true and that Groden at least is reduced to trying to self-publish also. Why in the name of all that is Holy would a publisher not want a best -selling author to produce them a new book?On the other hand, such as with the Bill O'Reilly's 'Killing Kennedy' book, if you support the official version, there is no end of garbage that publishers will release for you. Just think of the damage to the environment that was caused in printing Bugliosi's hefty doorstop - all those trees destroyed and pulped ... and for what?

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:45 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Well said JD...Lets just hope that we haven't come to the point were real research and real investigations that show sound findings are ignored and washed over due to some unseen powers that still lurk in the shadows.It would be a real shame if this happened. It would make researchers like myself and you and other members of this good forums time and energy spent reading and digging and uncovering facts a complete waste of time. There are still a few publishing companies out there who will take a look at new research and manuscripts like Feral House Publishing and Trine Day Publishing are good examples of publishing houses here in the U.S. that still believe in a good work of writing.

What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishing?

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.28.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. J. D. Thomas - Excellent Post that I could not agree with more.In your own very accurate manner, you hit the nail on the head. Youare not paranoid when you are precisely correct. My opinion.As you are not from America, yet have almost always made superblyaccurate analyses of our forest of problems through the trees from your distance, you, and maybe others will appreciate this.There have been at least thirty (30) U.S. Govenment and F.B.I. Investigations into the disappearance, apparent death, and locationof the body of one - James Riddle Hoffa - a/k/a, Jimmy Hoffa. Thishas been done at a U.S. Government Cost to the U.S. Taxpayers for aCombined Total Cost of almost $ 100 million dollars. There were two(2) more attempts to "dig up" Hoffa's body, or remains, in the last two (2) years alone by the F.B.I. If I recall correctly, Detroit, Michigan, andWisconsin were the two (2) most recent. Zero results.The same "powers that be" never made that effort with JFK over 50years. And it will be less the next 50 years.The Warren Commission was used to pacify Americans, and kick the can down the road of U.S. History. It is now entrenched permanently. U.S.History Will Never Be Re-Wriiten. My opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:05 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
I would like to thank you B.B. for that reply and interesting story. There is no giving up at this point. This project has been in the works now for over 5 years now the writing part and in total the study is well into 30 years.There will be no giving up.Some were out there there still are people who long for the truth.Those who are not afraid to stand against the wind against the tide against what we have all been told is the truth.These are the people we want to reach out to and show them the truth.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:19 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.28.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Tommy Wilkens - The effort, focus, and sincerity of whatyou and your wife have been attempting is admirable. Thatcomes through to me lound and clear.At least three (3) of the Greatest Military Leaders of all timessounded the Retreat Horn. When questioned by their men, the Leaders said we are not running away. We are advancing in another direction. Each re-grouped, and each won theirrespective battles. (BB paraphrasing).Never be afraid to re-group, or re-organize.Continued Good Luck.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:35 pm
by JDThomas
As an addition to the earlier comments about the difficulty authors face if they want to publish about the assassination if they challenge or disagree with the official WC line:Thomas G. Buchanan wrote "Who Killed Kennedy?" in 1964. His daughter, Marian Buchanan recently responded to a question as to why there were two versions of this bookAs I've said before, there are two versions of Who Killed Kennedy? The first was published in the Spring of 1964 in 19 foreign countries, including the UK by Secker & Warburg, but declined by American publishers at that time. What most of the American publishers were telling my father's literary agent was that the American public was not sufficiently "interested" in seeing an American edition, but I understand one unnamed publisher told him that, in their case, they were basically being "cowardly" by declining. So Secker & Warburg started selling their UK edition in the US. Apparently they were selling steadily at Macy's for a time -- that was the push needed to get the US publishers finally interested, and Secker & Warburg had to stop selling in the US once the Putnam edition came out, in November 1964.So US publishers, with the biggest market in the world did not this that there was sufficient interest in the recent murder of their own president when at least 19 other countries did? Thus US Publishers would not touch it until they were losing money to an overseas publisher .... secrets remain silent until money talks.

Re: What are we waiting on? What is all of this accomplishi

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:11 pm
by Dealey Joe
WHAT ARE WE WAITING ON ?WHAT IS ALL OF THIS ACCOMPLISHING ?Kevin Fisher raised some very powerful, thought provokingpoints and questions in early 2007.Now over 7 years later how true do his points and questionsstill ring ?What should we do with all of this knowledge ?What can we do with all of this knowledge ?Can anything be done other than writing more books ?Is this just a glorified hobby with no end or real purposein sight ?What do you really think ?My common sense tells me we're going nowhere fast.