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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:32 pm
by Ricky Clow
Finally I can talk about the assassination with people that will listen!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:37 pm
by dankbaar

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:44 pm
by Bob
Jim, here is a story from the Wayne Madsen Report...

November 28, 2006 -- George W. Bush Library and associated "think tank" to be located in Dallas. The contest to host the George W. Bush Presidential Library and an associated think tank is down to Baylor, Southern Methodist University, and the University of Dallas. The final decision is expected by December or January. The library's fund is already drawing large million dollar donations from the Bush family's wealthy cronies.The choice of Dallas to house the Bush II Library provides a stark reminder of the impact the Bush family has had on U.S. history over the past 45 years, Dallas is also the home of the infamous Texas School Book Depository (TBSD). The founder of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol, David Harold Byrd, owned the TSBD when it was used as one of the snipers nests for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.The Louisiana Civil Air Patrol (LCAP) figures prominently in the hit on Kennedy. The LCAP alumni include David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, James R. Bath (George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard pal and fellow AWOL truant as well as Bin Laden family agent), Charles Rogers, Barry Seal and John Liggett. A WMR reader who is also a JFK assassination expert maintains that Rogers was one of the three tramps in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963. The researcher also claims that CIA operative Chauncey Holt (also one of the three tramps) confirmed that Rogers was one of the tramps. Seal was a notorious CIA drug runner who was gunned down with George H. W. Bush's telephone number in the trunk of his car (George deMohrenshildt, Lee Harvey Oswald's Dallas handler upon Oswald's return from the USSR, also had George H. W. Bush's home address and phone number in his personal address book just before his suicide and 1978 Congressional testimony on his knowledge of the JFK assassination). Liggett was a Dallas mortician who was considered the best in face and head reconstruction, and was utilized to alter the true appearance of JFK after the assassination. And the Bush connections with a Kennedy assassination do not end with November 22, 1963 in Dallas. A recent Guardian report places CIA agent David Morales -- who was posted as the Operations Chief at the CIA's JM/WAVE station and was involved in the CIA's ZF/RIFLE plot to kill Fidel Castro -- at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968. The same Morales that was part of Operation 40 and was in the TSBD according to witnesses in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. The Guardian quotes Morales as saying in 1973, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." Veteran US State Department diplomat Wayne Smith, the former chief US liaison officer in Havana, said Morales told him at a Buenos Aires cocktail party in 1975 that "Kennedy [Bobby] got what was coming to him." Smith said that Morales "hated the Kennedys, blaming their lack of air support for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961."Morales was part of the CIA's Operation 40, the program that engineered the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. Morales' colleagues included Luis Posada Carriles (who carried out the terrorist bombing of the Barbados-Trinidad-Havana Cubana Flight 455 off the coast of Barbados in 1976) and Orlando Bosch (involved in the 1976 car bombing of former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier and his American colleague on Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Washington's Embassy Row in 1976). Both terrorist acts were signed off and approved by then-CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Another Operation 40 principal was former CIA Director and Florida Representative Porter Goss.Morales died of a heart attack in 1978, just a few week before testifying before the House Committee on Assassinations.The George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas will serve as a perception management center that will work in tandem with the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University to hype the "good deeds" of America's most hideous and atrocious family.

I know from corresponding with Wayne that he has a source that told him about Bath. I know Wayne is a diligent investigator (he used to work for the NSA), and he would never put anything out there unless he checked the sources and the credibilty of the facts.

Just the LCAP

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:49 pm
by Jim Thompson
Bob wrote:A WMR reader who is also a JFK assassination expert maintains that Rogers was one of the three tramps in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22, 1963. The researcher also claims that CIA operative Chauncey Holt (also one of the three tramps) confirmed that Rogers was one of the tramps.

[Only quibble: Holt said that he knew Frenchy as known to him by the name of Montoya (sp?) & that he (Holt) only understood that Montoya might have been Rogers. Frenchy doesn't look like Rogers' photos. So no problem.]

Madsen's article is correct & accurate. Only thing I'd like to see are his sources on Charles Rogers, James R. Bath, Barry Seal and John Ligget being in the LCAP (which I don't doubt, by the way). Can you ask Madsen to point to his sources only on this?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:00 pm
by dankbaar
Jim, what pictures do you compare to conclude that Rogers does'nt look like the tramp?

By the way, Lois ' full presentation is now online



Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:47 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:Jim, what pictures do you compare to conclude that Rogers doesn't look like the tramp? By the way, Lois ' full presentation is now online

Wim, is not functioning for some reason. This site, I believe, had a rare photo of Charles Rogers from a 1956 Shell Oil Company ID badge which shows a face completely different from Frenchy's face as seen in the 3 tramp photos. The Shell photo is found in The Icebox Murders by Hugh & Martha Gardenier, which book also contains a number of other Rogers photos which in no way resemble Frenchy. Also, the front cover of the paperback The Man on the Grassy Know shows a blow up of the Shell photo: again, no resemblance to Frenchy.

Lois has done a great job with Charles Harrelson & Chauncey Holt resembling 2 of the tramps, but Rogers=Frenchy is a mismatch. If you go to you will find a blowup of Frenchy with an inset photo of Carlos Montoya from a snapshot taken in Panama in 1968. Yes, Montoya & Frenchy look to be the same man, but neither Montoya nor Frenchy resemble Rogers. Now, this is NOT to say that Rogers was not CIA, nor is it to say that Rogers was NOT in the LCAP.

By the way, Holt was correct in reporting Frenchy to be Montoya, which corroborates Holt's general account.

Re: Mismatch

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:01 pm
by Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson wrote:dankbaar wrote:Jim, what pictures do you compare to conclude that Rogers doesn't look like the tramp? By the way, Lois ' full presentation is now online, is not functioning for some reason. This site, I believe, had a rare photo of Charles Rogers from a 1956 Shell Oil Company ID badge which shows a face completely different from Frenchy's face as seen in the 3 tramp photos. The Shell photo is found in The Icebox Murders by Hugh & Martha Gardenier, which book also contains a number of other Rogers photos which in no way resemble Frenchy. Also, the front cover of the paperback The Man on the Grassy Knoll shows a blow up of the Shell photo: again, no resemblance to Frenchy. Lois has done a great job with Charles Harrelson & Chauncey Holt resembling 2 of the tramps, but Rogers=Frenchy is a mismatch. If you go to you will find a blowup of Frenchy with an inset photo of Carlos Montoya from a snapshot taken in Panama in 1968. Yes, Montoya & Frenchy look to be the same man, but neither Montoya nor Frenchy resemble Rogers. Now, this is NOT to say that Rogers was not CIA, nor is it to say that Rogers was NOT in the LCAP.By the way, Holt was correct in reporting Frenchy to be Montoya, which corroborates Holt's general account.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:40 am
by Paul
Does anyone know if Holt also claimed that he not only named "Frenchy" as Montoya, but also said that it was in fact Charles Rogers?
In other words: who claimed (or said it for the 1st time) that "Frency" was Charles Rogers, was it Holt or someone else? And did Holt only tell that "Frenchy" was Montoya???

Gr. Paul.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:21 pm
by dankbaar
Holt didn't say it was Rogers, he said he knew the man as Montaya and others claimed it was in fact Rogers. Holt didn't dispute that.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:49 pm
by Paul
dankbaar wrote:Holt didn't say it was Rogers, he said he knew the man as Montaya and others claimed it was in fact Rogers. Holt didn't dispute that. Wim

OK, that's the answer then to my question!
So it can be that Charles Rogers is NOT one of the three tramps in the 7 pictures and that it was Montoya instead, like Holt said?
Also: I believe Holt once said he saw Montoya years later somewhere.
Charles Rogers is supposed to be dissapeared? Or maybe even dead?

Gr. Paul.