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It is not I....

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:30 pm
by James Horak
It is not I that would have it all one way or the other. YOU would blame
secret societies, rather than face your government's own encroachments
upon the Constitution and its adherents.
You do this to construct a narrow focus for some reason, rather than to
examine each single incident of abuse with its own particular evidence. No,
you simply write it off to the boogey man "secret society" without engaging
in the actual and knowable history attached to how your GOVERNMENT got
so absurdly tied up in its own shoe-laces.
Let's start with the Hughe's Corporation. Know anything about that? Of course I could go into a mountain of details and we would still come back to your fixation on the boogey man. You are ignoring the substance of everything I've presented to fasten on an argument that goes nowhere even if your were proved right. The reason for that is that once you dispense with the Masonic hooks into government, they would be replaced by someone else's.
You fix the problem by strict and severe oversight of the GOVERNMENT, not
the would-be denizens that can go only as far as the instrument of GOVERNMENT allows them.
Had Earl Warren, J. Edgar Hoover, CIA Director Bush, Richard Nixon and
his dirty tricks people really been opened up and revealed to the Ameican
people, treason and murder would have been the subsequent appropriate
charges. You have any idea how far that would have gone to "clean up"
systemic narcissism?
Now before you go into your little song and dance about what they belonged to, think about all those other affiliations they have as well.
In many cases it is the engraver of a calling card you are trying to convict
simply because that calling card was found at the scene of the crime.
Yours is the backwards methodolgy of police today when they try and
win indictments against organized crime. They go after stoolies (they have
to subsequently support for the rest of their lives) to win indictments
against bosses. Only you want to make a belief out of it.
But here we can get them all, all those that have participated or protected
while in the public starting at the top on the basis of charges of
betraying the oath. It will take you the rest of the way, catching all the
mice feeding on the crumbs even, of the cheese the rats stole.
Or, are you afraid of that?

Let me say...

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:25 pm
by James Horak
Mr. Boggs,
Allow me to say, from reading your last post, it's obvious I've offended you
and that I'm aware I haven't been as "nice" in this thread as have you.
But this isn't merely polemics to me. You may indeed have spent your time building a penetrating look into the Masons and found intrigue and a
mindset that could easily support the actionable misdeeds this site searches the truth about.
But there is one thing you show, at least throughout this thread, a keen
disparity with, how others can be manipulated through their own particular
mindsets...even the Masons. There are men from and in the GLOBAL
intelligence community that have mastered the techniques to do this.
Henry Kissinger and his underling Schervardnadze were such men. They
were able to organize out of chaos, from the fall of the USSR, an
organization that will come equal to the Green Dragon in its abiity to
organize and manipulate crime in a part of the world second only to the
orient in size and resource. How Schervardzadze engineered the fall of
Georgia is a model of how all former Soviet Republics will eventually fall
to a growing montrosity that will become far worse in all aspects than
any Soviet rule.
And you know, these men manipulate secret societies through the limitations mindsets like yours impose on the ability to consider beyond
such preset disposition. All because so many had rather stand around and
advocate timidly the clothes closet "demon" rather than face the monsters
refashioning your world.
Pardon me, but in this theater I see your arguments as divorced from
significance as that ecumenical argument of the Middle Ages over how
many angels could dance on the head of a pin.
Respectfully yours,

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:09 pm
by Billy Boggs
Mr. Horak, to continue.


Heh, heh.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:24 pm
by James Horak
Yes, now I'm "suspect" because of my knowledge and my penetration into
the kinks of your arguments (knowing you too well.)
Did I call you a detractor?....I should have added a few things.
It's all to be expected, these forums always have marginalists lke you,
who either control the drift each significant thread takes or crap on it.
Had I known the fruitlessness of offering anything here I wouldn't have
What other little controlled counterparts do you allow in your sandbox?
(Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question. Now that I know what your are
you hold not one whit of interest to me further.)
Whatever I may post here, if I ever do again, I would appreciate you
unblemishing. From the start, I have nothing to say to you on my own
initiative and now I have nothing to say in response to your initiative.
I'll spare this forum my take on you, although you've asked for it.
Now, leave me alone. 28 years of nothing is still nothing.

Editing threads.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:49 am
by James Horak
I really don't appreciate that this thread has been edited when Mr. Boggs
can quote from texts I submitted that are now removed with only his
piece-meal "quotes and not the full context.
Is that supposed to be fair?
Even the initial post I made, in support of the topic, is gone.
I wonder why that is.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:11 am
by Bob
This is a marathon, not a sprint. Welcome to the forum. Sometimes it gets a little dicey. So what! Billy and I have not always agreed on every subject matter here. But we respect each other's opinion. Forums bring debate. Debate is good. Debate is what is truly missing in America today.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 11:50 am
by dankbaar
Sorry, I found the argument between you and Billy, pretty boring and academic , but above all distracting from the original subject.

If you start a new thread: Horak vs Boggs, or something like that. I will not interfere with anything.


Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:25 pm
by Billy Boggs
To you Wim, I do appologize. It is never my intention to misdirect a thread, or to attack the messenger. In the future I will keep a keener eye on my replys.

Bob, thank you for pointing out some basic rules of debate. I can be very head strong when it comes to some subjects.

To Mr Horak, your request that I leave you alone will be considerd. But I must point out that my discussions did not attack your personallity or self. I did not debate you, but did your opinion. I never attack the messenger, only the message. If you took my debate as a personal attack against you then thier must be a reason. On the other hand, you did offers some very compelling insigts into the unseen connections and to this I thank you. At any rate, Wim will be our final Judge in the matter.

I am willing to follow Wims Suggestion concerning this debate about "SS" to a different thread.

Re: Dr. Mary's Monkey

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:58 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
06.23.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.28.2007 - Mr. Wim Dankbaar Posted this Headline.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,study, thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.