Forward head snap puts a whole new perspective on things

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Francois Bertrand:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Francois Bertrand,

I have just read your above referenced post. I am in complete agreement with you.

Jimmy Files has always maintained that Charles Nicoletti, his mentor, fired at JFK from the Dal Tek building. I discussed this matter as recently as this week with Jimmy.

Thank You for your post. I enjoy your posts, and have added you to my list of favorites. I'm sure that we may disagree at some point, as only robots always agree. If I ever get too carried away, yell back, or have Bob or Jim Thompson yell at me for you.

There appears to be the best nucleus of steady JFK Forum contributors ever, and it is steadily growing.

I believe that my dear, trusted, respected friend, Wim Dankbaar is starting to achieve the synergy that I predicted years ago that he would some day achieve. Wim, not sure when it arrived, but that day is here.

Thank You to all of the great JFK Forum Members.

And Thank You to Mr. Wim Dankbaar for having the passion, and the vision to see this JFK Forum from its very inception, to this point in time.

Best Regards to all positive JFK Forum Members, whether we always agree, or not.

Let's dare to see how great we can become together. I personally think that within the JFK Forum, with Wim's guidance, we collectively, have amassed the greatest collection of JFK Assassination material anywhere, perhaps save the Secret CIA Directorate's Files on the matter.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by francois bertrand »

"or had been used in conjunction with a sabot"


A sabot refers to a device named for a shoe used in a firearm or cannon to fire a projectile or bullet that is smaller than the bore diameter. Since a strong seal is needed to trap propellant gasses behind the projectile, and keep the projectile centered in the barrel, something is needed to fill the gap between projectile and barrel, which is the role of the sabot. Made of some lightweight material (usually plastic in smallbore guns, and aluminum - and in earlier times; wood - in cannon), the sabot usually consists of several pieces held in place by the cartridge or a loose connection. When the projectile is fired, the sabot blocks the gas, and accelerates the projectile down the barrel. When the sabot reaches the end of the barrel, the shock of hitting still air pulls the parts of the sabot away from the projectile, allowing the projectile to continue in flight.
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by francois bertrand »


The first shot was fired by HOWARD HUNT from the Southeast corner window of the Texas School Book Depository. HEMMING told this researcher: "The shot came from the other end of the floor. Through the trees into the President's back. That's the shallow wound in his back. This shot penetrated Kennedy's back, and exited through his throat. This was the meat shot. This was for fucking planting evidence. This wasn't for killing anybody. If it kills him, that's good too. It has the force to penetrate. If you're dumpin' the blame, the set up weapon has to be fired into a soft area of the target. You don't want this round deforming, because it has to be identified later on by the lands and grooves on it. This is not a killing round. This one went in two and a half inches. We figured that CPR popped the fucker out. This was the magic bullet. It's the closest shot. You can't miss. It's from 60 feet away. That's what pistol people shoot at. He's up six floors and 20 feet across the street. With a shoulder stock and a scope you ain't gonna miss with a sabot round. A sabot round is a plastic and metal sleeve that holds a smaller round. The sabot round they used was copper. Remember somebody talking about something making marks on the sidewalk? That's the sleeve. The jacket around the sabot round that breaks. It's a small piece, it can't be identified. It's got a wax filler. As that hot powder is burning, those gases are pushing it out. As soon as it leaves the muzzle the wax melts in a sabot round jacket that has already started to separate. The whole idea is, they fucked up totally, it became a pristine round because it was so underpowered. That's why I figure it was a short barreled sabot round. If they fired it out of a Carcano, they'd have been nothing left of the slug, except cadaver samples, and you can't see any rifling at all. What sends the flag up is the pristine round that tells the whole fucking story of professionalism. The use of silenced weapons and sabot rounds."
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Post by dankbaar »

Yeah, but Hemming has said so many things. The whole CIA was in Dealey Plaza acccording to him. It was so cramped on that sixth floor they were hanging out the windows.

francois bertrand
Posts: 93
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by francois bertrand »

yep, but the meat shot make sense... sabot and silenced weapons for planting evidence. Most people heard a shot sounding like a firecracker.... Using a sabot is also a theory in the book "Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza" by Craig Roberts....
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Forward head snap puts a whole new perspective on things

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.08.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.23.2007 - Mr. Kevin Fisher Originally Posted this Very Important and Interesting Headline and Supporting Information.A short discussion developed from many of the Original JFKMS Forum Members. Many interesting nuances, points, and opinions developed.This Subject Matter often raises many Point and Counter-Point Discussions.What has been resolved in Your Mind's Eye in the Last 10 Year's with this Subject Matter.(11.08.2017, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.