A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Chapter

JFK Assassination
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Post by JDB4JFK »

WOW!!! WHAT DID I MISS??? If you go away from this forum for a few days you will miss some stuff, because stuff happens??? LOL!!!
Posts: 92
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Post by Slav »

Jd it’s your fault because you were not here to neutralize the situation, here we have another great sincere long time member that I forgot to mention what would we do without him.
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Post by JDB4JFK »

Ok Slav you can blame me I will take the blow for you and anyone else on this forum. Sorry I missed the fireworks I hope everyone is getting along now, because were all, I HOPE, after the same goal. "THE WHOLE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, SO HELP ME GOD!!!"