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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:26 pm
by Slav ... 731337Bush formed a Pegasus asssasination unit


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:27 pm
by Slav
Gene Tatum´s warning-letter toRoss PerotApriL 2, 1996Mr. Ross Perot12377 Merit Drive, Suite 1700Dallas, Texas 75251Dear Mr. Perot: As you prepare your part for the 1996 election, there is a matter of grave importance of which you should be aware. In 1992, as the commander of a Black Operations Unit called Pegasus, I was ordered to neutralize you. Our unit was directed by President George Bush. It was determined, at some point, that the party you formed was counter to the American system of democracy. In his attempt to justify your neutralization, Mr. Bush expressed not only his concerns of the existence of your party and the threat which you posed to free America, but also the positions of other U.S. and world leaders. I had been associated with Pegasus since its creation in 1985. The original mission of our unit was to align world leaders and financiers with the United States. I was personally responsible for the naturalization of one Mossad agent, an army Chief of Staff of a foreign government, a rebel leader and the president of a foreign government. However, all of these missions were directed toward enemies of the United States as determined by our President. And because of this, I did not hesitate to successfully neutralize these enemies. The order to neutralize you, however, went against all that I believed in. It was obvious to me that his order was predicated on a desire to remain as President rather than a matter of enemy alignment. I refused the order. I further advised the President and others that if you or members of your organization or family were threatened or harmed in any way, I would cause information, which includes certain documents, to be disseminated from their six location in various areas of the world, to various media and political destinations. I walked away from Special Operations that day with the knowledge that you don't just quit! I felt, however, that the time capsules protected my interests. In September of 1994, I received a telephone call demanding the information "or else"! It was obvious from the day that I walked out of Pegasus that to turn this information over would be terminal. In the spring of 1995, I was arrested by the FBI for wire fraud. Although innocent of the allegations, I found it necessary to plead guilty in an attempt to tarnish my credibility. It was my opinion, as I expressed it to Rodriguez when he called and threatened me, that if I were of questionable credibility, the documents, if ever made public, may not stand on their merits. With this arrest, I seized upon the opportunity to effect this theory. I have since been indicted on a second fraud charge, this time involving my wife. I will not allow this prosecution of my family. I have notified the authorities that I intend to put my case to a jury. While awaiting the trial, I wrote a book involving my first experience in the Special Operations arena. Since then, I have found that the U.S. Marshals have instructed the Hillsborough County jail to hold me, regardless of the outcome of the instant trial charge. The new charge is treason. For over twenty years I have dedicated my skills, time, and health to my country. I have been shot, tortured, and beaten, fighting to protect our right to form and run our government as determined by the Constitution. I am not aware of an active Pegasus unit. I had assumed it was disbanded with the new President. I am suspect to the existence of some organization, however due to my present situation. Someone had to orchestrate this. So, be aware and alert! Good luck and good fortune in 1996. Sincerely, Dois Gene Tatum1301 N. Morgan St.Tampa, Florida 33062


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:45 am
by Phil Dragoo
After Morales' retirement in 1975 he returned to his native Arizona, and died of a heart attack in 1978. HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi traced Morales to Wilcox, Arizona shortly after Morales' death, and talked to his lifelong friend Ruben Carbajal and a business associate of Morales' named Bob Walton. Walton told Fonzi of an evening, after many drinks, when Morales went into a tirade about Kennedy and particularly his failure to support the men of the Bay of Pigs. Morales finished this conversation by saying "Well, we took care of that son of a bitch, didn't we?" Carbajal, who had been present at the confession, corroborated it.Excerpted from: David Morales - We Took Care of That SOB ... htmlHarvey and a few men ran the assassinations for the CIA. David Morales, Tony Sforza and Rip Robertson were Miami officers that specialized in operations and assassinations projects against Castro. Johnny Roselli was a ZR/RIFLE officer and no stranger on how to take somebody out. Commander Hal Feeney was part of the hunt to kill the Castro brothers in 1962. These six men had both the skills and the motivation to kill the President. Most of these men had a military background and were intimately familiar with special operations. Their training alone mandates their inclusion as among the most likely suspects for the planning of the assassination.Excerpted from:Bill Simpich, State Secret Conclusion ... n.htmlNote: Roselli and Harvey were friends and died in 1976, Roselli in July, Harvey in June.Luciano's 1947 visit to Cuba laid the groundwork for Havana's subsequent role in international narcotics-smuggling traffic. Arriving in January, Luciano summoned the leaders of American organized crime, including Meyer Lansky, to Havana for a meeting, and began paying extravagant bribes to prominent Cuban officials as well. The director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics at the time felt that Luciano's presence in Cuba was an ominous sign.*****Burdened by the enormous scope and diversity of his holdings, Lansky had to delegate much of the responsibility for daily management to local gangsters. (49) One of Lansky's earliest associates in Florida was Santo Trafficante, Sr., a Sicilian-born Tampa gangster. Trafficante had earned his reputation as an effective organizer in the Tampa gambling rackets, and was already a figure of some stature when Lansky first arrived in Florida. By the time Lansky returned to New York in 1940, Trafficante had assumed responsibility for Lansky's interests in Havana and Miami.Excerpted from:McCoy, "Luciano Organizes the Postwar Heroin Trade" The intertwining of the drug trade with U.S. intelligence and drug enforcement is discussed in detail in:Douglas Valentine, CIA and the Drug Business from above:As Siragusa said, “The FBN could never knowingly allow two pounds of heroin to be delivered into the United States and be pushed to Mafia customers in the New York City area, even if in the long run we could seize a bigger haul.” [For citations to this and other quotations/interviews, as well as documents, please refer to the author’s books, The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War on Drugs (Verso 2004) and The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics, and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA (TrineDay 2009). See also]And in 1960, when the CIA asked him to recruit assassins from his stable of underworld contacts, Siragusa again claimed to have refused. But drug traffickers, including most prominently Santo Trafficante Jr, were soon participating in CIA attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro.Note: John Newman says the Castro operation covered the JFK assassination plot--and, indeed, the mention of Roselli and Harvey, Trafficante and others will remind us of the animus described in Double Cross, that Joe Kennedy promised immunity, but Bobby targeted the organization.Helms to Harvey to Maheu to Roselli to Giancana to Nicoletti to Files--intelligence, military and organized crime operate on basic principles of secrecy, compartmentalization, deniability--always an alibi, never a record.Factor in the military aspect, that Lemnitzer's Operation Northwoods was rejected, as was the call for invasion of Cuba, attack on the Soviet bases there, even a first strike on the Soviets, not to mention the withdrawal from Vietnam and we have a triple: intelligence, crime, military.David Rockefeller represents the financial aspect, as does the use of Nelson in the "Conquest of the Amazon" [Colby & Dennett, 1994) and as Ford's whitewasher of CIA. Horne has shown JFK fought a "war" with the national security establishment. DiEugenio presents JFK's respect for "Third World Nationalism" in opposition to the bipolar Cold War business model.Steel magnates, oil tycoons--nobody loves Raymond.The "Unspeakable": a generalized consensus crystallizing as a precipitate in a beaker of acid--the king must die.


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:24 am
by Slav
I have to wonder why was everyone killed off even Harvey and Why Phillips and Hunt were able to live a long life.