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Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:18 am
by Slav

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:20 am
by Slav
Lorenz also testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations where she claimed that Sturgis had been one of the gunmen who fired on John F. Kennedy in Dallas from the South Knoll The committee dismissed her testimony, as they were unable to find any other evidence to support it.

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:21 am
by Slav

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:32 pm
by Dan Allen
JDB4JFK wrote:I have struggle with the trajectory of the kill shot also. Bullets follow in straight lines is what I was taught. Last time I brought this up on this forum I was told it was because it was an exploding bullet. A shot from the North Grassy Knoll would lead you to believe it would have exited JFK in the back left. The entrance wound to JFK'S right temple, and exit at bottom right of back head does line up better as either a shot from straight on and to the left of JFK, OR South Knoll. When William (Bill) Cooper was working for Naval Intelligence he claimed he came across paperwork saying the driver shot JFK. I think unless we see the original Zapruder film we may never know!Once again Welcome!!!JDB4JFK, Thank you for sharing what you know and reason from it. While I am relieved to discover I am not on my own here, I am deeply concerned by the disappointing fact that the people dedicated to discovering and making known the truth and unable to coordinate our findings in a way that filters falsehoods from our knowledge base. More on this below.Slav wrote:Welcome DanGet a watermelon have 4 guys shoot at it from different angles you will see what happen, when I did it believe me we didn’t use exploding bullets and that Mellon sure looked like jfk head.Slav, I looked at the pictures you posted, showing angles from various positions to JFK's head. That is perfect and helpful for where I am getting up speed on this. You are one of my heroes for today.I would love to get some watermelons a gun, then find a place to shoot it from various directions. I have several problems using this approach:1. I don't have a gun. 2. I am not willing to believe the only way for me to find out what would happen in the experiment you suggested is for me to go out and conduct the experiments myself. There must an authoritative and correct record of such experiments already available. I actually found experiments bound to be as good as any I would make on a first attempt. Slav, here is my question to you. If I did the watermelon shooting the it needs to be done, and my own facsimile of JFK's head, how do I get from there to seeing the evidence for all the different shots fired?

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:08 pm
by Slav was an FBI agent years ago who revealed James Files in jail as the grassy knoll shooter

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:12 pm
by Slav in ZACK Shelton in the search bar and you will have a lot of reading

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:44 am
by Slav

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:20 am
by Chris Reiss
Hi Dan, and welcome! (I'm also new here.)You may find this recent post persuasive. My claim is the motion of the 5 other people in Kennedy's car are caused, and can only be caused, by an explosive shell from the direction of the grassy knoll. ... f=1&t=4033

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:03 pm
by Bob Lilly

fullsizeoutput_1233.jpeg (43.32 KiB) Viewed 1047 times

Re: Did A Shot from the Grassy Knoll Kill the President?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:02 am
by Jim Carney
Hello Everyone,I too am new to this forum. I was 18 at the time JFK was killed and I was horrified by it all. I watched live on TV Ruby shooting Oswald. My background on the JFK assassination is that I have read many books on the subject, maybe 20, and at least half of them say Oswald was the lone gunman. The one thing that Oswald said in the police station, “I’m just a patsy”, told me he didn’t kill JFK. Who says that? My take on it is Carlos Marcello and Santo Trafficante conspired to kill the president and the fatal shot was fired accidentally by a Secret Service Agent riding the car behind the Presidents limo. No one book has ever convinced me that the author had the big picture. But two books put it together for me; “Mafia Kingfish” by John H. Davis and “JFK – The Smoking Gun” by Colin McLaren. Mafia Kingfish gives you a very good understanding of Carlos Marcello and why he did it and Smoking Gun explains the final shot.As a side note, I have seen what happens to a watermelon that was shot with an AR15, small entry hole, explosive exit wound, and the watermelon slowly rolls backwards.